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» The problem of climax and denouement in the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm

The problem of climax and denouement in the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm

Test on the play "Thunderstorm"

1. Determine the genre of the work.

A) family drama

B) tragedy

B) comedy

D) an alloy of comedy, drama, lyrics and tragedy

D) psychological drama

2. Determine the type of conflict in The Storm

A) philosophical

B) social

B) ideological

D) internal

D) family

3. Correctly arrange the elements of the composition of the play

A) exposition 1) conversation between Boris and Kudryash

B) plot 2) the death of Katerina

C) climax 3) Katerina's monologue before death

D) denouement 4) conversation between Kuligin and Kudryash

4. By what artistic means is the motif of the isolation of the city of Kalinov conveyed in the play?

A) symbolic details - gate, fence

C) lack of communication with other cities

D) in the manner of Feklusha

5. What is the purpose of A.N. Ostrovsky introducing exposition into the play?

A) to emphasize the positive traits in the character of Kuligin

B) outline the conflict between youth and the older generation in the play

C) indicate the place of action and the situation in the city

D) describe the Volga coast

6. The system of images in the play is based on the principle of "pairing". Identify these pairs among the indicated characters, write down the pairs.

Katerina, Wild, Curly, Kabanikha, Boris, Barbara _____________________________________


7. Indicate the names of the heroes of the play, which, from the point of view of classical drama, can be called "superfluous characters"

A) barbarian

B) Curly

B) Kuligin

D) Shapkin

E) half-crazy lady

8. In the confrontation of which heroes did the main conflict of the play express itself most clearly?

A) Boar - Wild

B) Katerina - Barbara

C) Katerina - Kabanikha

D) Katerina - Tikhon

9) How the “dark kingdom” and its “victims” are represented at the level of characters. Indicate those and others in the list with the letters t, g.

Wild, Katerina, Tikhon, Feklusha, Boris, Kabanikha, Barbara, half-crazy lady, Curly.

10) A.N. Ostrovsky widely uses symbolic images in the play. Highlight them.

Path, perpetual motion machine, grave, thunderstorm, key, white scarf.

11) Which of the heroes of the play speaks of Kabanikh like that? “... hypocrite, sir! The beggars are clothed, and the household eats completely ... "

B) Kuligin

B) Katerina

12. Which of the Russian critics owns such an assessment of the image of Katerina: “Katerina's whole life consists of constant internal contradictions; every minute she rushes from one extreme to another ... "

A) N.A. Dobrolyubov

B) D.I. Pisarev

B) V. G. Belinsky

D) I.A. Goncharov

13. At what point does the main climax of the play take place?

A) Katerina's public confession of sinfulness

B) a date with Boris

C) in Katerina's monologue at the end

D) there is no climax in the play

14. Why was A.N. Ostrovsky called "the father of the Russian national theater"?

A) revived the traditions of A.S. Griboyedov, A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol

B) he wrote 47 plays

C) with his work had a decisive influence on the subsequent development of Russian drama

D) built the building of the Maly Theater


6. Katerina-Kabanikha; Boar-Wild; Boat-Boris; Varvara-Kudryash; Katerina-Barbara

9. t: Wild, Feklusha, Kabanikha, half-crazy lady.

Well: Katerina, Tikhon, Boris, Varvara, Kudryash.

10. Grave, key, white handkerchief

The traditional literary plot (the love triangle Tikhon-Katerina-Boris) became the basis of the conflict between the old and the new in Ostrovsky's drama The Thunderstorm, not only during the change of generations, but also during the change of the old and the new in the social life of Russia.

Composition of the drama "Thunderstorm"

Ostrovsky the playwright turns the familiar story about his wife's betrayal and her suicide into a study of the social conditions of life of the Russian nation.

