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» Alexander Kuprin: biography, creativity and interesting facts from life. Alexander Kuprin: biography of the writer Biography of Kuprin briefly the most important and interesting

Alexander Kuprin: biography, creativity and interesting facts from life. Alexander Kuprin: biography of the writer Biography of Kuprin briefly the most important and interesting

A bright representative of realism, a charismatic personality and simply a famous Russian writer of the early 20th century - Alexander Kuprin. His biography is eventful, quite heavy and overflowing with an ocean of emotions, thanks to which the world has known his best creations. "Moloch", "Duel", "Garnet Bracelet" and many other works that have replenished the golden fund of world art.

The beginning of the way

Born on September 7, 1870 in the small town of Narovchat, Penza District. His father is civil servant Ivan Kuprin, whose biography is very short, since he died when Sasha was only 2 years old. After that, he stayed with his mother Lyubov Kuprina, who was a Tatar of princely blood. They suffered hunger, humiliation and deprivation, so his mother made the difficult decision to send Sasha to the department for young orphans of the Alexander Military School in 1876. A pupil of a military school, Alexander, graduated from it in the second half of the 80s.

In the early 90s, after graduating from a military school, he became an employee of the Dnieper Infantry Regiment No. 46. A successful military career remained in his dreams, as Kuprin's disturbing, eventful and emotional biography tells. The summary of the biography says that Alexander failed to enter a higher military educational institution because of a scandal. And all because of his hot temper, under the influence of alcohol, he threw a police officer off the bridge into the water. Having risen to the rank of lieutenant, he retired in 1895.

Writer's Temperament

A person with an incredibly bright color, eagerly absorbing impressions, a wanderer. He tried many crafts on himself: from a laborer to a dental technician. A very emotional and extraordinary person is Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, whose biography is full of bright events, which became the basis of many of his masterpieces.

His life was quite turbulent, there were many rumors about him. Explosive temperament, excellent physical shape, he was drawn to try himself, which gave him invaluable life experience and strengthened his spirit. He constantly sought to meet adventures: he dived under water in special equipment, flew on an airplane (he almost died due to a disaster), was the founder of a sports society, etc. During the war years, together with his wife, he equipped an infirmary in his own house.

He loved to get to know a person, his character and communicated with people of a wide variety of professions: specialists with a higher technical education, itinerant musicians, fishermen, card players, the poor, clergymen, entrepreneurs, etc. And in order to better know a person, to feel his life for himself, he was ready for the most insane adventure. The researcher, whose spirit of adventurism simply rolled over, is Alexander Kuprin, the writer's biography only confirms this fact.

He worked with great pleasure as a journalist in many editorial offices, published articles, reports in periodicals. He often went on business trips, lived in the Moscow region, then in the Ryazan region, as well as in the Crimea (Balaklavsky district) and in the city of Gatchina, Leningrad region.

revolutionary activity

He was not satisfied with the then social order and the prevailing injustice, and therefore, as a strong personality, he wanted to somehow change the situation. However, despite his revolutionary sentiments, the writer had a negative attitude towards the October coup led by representatives of the Social Democrats (Bolsheviks). Bright, full of events and various difficulties - this is Kuprin's Biography. Interesting facts from the biography say that Alexander Ivanovich nevertheless collaborated with the Bolsheviks and even wanted to publish a peasant publication called "Earth", and therefore often saw the head of the Bolshevik government V. I. Lenin. But soon he suddenly went over to the side of the "whites" (the anti-Bolshevik movement). After they were defeated, Kuprin moved to Finland, and then to France, namely to its capital, where he stopped for a while.

In 1937, he took an active part in the press of the anti-Bolshevik movement, while continuing to write his works. Restless, filled with the struggle for justice and emotions, this was exactly the biography of Kuprin. The summary of the biography says that in the period from 1929 to 1933 such famous novels were written: "The Wheel of Time", "Junkers", "Janeta", and many articles and stories were published. Emigration had a negative effect on the writer, he was unclaimed, suffered hardships and missed his native land. In the second half of the 1930s, having believed the propaganda in the Soviet Union, he and his wife returned to Russia. The return was overshadowed by the fact that Alexander Ivanovich suffered from a very serious illness.

People's life through the eyes of Kuprin

Kuprin's literary activity is imbued with a classic for Russian writers manner of compassion for the people, who are forced to live in misery in a miserable environment. A strong-willed person with a strong craving for justice is Alexander Kuprin, whose biography says that he expressed his sympathy in his work. For example, the novel "The Pit", written at the beginning of the 20th century, which tells about the hard life of prostitutes. As well as images of intellectuals suffering from the hardships they are forced to endure.

His favorite characters are just like that - reflective, a little hysterical and very sentimental. For example, the story "Moloch", where the representative of such an image is Bobrov (engineer) - a very sensitive character, compassionate and worried about ordinary factory workers who work hard while the rich roll like cheese in butter on other people's money. The representative of such images in the story "Duel" are Romashov and Nazansky, who are endowed with great physical strength, as opposed to a quivering and sensitive soul. Romashov was very annoyed by military activities, namely vulgar officers and downtrodden soldiers. Probably not a single writer condemned the military environment as much as Alexander Kuprin.

The writer did not belong to the tearful, people-worshipping writers, although his work was often approved by the well-known populist critic N.K. Mikhailovsky. His democratic attitude towards his characters was expressed not only in the description of their hard life. Alexander Kuprin's man of the people not only had a quivering soul, but was also strong-willed and could give a worthy rebuff at the right time. The life of the people in the work of Kuprin is a free, spontaneous and natural course, and the characters have not only troubles and sorrows, but also joy and consolation (the cycle of stories "Listrigons"). A person with a vulnerable soul and a realist is Kuprin, whose biography by date says that this work took place in the period from 1907 to 1911.

His realism was also expressed in the fact that the author described not only the good features of his characters, but also did not hesitate to show their dark side (aggression, cruelty, rage). A vivid example is the story "Gambrinus", where Kuprin described the Jewish pogrom in great detail. This work was written in 1907.

Perception of life through creativity

Kuprin is an idealist and a romantic, which is reflected in his work: heroic deeds, sincerity, love, compassion, kindness. Most of his characters are emotional people, those who have fallen out of the usual life rut, they are in search of truth, a freer and fuller being, something beautiful ...

The feeling of love, the fullness of life, this is what Kuprin's biography is saturated with, interesting facts from which indicate that no one else could write about feelings in the same poetic way. Which is clearly reflected in the story "Garnet Bracelet", written in 1911. It is in this work that Alexander Ivanovich exalts true, pure, gratuitous, ideal love. He very accurately depicted the characters of various layers of society, described in detail and in all details the environment surrounding his characters, their way of life. It was for his sincerity that he often received reprimands from critics. Naturalism and aestheticism are the main features of Kuprin's work.

His stories about animals "Barbos and Zhulka", "Emerald" deserve a place in the fund of the world art of the word. A brief biography of Kuprin says that he is one of the few writers who could feel the course of natural, real life in such a way and reflect it so successfully in his works. A vivid embodiment of this quality is the story "Olesya", written in 1898, where he describes a deviation from the ideal of natural existence.

Such an organic worldview, healthy optimism are the main distinguishing features of his work, in which lyricism and romance harmoniously merge, the proportionality of the plot and compositional center, the drama of actions and truth.

Master of Literary Arts

The virtuoso of the word is Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, whose biography says that he could very accurately and beautifully describe the landscape in a literary work. His external, visual and, one might say, olfactory perception of the world was simply excellent. I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin often competed to determine the smell of different situations and phenomena in his masterpieces and not only ... In addition, the writer could depict the true image of his characters very carefully to the smallest detail: appearance, disposition, communication style, etc. He found complexity and depth even when describing animals, and all because he loved to write on this topic.

A passionate love of life, a naturalist and a realist, this was exactly what Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was. A brief biography of the writer says that all his stories are based on real events, and therefore are unique: natural, vivid, without intrusive speculative constructions. He thought about the meaning of life, described true love, talked about hatred, strong-willed and heroic deeds. Such emotions as disappointment, despair, struggle with oneself, the strengths and weaknesses of a person became the main ones in his works. These manifestations of existentialism were typical of his work and reflected the complex inner world of a person at the turn of the century.

Transitional writer

He really is a representative of the transitional stage, which, undoubtedly, was reflected in his work. A striking type of the “off-road” era is Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, whose brief biography suggests that this time left an imprint on his psyche, and, accordingly, on the works of the author. His characters are in many ways reminiscent of the heroes of A.P. Chekhov, the only difference is that Kuprin's images are not so pessimistic. For example, technologist Bobrov from the story "Moloch", Kashintsev from "Zhidovka" and Serdyukov from the story "Swamp". The main characters of Chekhov are sensitive, conscientious, but at the same time broken, exhausted people who are lost in themselves and disappointed in life. They are shocked by aggression, they are very compassionate, but they can no longer fight. Realizing their helplessness, they perceive the world only through the prism of cruelty, injustice and meaninglessness.

A brief biography of Kuprin confirms that, despite the softness and sensitivity of the writer, he was a strong-willed person who loved life, and therefore his characters are somewhat similar to him. They have a strong lust for life, which they grasp very tightly and do not let go. They listen to both heart and mind. For example, the drug addict Bobrov, who decided to kill himself, listened to the voice of reason and realized that he loves life too much to end everything once and for all. The same thirst for life lived in Serdyukov (the student from the work "Swamp"), who was very sympathetic to the forester and his family, who were dying from an infectious disease. He spent the night at their house and in this short time he almost went crazy from pain, feelings and compassion. And with the onset of morning, he seeks to quickly get out of this nightmare in order to see the sun. He seemed to be running from there in a fog, and when he finally ran up the hill, he simply choked from an unexpected surge of happiness.