The first act is the start of the conflict

  • characterization of the customs of the city of Kalinin

("Cruel morals, sir, in our city");

  • characteristics of the masters of life:

(“Look for another scolder like our Savel Prokofievich!”),


(“The hypocrite, sir! He clothes the poor, but completely ate the household”);

  • the weak-willed position of Boris and his love for Katerina

(“And I, apparently, will ruin my youth in this slum”, “... and then I decided to fall in love with a fool”);

  • Tikhon's lack of will

(“I, it seems, mother, not a single step is out of your will”);

  • confrontation between Katerina and Kabanikhi

(“It’s in vain to endure someone who is pleased!”);

  • Information about childhood and love for Boris

(“I lived, didn’t grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild”, “After all, this is not good, it’s a terrible sin, Varenka, why do I love another?”);

  • the theme of a thunderstorm (the image of a wild lady) and Katerina's religiosity

(“How, girl, do not be afraid! Everyone should be afraid”, “... death will suddenly find you, as you are, with all your sins, with all evil thoughts”).

The second act is the development of characters and plot

A) Tikhon's departure, Katerina's last attempt to confront the internal conflict

(“Take me with you”, “I don’t know how to break out, and you still impose on me”, “How can I love you when you say such words?”),

Katerina's consent to a date with Boris

(“I should even die, but see him”)

B) development of the character of Kabanikh, attitude towards young people

(“But, too, stupid ones, they want to do their own thing ...”)

C) information about the character of Katerina

(“I was born that way, hot!”, “I don’t know how to deceive ...”, “And if I get sick of it here, then no force can hold me back”);

D) information about the character of Barbara

(“And I was not a liar, but I learned when it became necessary”);

Act three - continuation of the traditional plot of betrayal of her husband

Here there is a meeting between Katerina and Boris, as well as the development of a social conflict.

A) the development of the characters of Wild and Boar in the dialogues

(“You deliberately bring yourself into the heart”);

B) a generalization of the customs of the city of Kalinin in Kuligin's monologue

“Robbing orphans, relatives, nephews, slaughtering the household so that they don’t dare to utter a word about anything that he does there”;

C) Boris' character development: Boris is not Katerina's protector (Kudryash's warning:

“Just you look - you’ll make trouble for yourself, and you will introduce her into trouble”);

D) meeting and explanation of Katerina and Boris. Katerina as a stronger character

(“If you hadn’t come, it seems I would have come to you myself”).

The fourth act is the climax of the plot

It is accomplished in Katerina's confession:

A) the development of the plot in act IV prepares the climax at the end of the act: the conversations of the Kalinovites on the boulevard, the conversation between Diky and Kuligin, the dialogue between Varvara and Boris about Katerina’s condition after Tikhon’s return

(“She’s trembling all over, as if her fever beats; she’s so pale, rushing about the house, as if she’s looking for something”, “thumps at her husband’s feet, and she will tell everything”),

a thunderstorm over the city, the conversion of a wild lady

(“Where are you hiding, stupid! You won’t get away from God!”);

B) the climax is the recognition of the heroine. Features: on the boulevard, in front of people, which exacerbates the conflict.

Fifth act - denouement

A) Tikhon's weak-willed behavior

“Mother eats her, and she, like some kind of shadow, walks unanswered”, “I’ll take it, but I’ll drink the last one I have; let mamma then nurse me like a fool");

B) the flight of Varvara and Kudryash as a way out of the "dark kingdom":

C) the development of an internal conflict in Katerina's soul: the impossibility of life in the Kabanov family and the fear of suicide as a sin

(“... I have already ruined my soul”);

D) meeting with Boris - an analogue of farewell to Tikhon before leaving for Moscow

(“Take me from here with you! - I can’t, Katya. I’m not going of my own free will”),

a decision is ripening in Katerina

(“Don’t let a single beggar through, give and order to everyone to pray for my sinful soul);

E) resolution of external and internal conflict - the decision to die. Death as deliverance

(“Won’t they pray? Whoever loves will pray… But they will catch me and bring me back home by force… Ah, hurry, hurry!”);

E) reaction to Katerina's suicide as a protest against this world

“Her body is here, take it; and the soul is no longer yours: it is now before the Judge, who is more merciful than you!”,

“Mama, you ruined her! "


The Thunderstorm is Ostrovsky's most decisive work,

according to , the composition and plot of this work make Katerina one of the most determined heroines of Russian literature.

Materials are published with the personal permission of the author - Ph.D. O.A. Maznevoy (see "Our Library")

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The climax (from the Latin “culmen” - peak, highest point) is the point of the highest tension, rise, development of action. In Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm", such an action is Katerina's conflict against the old Kalinovsky way of life, as well as a love plot line, an internal struggle between a sense of duty to Tikhon and sincere love for Boris.