Passionate love of life - Alexander Kuprin, whose biography suggests that the writer was very fond of happy endings. The end of the story sounds symbolic and solemn. It says that the fog was spreading at the feet of the guy, about the clear blue sky, about the whisper of green branches, about the golden sun, the rays of which "rang with the triumphant triumph of victory." What sounds like a victory of life over death.

The exaltation of life in the story "Duel"

This work is a true apotheosis of life. Kuprin, whose brief biography and work are closely connected, described the cult of personality in this story. The main characters (Nazansky and Romashev) are bright representatives of individualism, they declared that the whole world would perish when they were gone. They firmly believed in their beliefs, but were too weak in spirit to bring their idea to life. It was this disproportion between the exaltation of one's own personalities and the weakness of its owners that the author caught.

A master of his craft, an excellent psychologist and realist, the writer Kuprin possessed precisely such qualities. The author's biography says that he wrote "Duel" at a time when he was at the peak of his fame. It was in this masterpiece that the best qualities of Alexander Ivanovich were combined: an excellent writer of everyday life, a psychologist and a lyricist. The military theme was close to the author, given his past, and therefore no effort was required to develop it. The bright general background of the work does not overshadow the expressiveness of its main characters. Each character is incredibly interesting and is a link in one chain, without losing their individuality.

Kuprin, whose biography says that the story appeared during the years of the Russo-Japanese conflict, criticized the military environment to the nines. The work describes military life, psychology, and displays the pre-revolutionary life of Russians.

In the story, as in life, there is an atmosphere of deadness and impoverishment, sadness and routine. Feeling of absurdity, disorder and incomprehensibility of life. It was these feelings that overcame Romashev and were familiar to the inhabitants of pre-revolutionary Russia. In order to drown out the ideological "off-road", Kuprin described in the "Duel" the loose temper of the officers, their unfair and cruel attitude towards each other. And of course, the main vice of the military is alcoholism, which also flourished among the Russian people.


You don’t even need to draw up a plan for Kuprin’s biography in order to understand that he is spiritually close to his heroes. These are very emotional, broken personalities who sympathize, are indignant because of the injustice and cruelty of life, but they cannot fix anything.

After the "Duel" a work appears called "The River of Life". In this story, completely different moods reign, many liberation processes have taken place. He is the embodiment of the final drama of the intelligentsia, about which the writer narrates. Kuprin, whose work and biography are closely connected, does not change himself, the main character is still a kind, sensitive intellectual. He is a representative of individualism, no, he is not indifferent, throwing himself into a whirlwind of events, he understands that a new life is not for him. And glorifying the joy of being, he nevertheless decides to leave this life, because he believes that he does not deserve it, which he writes about in a suicide note to a friend.

The theme of love and nature are those areas in which the optimistic moods of the writer are clearly expressed. Such a feeling as love, Kuprin considered a mysterious gift that is sent only to the elect. This attitude is displayed in the novel "The Garnet Bracelet", which is only worth Nazansky's passionate speech or Romashev's dramatic relationship with Shura. And Kuprin's stories about nature are simply fascinating, at first they may seem too detailed and ornate, but then this multi-coloredness begins to delight, as it comes to the realization that these are not standard turns of speech, but the author's personal observations. It becomes clear how he was captured by the process, how he absorbed the impressions that he then displayed in his work, and this is simply enchanting.

Mastery of Kuprin

A virtuoso of the pen, a man with excellent intuition and an ardent love of life, Alexander Kuprin was just that. A brief biography tells that he was an incredibly deep, harmonious and internally filled person. He subconsciously felt the secret meaning of things, could connect the causes and understand the consequences. As an excellent psychologist, he had the ability to highlight the main thing in the text, because of which his works seemed ideal, from which nothing can be removed or added. These qualities are displayed in "Evening Guest", "River of Life", "Duel".

Alexander Ivanovich did not add anything to the sphere of literary methods. However, in the later works of the author, such as "River of Life", "Staff Captain Rybnikov", there is a sharp change in the direction of art, he is clearly drawn to impressionism. The stories become more dramatic and compressed. Kuprin, whose biography is full of events, later returns to realism again. This refers to the chronicle novel "The Pit", in which he describes the life of brothels, he does this in the usual manner, still naturally and without hiding anything. Because of what periodically receives condemnation of critics. However, this did not stop him. He did not strive for the new, but he tried to improve and develop the old.


Biography of Kuprin (briefly about the main thing):

  • Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich was born on 09/07/1870 in the town of Narovchat, Penza District in Russia.
  • He died on August 25, 1938 at the age of 67 in St. Petersburg.
  • The writer lived at the turn of the century, which invariably reflected in his work. Survived the October Revolution.
  • The direction of art is realism and impressionism. The main genres are short stories and short stories.
  • Since 1902, he lived in a marriage with Davydova Maria Karlovna. And since 1907 - with Heinrich Elizaveta Moritsovna.
  • Father - Kuprin Ivan Ivanovich. Mother - Kuprina Lyubov Alekseevna.
  • Had two daughters - Xenia and Lydia.

The best sense of smell in Russia

Alexander Ivanovich was visiting Fyodor Chaliapin, who called him the most sensitive nose of Russia when visiting. A perfumer from France was present at the party, and he decided to check it out by asking Kuprin to name the main components of his new creation. To the great surprise of all those present, he coped with the task.

In addition, Kuprin had a strange habit: when meeting or making acquaintances, he sniffed people. This offended many, and some admired it, they claimed that thanks to this gift, he recognizes the nature of a person. I. Bunin was the only competitor of Kuprin, they often arranged competitions.

Tatar roots

Kuprin, like a real Tatar, was very quick-tempered, emotional and very proud of his origin. His mother is from the family of Tatar princes. Alexander Ivanovich often dressed in Tatar attire: a dressing gown and a colored skullcap. In this form, he liked to visit his friends, relax in restaurants. Moreover, in this attire, he sat down like a real khan and squinted his eyes for greater resemblance.

Universal Man

Alexander Ivanovich changed a large number of professions before he found his true calling. He tried his hand at boxing, pedagogy, fishing and acting. He worked in the circus as a wrestler, surveyor, pilot, itinerant musician, etc. Moreover, his main goal was not money, but invaluable life experience. Alexander Ivanovich stated that he would like to become an animal, a plant or a pregnant woman in order to experience all the delights of childbirth.

The beginning of writing

He received his first writing experience while still in a military school. It was the story "The Last Debut", the work was rather primitive, but nevertheless he decided to send it to the newspaper. This was reported to the leadership of the school, and Alexander was punished (two days in a punishment cell). He made a promise to himself never to write again. However, he did not keep his word, as he met the writer I. Bunin, who asked him to write a short story. Kuprin was broke at that time, and therefore he agreed and bought food and shoes for himself with the money he earned. It was this event that pushed him to serious work.

Here he is, the famous writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, a physically strong person with a tender and vulnerable soul and with his own quirks. A big lover of life and an experimenter, compassionate and having a great craving for justice. Naturalist and realist Kuprin left a legacy of a large number of magnificent works that fully deserve the title of masterpieces.

    Talented writer. Genus. in 1870. He was brought up in Moscow, in the 2nd cadet corps and the military Alexander School. He began to write as a cadet; his first work ("The Last Debut") was published in the Moscow humorous ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Kuprin, Alexander Ivanovich- Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. KUPRIN Alexander Ivanovich (1870-1938), Russian writer. From 1919 in exile, in 1937 he returned to his homeland. In his early works, he showed the lack of freedom of a person as a fatal social evil (the story Moloch, 1896). Social… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Talented writer. Born in August 1870 in the Penza province; by mother comes from the family of the Tatar princes Kolonchaki. He studied at the 2nd Cadet Corps and the Alexander Military School. He began to write as a cadet; his first story... Biographical Dictionary

    Russian writer. Born in the family of a poor official. He spent 10 years in closed military schools, 4 years he served in an infantry regiment in the Podolsk province. In 1894 ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich- (18701938), writer. In 1901 he settled in St. Petersburg. He was in charge of the fiction department at the Magazine for Everyone. In 1902 07 he lived on Razyezzhaya Street, 7, where the editorial office of the journal “God's World” was located, in which Kuprin edited for some time ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    - (1870 1938), Russian. writer. Perceived the poetry of L. as one of the brightest and brightest phenomena in Russian. culture of the 19th century About K.'s attitude to L.'s prose is evidenced by his letter to F. F. Pullman dated 31 Aug. 1924: "Do you know that the cutters of precious ... ... Lermontov Encyclopedia

    - (1870 1938) Russian writer. Social criticism marked the story Moloch (1896), in which industrialization appears in the form of a monster factory that enslaves a person physically and morally, the story Duel (1905) about the death of a mentally pure ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1870 1938), writer. In 1901 he settled in St. Petersburg. He was in charge of the fiction department at the Magazine for Everyone. In 1902 07 he lived at 7 Razyezzhaya Street, which housed the editorial office of the journal God's World, in which K. edited for some time ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    "Kuprin" redirects here. See also other meanings. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin Date of birth: September 7, 1870 Place of birth: Narovchat village ... Wikipedia