In the sixth scene of the fourth act, the scene of repentance of the protagonist becomes the point of intensification of both social and love conflicts.

A clue to the fact that this particular part is the climax,

This episode begins with the words of Kabanikha: “Where are you hiding, stupid! You can’t get away from God! ”, She hints that Katerina’s fate cannot be avoided anyway, and the scene when Tikhon, Martha and Varvara surround Katerina becomes a turning point, a hot point for both conflicts. The girl is no longer able to keep everything in herself and, finally, tells about all her sins. At that moment, she experiences various feelings: fear of a thunderstorm and Kabanikha, pangs of conscience before Tikhon, resentment for betraying Boris.

She probably hoped

That repentance will at least somehow mitigate her guilt, but this does not happen - the conflict between the views of Katerina and the older generation of the city of Kalinov has not been exhausted, and Kabanikha begins to torment her again. She does not allow her to hug Kabanov, as she hated the main character even more.

The impossibility of resolving social and internal conflicts makes the main character commit suicide.

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Tests on the drama "Thunderstorm". 1 option

1) To which literary direction should the drama "Thunderstorm" be attributed?


  1. classicism


2) The action of the drama "Thunderstorm" takes place

    in Moscow

    in Kalinov

    In Petersburg

    In Nizhniy Novgorod

3). Determine the climax of the drama "Thunderstorm"

      scene with key

      Katerina's meeting with Boris at the gate

      Katerina's remorse before the inhabitants of the city

      farewell to Tikhon and Katerina before his trip

four). What invention did the self-taught mechanic Kuligin want to introduce into the life of his city?


        lightning rod


        printing press

5). What was the name of Katherine's husband?

6). Determine the main conflict of the drama "Thunderstorm"

    love story of Katerina and Boris

    love story of Tikhon and Katerina

    clash of tyrants and their victims

    description of the friendly relations between Kabanikhi and Dikiy

7). Which of the heroes of the drama "Thunderstorm" "envy" the deceased Katerina, considering his own life the forthcoming torment?

9) What type of literary characters did Kabanikha belong to?

1. hero-reasoner

2. "tyrant"

3. "extra person"

4. "little man"

10. What character are we talking about?

He has such an establishment. With us, no one even dare to utter a peep about a salary, scolds what the world is worth. “You,” he says, “how do you know what I have in mind? Can you know my soul somehow? Or maybe I will come to such an arrangement that five thousand ladies will be given to you. So you talk to him! Only he had never in his entire life come to such and such an arrangement.

3. To bring the play to life

12) What character are we talking about?

13) A.N. Ostrovsky reveals the socio-typical and individual properties of the characters of a certain social environment, which one:

1. Manor-noble

2. Merchant

3. Aristocratic

4. Folk

14) Who owns the words

Everyone should be afraid! It’s not that it’s scary that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts.



Option 2

1) What was the name of Katerina's lover?

1. Kuligin

2) Who arranged the meeting between Katerina and Boris, stealing the key from Kabanikh?

2. Kuligin

3. Barbara

3) Who owns the phrase: “Do whatever you want, if only it was sewn and covered”?

  1. Katerina

  2. Kabanikhe

4) What did the self-taught mechanic Kuligin invent?


    lightning rod


    perpetuum mobile

5) What phrase ends the drama "Thunderstorm"?

    Mother, you ruined her, you, you, you...

    Thank you, good people, for your service!

    Good for you, Katya! And why did I stay in the world and suffer!

    Do with her what you want! Her body is here, take it; and the soul is no longer yours: it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!

6) What character are we talking about?

He will first break upon us, abuse us in every possible way, as his heart desires, but all the same will end up giving us nothing, or just a little. Moreover, he will begin to tell that he gave out of mercy, that this should not have been.

7) Who said:

“My parents raised us well in Moscow, they spared nothing for us. I was sent to the Commercial Academy, and my sister was sent to a boarding school, but both suddenly died of cholera, and my sister and I remained orphans. Then we hear that my grandmother also died here and left a will so that our uncle would pay us the part that should be paid when we come of age, only with the condition ... "

8) Who said:

“Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and bare poverty. And we, sir, will never get out of this bark.