    - (1870 1938), Russian writer. Social criticism marked the story "Moloch" (1896), in which modern civilization appears in the form of a monster factory that enslaves a person morally and physically, the story "Duel" (1905) about death ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Alexander Kuprin. Complete collection of novels and short stories in one volume, Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich. 1216 pages. All the novels and stories of the famous Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, written by him in Russia and in exile, are collected in one volume. ...
  • Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. Collection, A. I. Kuprin. Alexander Kuprin lived an unusually varied life, which is reflected in his works. A recognized master of the laconic genre, he left us such masterpieces as "Garnet Bracelet", "In…

1. Years of study.
2. Resignation, the beginning of literary activity.
3. Emigration and return home.

A. I. Kuprin was born in 1870 in the county town of Narovchat, Penza province, in the family of a petty official, secretary of the world congress. His father Ivan Ivanovich Kuprin died of cholera in August 1871. Widow Lyubov Alekseevna almost three years later moved with three children to Moscow, sent her daughters to closed educational institutions, Alexander lived with his mother until the age of six in the Kudrinsky widow's house. For the next four years, Kuprin studied at the Razumovsky orphanage, where in 1877 he began to write poetry. About this period of his life - the story "Brave Runaways" (1917).

After graduating from the boarding school, he enters the Moscow military gymnasium (cadet corps). He has been studying in the cadet corps for eight years, where he writes lyrical and comic poems, translates from French and German. This period of life is reflected in the story "At the Break" ("The Cadets") (1900). Enters the Military Alexander School, in 1890 ending with his second lieutenant. In 1889, the Russian satirical leaflet published Kuprin's first story, The Last Debut. The author considered the story a failure. For the publication, Kuprin received two days in a punishment cell - the junkers were forbidden to appear in the press. This is described in the novel "Junkers" (1928-1932), in the story "Printing ink" (1929).

Service in the Dnieper Infantry Regiment in 1890-1894 was Kuprin's preparation for a military career, but because of his violent drunk temper, he was not admitted to the Academy of the General Staff (strongman Kuprin threw a policeman into the water).

The lieutenant retired. His life was stormy, he had a chance to try himself in various fields, from wandering to a loader and a dentist. He was an inveterate adventurer and explorer - went down under water as a diver, flew an airplane, created an athletic society. He put many life experiences in the basis of his works. The years of service were reflected in the military stories "Inquiry" (1894), "The Lilac Bush" (1894), "Night Shift" (1899), "Campaign" (1901), "Overnight" (1895), in the story "Duel" (1904 -1905), the story "The Wedding" (1908).

In 1892, Kuprin began work on the story "In the Dark". In 1893 the manuscript was handed over to the editors of Russian Wealth, an almanac published by V. G. Korolenko, N. K. Mikhailovsky, and I. F. Annensky. The story was published in the summer, and already at the end of autumn the story "Moonlight Night" was published in the same almanac.

In the early works of Kuprin, one can see how his skill grew. Less and less imitation, a tendency to psychological analysis. Stories of army subjects are distinguished by sympathy for the common man, a sharp social orientation. Feuilletons and essays depict the life of a big city with rich colors.

After his resignation, Kuprin moved to Kyiv, worked in newspapers. The Kyiv period is a fruitful time in Kuprin's life. He gets acquainted with the life of the townspeople and tells the most interesting things in the collection "Kyiv Types". These essays appear at the end of 1895 in the newspaper Kievskoye Slovo, and the following year they are published as a separate book. Kuprin works as an accountant at a steel plant in the Donbass, writes the story "Moloch", the story "The Wonderful Doctor", the book "Miniatures: Essays and Stories", wanders, meets I. A. Bunin. In 1898, he lives with the family of his sister and son-in-law, a forester, in the Ryazan province. In these wonderful places, he began work on the story "Olesya". Residents of the Polissya forests, such as Olesya, rich in internal and external beauty, continue to interest Kuprin later as an object for depiction - in the story "Horse thieves" he draws the image of the horse thief Buzyga, a strong, courageous hero. In these works, Kuprin creates his "ideal of a natural person."

In 1899, the story "The Night Shift" was published. Kuprin continues to cooperate in the newspapers of Kyiv, Rostov-on-Don, in 1900 he publishes the first version of the story "The Cadets" in the Kyiv newspaper Life and Art. He leaves for Odessa, Yalta, where he meets Chekhov, works on the story "At the Circus". In the autumn he again leaves for the Ryazan province, taking in a row to measure six hundred acres of the peasant forest. Returning to Moscow, in the same year he entered the literary circle of N. D. Teleshov "Wednesday", met L. N. Andreev, F. I. Chaliapin.

At the end of the year, Kuprin moved to St. Petersburg to head the fiction department at the Journal for All. Introduced by I. A. Bunin to the publisher of the magazine "God's World" A. Davydova, he publishes the story "In the Circus" there. The story is imbued with the mood of the death of everything beautiful. Kuprin revises the "ideal of the natural man". A person is beautiful by nature, capable of inspiring an artist, but in life beauty is diminished, therefore it causes a feeling of regret, Kuprin believes, Chekhov assessed the story in this way: above. "In the Circus" is a free, naive, talented thing, moreover, written, no doubt, by a knowledgeable person. He also informed Kuprin that Leo Tolstoy also read the work, and he liked it. Changes are taking place in Kuprin's family life - he marries M. Davydova, a daughter, Lydia, is born. Now he is co-editor of the journal together with A. I. Bogdanovich and F. D. Batyushkov. He is introduced to L. N. Tolstoy, M. Gorky. In 1903, the story "Swamp" appeared in print, the first volume of works was published.

In the Crimea, the writer makes the first sketches of the story "Duel", but destroys the manuscript. Based on his impressions of meeting with a traveling circus, he writes the story "White Poodle". At the beginning of 1904, Kuprin refused to be an editor in the magazine. Kuprin's story "Peaceful Life" was published. He leaves for Odessa, then for Balaklava.

Kuprin was far from the revolutionary movement, but the approach of the revolution was reflected in his work - it acquired a critical revealing beginning. The essay "Ugar" (1904), in which Kuprin's ideological position is expressed, satirically depicts the "masters of life", in contrast to the quiet lyrical southern night, the fun of an idle public is depicted. The stories "Measles", "Good Society" and "Priest" depict the conflict between the "good society" and the democratic intelligentsia. In fact, the “good society” turns out to be mired in fraud, these are rotten people with imaginary virtue and ostentatious nobility.

Kuprin has been working on the manuscript of the “duel” for a long time, reading excerpts to Gorky and receiving his approval, but during the search, the gendarmes seized part of the manuscript. Having been published, the story brought fame to the author and caused a great resonance in criticism. With his own eyes, the writer observes the uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov", for this he travels every day from Balaklava to Sevastopol. He became an eyewitness to the shooting of the cruiser and sheltered the surviving sailors. The St. Petersburg newspaper Nasha Zhizn publishes Kuprin's essay "Events in Sevastopol". In December, Kuprin was expelled from Balaklava and forbidden to live there in the future. He devoted a cycle of essays "Listrigons" (1907-1911) to this city. In 1906, the second volume of Kuprin's stories was published. In the journal "The World of God" - the story "Staff Captain Rybnikov." Kuprin said that he considers “Duel” to be his first real thing, and “Staff Captain Rybnikov” is his best.

In 1907, the writer divorced and married E. Heinrich, in this marriage a daughter, Xenia, was born. Kuprin writes "Emerald" and "Shulamith", releases another volume of stories. In 1909 he received the Pushkin Prize. During this time, he creates the "River of Life", "Pit", "Gambrinus", "Garnet Bracelet", "Liquid Sun" (science fiction with elements of dystopia).

In 1918, Kuprin criticized the new time, he was arrested. After his release, he leaves for Helsinki and then to Paris, where he actively publishes. But this does not help the family to live in abundance. In 1924, he was offered to return, and only thirteen years later the seriously ill writer came to Moscow, and then to Leningrad and Gatchina. Kuprin's disease of the esophagus worsens and in August 1938 he dies.

Life and work of A. I. Kuprin.