  1. Boris Grigorievich

9) The play "Thunderstorm" shows the life of the patriarchal merchant class, wild, limited, ignorant. Is there a person in Kalinov capable of resisting the laws of this life? Name it:


3. Barbara


11) Katerina confesses her “sin” to Tikhon in public. What made her do it?

1. Feeling of shame

2. Fear of the mother-in-law

4. Desire to leave with Boris

12) A.N. Ostrovsky reveals the socio-typical and individual properties of the characters of a certain social environment, which one:

1. Manor-noble

2. Merchant

3. Aristocratic

4. Folk

13) The play "Thunderstorm" was written in

14) The city in which the action of "Thunderstorm" takes place is called

    Nizhny Novgorod


3 option

1) A.N. Ostrovsky reveals the socio-typical and individual properties of the characters of a certain social environment, which one:

1. Manor-noble

2. Merchant

3. Aristocratic

4. Folk

2) What literary genre can the play "Thunderstorm" be attributed to (as defined by the author):

1. Comedy

3. Tragedy

4. Lyrical comedy

5. Tragicomedy

3) What is the main conflict in the play "Thunderstorm" (according to Dobrolyubov):

1. This is a conflict between generations (Tikhon and Marfa Ignatievna)

2. This is an intra-family conflict between a despotic mother-in-law and a recalcitrant daughter-in-law.

3. This is a clash of tyrants of life and their victims

4. This is a conflict between Tikhon and Katerina

4) The play "Thunderstorm" begins with a lengthy, somewhat drawn-out exposition in order to:

1. Intrigue the reader

2. Introduce the heroes directly involved in the intrigue

3.Create an image of the world in which the characters live

4.Slow down stage time

5) The action of the play “Thunderstorm takes place in the city of Kalinov. Do all the heroes belong (by birth and upbringing) to the Kalinov world? Name a character that is not one of them:


5. Barbara

6) Which characters are (in terms of conflict) central in the play:

1. Boris and Katerina

2. Katerina and Tikhon

3. Wild and Boar

4. Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova and Katerina

5. Boris and Tikhon

7) N.A. Dobrolyubov in the article “A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom” called Boris “an educated Tikhon” because:

1. Boris and Tikhon belong to the same estate

2. Boris only outwardly differs from Tikhon

3. Boris is very different from Tikhon

8) The play "Thunderstorm" shows the life of the patriarchal merchant class, wild, limited, ignorant. Is there a person in Kalinov capable of resisting the laws of this life? Name it:


3. Barbara

1. Feklusha



10) Why do the events in the play "Thunderstorm" take place in a fictional city?

11) Savel Prokofievich Dikoy does not participate in the main conflict of the play "Thunderstorm". Why did Ostrovsky introduce this character?

1. To oppose Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova

2.To create a holistic image of the "dark kingdom"

3. To bring the play to life

4.To emphasize the prowess and scope of the Russian merchants

12) What class did Katerina Kabanova's parents belong to?

1. Nobles


5. Raznochintsy

13) Katerina confesses her "sin" to Tikhon in public. What made her do it?

1. Feeling of shame

2. Fear of the mother-in-law

3. Desire to atone for guilt before God and pangs of conscience by recognition

4. Desire to leave with Boris

14) N.A. Dobrolyubov called one of the heroes of the play "Thunderstorm" "a ray of light in the dark kingdom." It:


2. Marfa Ignatievna


question number

1 option

Option 2

question number

3 option

question number

The play "Thunderstorm", which by genre conceived as a comedy, was written by A. N. Ostrovsky in 1859. The work at first did not imply a tragic denouement, but in the process of writing, in addition to the conflict of an individual, a socially accusatory orientation was clearly manifested. As Ostrovsky wrote the play "Thunderstorm", we bring to your attention a summary of the actions.

In contact with

Characteristics of the work

  1. What literary genre (story or short story) does the work "Thunderstorm" belong to?
  2. How many actions are in the play "Thunderstorm"?
  3. Briefly: what formed the basis of the plot of the drama "Thunderstorm"?