The future pen master was born into a noble family on 09/07/1870, in the Penza province, Narovchat. His parents were nobles.
At the age of six, Sasha was assigned to the Moscow Razumov School. The next stage of his education was a military gymnasium, after which, becoming a cadet, he was trained at the Alexander Military School until 1890 G.
At the school, the future master of the word wrote his first youthful poems, some of them have survived to this day. The first publication appeared in 1889 year in a magazine called "Russian satirical sheet" and was called "The Last Debut".
Being in the rank of second lieutenant of an infantry regiment, Kuprin continued to try his pen. His works: “In the Dark”, “Inquiry”, “Moonlight Night” were published in St. Petersburg by the magazine “Russian Wealth”.
Army brutal morals, hopeless boredom and endless drill, averted the military from continuing to serve. Leaving in 1894 year in retirement, he settled in Kiev. After moving to this city, books were published: a book of stories "Miniatures" and a collection of essays "Kyiv types".
For about seven years, Alexander Ivanovich traveled around the expanses of his homeland and mastered various crafts, worked as a land surveyor, fisherman, teacher, actor, and even worked in a circus. The accumulated impressions are reflected in his books. For example, in the story "Moloch" the hopeless exhausting work of factory workers is described. And in 1898 year were created "Polesye stories" and the story "Olesya".
The wanderings ended in 1901 year and the young writer, on the advice of I. Bunin, settled in St. Petersburg and married M. K. Davydova. He was hired by the Magazine for All.
The flowering of the author's talent came in the years between the two revolutions. AT 1905 year saw the light of the story "Duel". She brought Kuprin universal fame. Publications followed one after another, with 1904 by 1917 The following stories were published: "Garnet Bracelet", "Gambrinus", "Emerald", "Shulamith", the story "Pit", as well as the first collected works.
Friendship with M. Gorky and A. Chekhov contributed a lot to the formation of the writer and his participation in society. Alexander Ivanovich helped the rebel sailors from the cruiser Ochakov hide from the police. When the First World War began, Alexander voluntarily joined the army, but was soon demobilized. Upon his return, he placed wounded soldiers in his house in Gatchina.
Changes also affected family life. Divorced from his first wife, he married E. M. Heinrikh. AT 1909 year, the work of the prose writer was awarded the "Pushkin Prize". And in 1915 The complete works of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin were published.
February Revolution 1917 years brought the prose writer closer to the Social Revolutionaries. He accepted it with enthusiasm, but the new government brought dictatorship and civil war to the country. Disappointed, Kuprin joined Yudenich's army, and in 1920 immigrated with his wife and daughter to France.
Alexander Ivanovich continued to work in immigration. There was created a novel-autobiography "Junker", the books "New stories and stories", "Elan", "Wheel of time". But life abroad turned out to be filled with poverty and nostalgia for their native land. His return to Russia 1937 supported by I. V. Stalin.
At home, the Kuprin family was given a warm welcome, housing and medical services were provided. The writer by that time suffered from cancer of the esophagus. His last essay "Moscow dear" became the final point in the author's work.
Kuprin A.I. died on August 25, 1938 in Leningrad, at the age 67 years. He rests at the Volkovsky cemetery. His wife survived him for a short time, unable to withstand the hunger during the Leningrad blockade, she committed suicide.
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is an outstanding Russian realist writer, his works describe events in which he was a participant or an eyewitness. And vividly draw the life and way of life of his contemporaries. With his work, he managed to make a significant contribution to Russian literature.

Ivan Bunin was one of the greatest writers in Russian literature.

The childhood of the writer, who was born in Voronezh, in 1870, passed on the Butyrki farm, near Yelets. Due to a complete inability to do arithmetic and general ill health, Ivan could not study at the gymnasium and after spending 2 years in the 3rd grade, he receives a home education. His teacher was an ordinary student of Moscow University.

From the end of the 1880s, he began to publish his provincial poems. The very first story sent to the journal Russkoye Bogatstvo made admiration for the publisher Mikhailovsky, the author of one of the classic articles about Leo Tolstoy. Bunin is again studying at the gymnasium, but in 1886 he was expelled because he did not have time. For the next 4 years, he lives on his estate, where he is taught by his older brother. In 1889, fate throws him to Kharkov, where he has a rapprochement with the populists. In 1891, his first work, Poems 1887-1891, was published. And at the same time, I begin to publish his works, which have gained immense popularity. In 1900, the story "Antonov apples" appeared, which depicts Russian estates with their own way of life. This work has become a masterpiece of modern prose. Literally 3 years later, Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Having been unsuccessfully married 2 times, the writer meets Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva in St. Petersburg, who was his wife until his last breath. The honeymoon trip, which took place in the eastern countries, was the result of the release of a cycle of essays “The Shadow of a Bird”. When Bunin became a well-known and wealthy gentleman in literary circles, he began to constantly travel and spent almost all the cold season traveling around Turkey, Asia Minor, Greece, Egypt, and Syria.

1909 was a special year for Ivan Alekseevich. He was elected an honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A year later, his first serious work, The Village, was born, where the writer spoke tragically about catastrophic modernity. Hardly survived the October Revolution, the Bunins go to Odessa, and then emigrate to Constantinople. At first, the life of the writer did not develop in the best way. He was gradually running out of money. In 1921, the work “The Gentleman from San Francisco” was published, where Bunin shows the meaninglessness of material human existence. But there were also bright days in his life.

Literary fame in Europe increased, and when once again the question arose of which of the Russian writers would be the first to enter the ranks of Nobel laureates, his name surfaced by itself. On November 9, 1933, Bunin received this award. The financial problem is gone. Reissues followed. Before the war, the writer lived quietly, but in 1936 he was arrested in Germany and soon released. In 1943, his famous "Dark Alleys" came out. Ivan Alekseevich in the last years of his life worked on the book "Memoirs". The writer never finished this work. Bunin died on November 8, 1953 in Paris.

Very briefly

On September 7, 1870, the remarkable writer Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich was born. Immediately after birth, he was left without a father who died of a terrible disease. After 4 years, my mother is forced to move to Moscow. Despite strong love, she sends him to an orphanage school, due to the difficult financial situation.

Later, Kuprin is accepted into a military gymnasium, and he remains to live in Moscow. His talent for writing began to unfold during his school years, and he released his first work in 1889, entitled "The Last Debut", but not everyone approved of it and he receives a reprimand.

In In 1890-1894. he goes to serve near Podolsk. Having finished, he begins to move from city to city and stops at Sevastopol. He did not have a job, so very often there was nothing to eat, despite his service and rank. Despite this, Kuprin at that time was formed as a writer, thanks to good relations with I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky. And he writes several stories that are in great demand and he is awarded the Pushkin Prize.

When the war began, he did not hesitate to volunteer. In 1915 he was forced to leave due to poor health. But even here he managed to do a useful thing by organizing a hospital at home. After he supported the revolution in 1917 and collaborated with the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. But for unknown reasons, he decides to leave for France and continues his activities there. Then he returns to the USSR, where he was not welcomed so well. On August 25, 1938 he dies in Leningrad.

For kids

Biography of Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich

Alexander Kuprin, one of the most famous writers in Russia, was born in a family far from literature, from the capital. His father, a petty official, died when his son was barely a year old. Together with his mother, the family moved to Moscow, where the future prose writer spent his childhood and youth.

Petersburg Slava Kuprin

In St. Petersburg, Alexander Kuprin was too late for this city to fall at his feet at once. The writer was a little over 30. Behind him was not a very successful military career, which ended in the rank of lieutenant, and seven years of ordeal in Kyiv. There Kuprin, who did not have any civilian specialty, tried many professions and settled on literature.

Kuprin practically did not write major works in terms of the number of pages. But he always managed to depict the whole world in a story from a couple of book sheets. The writer's plots are original and dramaturgically tightly tailored: no superfluous words or characters. The reading public immediately noticed the accuracy in everything: in descriptions, epithets, meaning. And Petersburg instantly accepted Kuprin.

At the beginning of the 20th century, he was called everywhere, just to recite his stories. And the enthusiastic audience flooded the stage with flowers, where Alexander Ivanovich read his stories. Kuprin became a literary star. His St. Petersburg seems simple and ordinary, but in Kuprin's stories the city is just a scene. The people who live and work in the northern capital come to the fore.

The main hit of St. Petersburg literary salons at the beginning of the 20th century was the spy story “Staff Captain Rybnikov”. Kuprin read this work for an encore everywhere: in salons, restaurants, student audiences. Actual themes and impeccable dramatic plot riveted the attention of the public. Kuprin was especially pleased. It was at this time that the writer, who lived in St. Petersburg for about a week, became a candidate for deputies of the first State Duma of the Russian Empire.

Relations with Kuprin's authorities

Kuprin loved his homeland. But the World War that began in 1914 changed him. Now patriotism has become the meaning of his whole life. In the newspapers, the writer campaigned for war loans. And at home, in the Gatchina house, he opened a small military hospital. Kuprin was even called up for war, but he was already weak in health then. Soon he was commissioned.

Returning from the front, Kuprin again began to write a lot. There is more of Petersburg in his stories. Bolsheviks Alexander Kuprin did not accept. They, with their animal desire for power and bestial cruelty, were disgusting to him. According to his views, Kuprin was close to the Socialist-Revolutionaries: not to those who were part of military organizations, but to peaceful socialist revolutionaries.

Kuprin worked as a journalist in Gatchina, but often visited Petrograd. He came to Lenin's reception with a proposal to publish a special newspaper for the village called "Earth". However, the problems of the village interested the Bolsheviks only in words. The newspaper was not established, and Kuprin was imprisoned for 3 days. Having released, they were included in the list of hostages, that is, on any day they could put a bullet in the forehead. Kuprin did not wait and went to the whites.

Kuprin's emigration

There he did not fight, but was engaged in journalism. But he never stopped writing stories. He settled his characters in Petrograd, which was close to him. Kuprin did not accept the new government at all, he called it the Soviet of Deputies, and in the end he was forced to emigrate.

Soviet propaganda destroyed the emigrant Kuprin. Political literary critics close to the Kremlin wrote that abroad, the once talented Russian writer went downhill: all he does is drink heavily and write nothing. It wasn't true. Kuprin wrote just as much, but the Petersburg scenery in his stories became less and less.

After 15 years, he wrote a petition to be allowed to return to the USSR. Stalin gave such consent, and Kuprin returned to those places from which he fled during the civil war. In 1937, suffering from cancer, Kuprin returned to his homeland to die. He died a year later, and the authorities of the country of the Soviets began posthumously to make the writer their own.

It wasn't easy. Petersburg Kuprin with his people did not overlap like a transparent tracing paper on the appearance of the city of three revolutions with the name of Lenin. These were two different cities. Whether he recognized Soviet power is definitely difficult to say. But Kuprin could not live without Russia.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important.

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