"Thunderstorm" is a play in five acts, according to the definition of the author - a drama, but with a genre originality:

  • it's a tragedy, since the conflict situation leads to tragic consequences;
  • present comic elements(ignorant reasoning of the characters in the play);
  • the drama of events is enhanced by the everyday routine of what is happening.

The place where the main actions of the play unfold was not chosen by Ostrovsky by chance. City of Kalinov- this is a collective image of the Volga cities and villages, the beauty of which was fascinated by the playwright.

But the splendor of the endless expanses of water, the discreet charm of nature cannot overshadow the cruelty, indifference, hypocrisy, ignorance and tyranny that reign behind the facades of elegant houses.

The work, as it is now customary to say, based on real events". In a wealthy Moscow merchant family, the Klykovs, the daughter-in-law committed suicide by throwing herself into the Volga, unable to withstand reproaches and harassment from her mother-in-law, not finding protection from her husband and suffering from secret love to another man.

It is this tragedy of action that is main story line works. However, if Ostrovsky had only limited himself to the ups and downs in the life of a young woman, the work would not have had such a resounding success and would not have caused such a resonance in society. Here outlined and denounced conflict between old traditions and new trends, ignorance and progress, freedom-loving and savagery of the petty-bourgeois world.

Getting to know the characters

The author wrote a story about dramatic events in the form of a play for stage performance. And any scenario begins with a description of the characters.

main characters

  • Katerina is a young woman of pleasant appearance, God-fearing and meek disposition, with a quivering soul and pure thoughts. Daughter-in-law in the family of merchants Kabanovs.
  • Boris, an educated young man who was brought up in a different environment, came to the maintenance and work of his uncle. Suffering from the surrounding reality. Secretly in love with Katerina.
  • Kabanikha (Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova) is a wealthy widowed merchant's wife. Powerful and despotic woman, sanctimoniously covering up her tyranny by honoring her elders.
  • Tikhon Kabanov - Katerina's husband and Kabanikh's son - soft-bodied, weak-willed person completely subservient to the will of the mother.


  • Varvara is the sister of Tikhon, the daughter of Kabanikhi. The girl is “on her own mind”, living on the principle of “if only everything was sewn and covered”. However, good to Katherine.
  • Curly - Varvara's boyfriend.
  • Wild Savel Prokofievich is an influential merchant in the city. Main character traits rudeness, rudeness and bad manners especially to subordinates.
  • Kuligin is a local craftsman who dreams of bringing progressive ideas to the city.
  • Feklusha is a stranger dark and uneducated.
  • The lady is a crazy old woman who sends curses to women.
  • Glasha - servant at the Kabanovs.

Of no small importance in the play is such a figurative concept as a thunderstorm - harbinger of a cleansing storm for some and God's warning for others.

Important! It should be remembered that the play was written by Ostrovsky in the pre-reform years (1861 - year). The spirit of upsurge reigned, the expectation of cardinal changes, and it was at this time that the playwright wrote about the awakening of the personality, in which Dobrolyubov would later see "something refreshing and encouraging."

For a more detailed acquaintance with the intricacies of the storylines of each action of Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm", their summary is presented below.

Action 1

Volga bank, public garden in the foreground. Kuligin is delighted with the opening views. Curly is slowly walking nearby with a friend. The swearing of the Wild is muffled, which does not surprise anyone - this is commonplace. This time he scolds his nephew Boris. Curly sympathizes with the unenviable fate of his relative Diky, who is forced to endure the oppression of his uncle, a tyrant. He himself is one of the few who can repulse the rude man: “He is the word, and I am ten; spit, let it go."

The swearing is heard more and more clearly - Savel Prokofievich and his nephew are approaching those present. Taking his soul away, shouting, Dikoy leaves. Boris explains the reason for his forced humility: he and his sister after the death of their parents left orphans. The grandmother in Kalinovo wrote off the inheritance to her grandchildren upon reaching the age of majority, and they will get it on the condition of respectful and respect for uncle. Kuligin assures, they say, this is a utopia: no one will appease the Wild. Boris despondently agrees: and so he works for his uncle for free, but there is no use. It is wild and stuffy for him in Kalinovo - not at all the same upbringing and education was given to his sister and Boris by their parents, who previously lived in the capital.

Feklusha enters with a townswoman. Bogomolka praises the beauties of the city, extolling the decency and virtues of the merchant class, noting the Kabanov family. After the departure of the women, Kuligin commemorates the glorified Kabanikha with an unkind word for her hypocrisy and domestic tyranny. He shares with Boris his thoughts on the invention of the "perpetum mobile". For a perpetual motion machine they give a lot of money that can be used for the benefit of society. But there are no funds for details - such a vicious circle. Boris, left alone, sympathizes with Kuligin, but, remembering his ill-fated lot, he also leaves the garden.

Kabanikha appears with his family: son Tikhon with his wife Katerina and Varvara Kabanova. Merchant harasses son with accusations in his excessive love for his wife and disrespect for his mother. The words are intended for Tikhon, but are clearly directed against the daughter-in-law. Tikhon justifies himself in every possible way, wife tries to support him, which causes a storm of indignation of the mother-in-law and a new wave of accusations against Tikhon, they say, he cannot keep his wife in strictness, and not far from his lover.

After the departure of his mother, Tikhon pounces on Katerina, accusing her of accusations Mother. Not wanting to listen to his wife's objections, he goes to Dikoy to pour vodka into his troubles.

Offended woman complains to her sister-in-law difficult life with mother-in-law, recalls how well, cleanly and freely she lived with her mother: “in the summer I go to the spring, wash myself, bring water and that’s all, water all the flowers in the house.”

There was a solid splendor - embroidery with gold, church prayers, stories of wanderers.

It's not the same in the husband's house. Katya admits to Varvara that bad, sinful thoughts visit her, which she cannot drive away with any prayers. BUT in her heart she has thoughts of one person.

Then an abnormal lady appears, who showers the girls with curses, promising them hellish torment for their sinful beauty. Thunder is heard, a thunderstorm is approaching, and the girls hastily run away.

Action 2

Act 2 begins in the Kabanovs' house. Feklusha and Glasha settled down in the room. The wanderer, watching the work of the maid, tells her what is happening in the world. And even though her story replete with lies and ignorance, Glasha listens attentively and with interest to the stories of Feklusha, for her this is the only source of information.

Katerina and Varvara appear. They help equip Tikhon for a week-long business trip to another city. Feklusha has already left, Varvara sends the maid with things to the horses. Katerina recalls an old childhood story, when she ran away to the river from resentment for something, sailed away in a boat and then found her ten miles away. This testifies to decisiveness of her character- despite the meekness of the girl, she endures insults for the time being. Varvara asks Katerina who is the person for whom her heart aches. This is Boris Grigorievich - nephew of Savel Prokofievich. Varya assures Katerina that the man also has feelings for the young woman, and after her husband leaves, she needs to arrange a meeting for lovers. The woman is frightened and resolutely denies this proposal.

Kabanikha and his son come in. She continues to instruct Tikhon how to behave in the city, what instructions to give to his wife in her absence: listen to the mother-in-law, do not argue with her in anything, do not sit like a lady without work, do not exchange glances with young guys. Tikhon, embarrassed, pronounces these instructions after his mother. Then they are left alone. Catherine, as if anticipating trouble, asks Tikhon not to leave her alone or take her to the city with him. But Tikhon, exhausted by his mother's chicanery, is glad to break free at least briefly, at least for a short while.

Farewell scene. Katerina hugs her husband, which causes dissatisfaction with her mother-in-law, they say, she doesn’t know how to say goodbye, as it should.

Then Kabanikha talks for a long time about the fact that after the departure of the old people - the last zealots of antiquity, it is not known how the white light will stand.

Left alone, Katya, instead of calming down, comes to full confusion and thoughts. No matter how much she loaded herself with work, her heart was out of place.

Here Varvara pushes her to meet with Boris. Having changed the key to the garden gate, Varya hands it to Katerina. She tries to resist these actions, but then gives up.

Action 3

Kabanova and Feklusha on a bench in front of the merchant's house. They grumble at the vanity of life in big cities, rejoice at the silence and tranquility in their own town. Appears wild, he is drunk. According to his habit, inflamed, begins be rude Kabanikhe, but she quickly upsets him. Wild is justified by the fact that the workers upset him in the morning, demanding a calculation, and it is for him that a knife is sharp in the heart. Having cooled down in a conversation with Kabanikha, he leaves.

Boris has not seen Katerina for a long time and saddened by this circumstance. Kuligin stands nearby, reflecting on the plight of the poor, who are not up to the beauties of nature - they are in need, but in work, and the rich are surrounded by high fences with dogs, and they are thinking how to rob orphans and poor relatives. Kudryash and Varvara approach. They hug and kiss. The girl informs Boris about the upcoming meeting with Katerina and determines a place in the hollow.

At night, having arrived at the place of rendezvous, Boris meets Kudryash playing the guitar and asks him to give way to him, but Kudryash resists, arguing that this place has long been “warmed up” for meetings with his girlfriend.

Then Boris confesses that he has an appointment with a married lady here. Curly guess what there is a speech and warns Boris, because married women are forced.

Varvara comes and takes Kudryash away. The lovers are alone.

Katerina tells Boris about the ruined honor, about God's punishment, but then they both surrender to the power of feelings. Ten days of absence of a husband are spent in unity with a loved one.

Action 4

Partially destroyed gallery, its walls are painted with pictures of the Last Judgment. Here people hide from the rain. Kuligin begs Savel Prokofevich to make donations for the installation of a tower clock in the garden and a lightning rod. Wild swears, calling names Kuligin an atheist, for a thunderstorm is the punishment of the Lord and no piece of iron can be saved from it.

After Tikhon returns home, Katerina is in complete disarray. Barbara tries to reason with her and teaches her not to show any kind. She herself has long become adept at tricks and deceptions. Having not achieved what she wanted, Varya reports to Boris about Katya's condition.

Thunder rumbles are heard. The Kabanov family comes out in full force. Tikhon, noticing wife's weird condition, jokingly asks her to repent of her sins. Noticing how pale Katerina is, the sister cuts off her brother's joke. Boris approaches them. Katya on the verge of fainting. Varya signals the young man to leave.

Then the Lady appeared and began to frighten the pullets for secret sins, and Katerina could not stand it - in a frenzy admits to having a secret relationship with another man throughout all ten days. The scene of repentance of the main character is the culmination of the play.

Action 5

Again the embankment of the Volga, the city garden. It's getting dark. Tikhon approaches Kuligin, who is sitting on a bench. He crushed by Katerina's confession and sends to her the wishes of a fierce death, then begins to feel sorry for her.

The boar sharpens her daughter-in-law at home, like rust, but Katya wordless and unresponsive wanders around the house like a shadow. Everything is wrong in the Kabanov family, even Varya and Kudryash ran away from home.

But Tikhon hopes for a favorable outcome- after all, the lover, at the behest of his uncle, refers to three whole years in Siberia. Glasha comes and says that Katerina is missing.

Katerina is alone, quietly wandering, talking to herself. She is already decided to end my life though it is a great sin. One thing keeps her - the desire to finally see her beloved and receive forgiveness from him for bringing misfortune on him. Boris comes to the call of his beloved. He is affectionate with her, says that he does not hold a grudge against her, but fate separates them, and he has no right to take someone else's wife with him. Katerina cries and asks Boris to distribute alms to the poor on the way to remember her soul. She walks towards the shore.

Kuligin, Kabanikha and Tikhon watch the search for the missing Katerina. People with lanterns search the shore. Tikhon is confused by terrible assumptions, The boar blames the daughter-in-law wanting to draw attention to yourself. Voices are heard from the coast: “The woman threw herself into the water!” Tikhon tries to run there, but mother does not let him, promising to curse. They bring a drowner. Katerina beautiful after death. Kabanov blames his mother for the death of his wife.

Ostrovsky A N - Thunderstorm summary

Thunderstorm.A.N.Ostrovsky (brief analysis)

under the curtain

After the first production of the play on the stage of the Maly Theater the audience was delighted, the press was full of laudatory notes, the plot of the drama amazed the sophisticated audience. Well-known critics did not fail to reflect the work in their reviews. So the critic Apollon Grigoriev, writing a letter to I.S. Turgenev, described the plot of the drama as " denunciation of the tyranny of our life, and this is the significance of the author, his merit as an artist, this is the strength of his influence on the masses.