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» Monument to WWII soldiers. Monuments to the Great Patriotic War in Russian hero cities

Monument to WWII soldiers. Monuments to the Great Patriotic War in Russian hero cities

There is no family in Russia where they will not tell you about the tragic loss of a loved one during the Great Patriotic War. We owe those events not only terrible losses, but also an unprecedented rise in national self-awareness. Grief and suffering have always made people sensitive to injustice. Remember the films of the post-war years - Hollywood, with its sky-high budgets, will never come close to those masterpieces with their truthfulness and nobility.

The way a country lying in ruins rose from its knees in a matter of years inspired justified fear in geopolitical enemies, and respect and admiration for friends in the socialist camp. History has not preserved such collective feats. And every testimony of those years, every monument to the Great Patriotic War revives the genetic memory of those who are not indifferent, causing noble rage, as in a song, to boil at the sight of arrogant adversaries trying to belittle the contribution of the Russian people to the victory over world evil.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The legendary Eternal Flame, sung in hundreds of works, burning in the Alexander Garden, personifies all those millions of nameless lives thrown into this symbolic flame of war. And the fact that this is the most famous of all memorials, that it is located in the heart of the country, that modern heroes stand guard around the clock, speaks of the significance of the sacrifice and the gratitude of the survivors.

And how many feelings the short inscription evokes - “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.” When you read these words, everything inside freezes - this heart responds, remembering the great grief, feelings become numb, imagining the scale of the tragedy, and the imagination draws pictures of burned villages and roads lined with bodies - the corpses of those whose names will never be known. Monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War have this effect on all descendants of those terrible days. That is why it is difficult to look at the bloody events in fraternal Ukraine and at all the unjust conflicts in the world, of which there are an alarming number.

Mamayev Kurgan - a monumental monument to the Great Patriotic War

Height 102 - this is how those who shed blood on the Stalingrad front remember this strategic point on the officer’s tablet. Received its name during no less difficult times, Mamayev Kurgan even during the Tatar invasion served as a stronghold for the defenders of their native land. And as if created to be a stronghold of defense, the mound confirmed its calling during the years of a new invasion of evil spirits.

The dry military language, along with the thunder of guns, became a thing of the past, and Hill 102 became the Mound of Glory. Why don’t modern monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War evoke the same awe and reverence that comes when looking at the creations of the period of the country’s restoration from the fascist invasion? Probably, you need to experience this historical event, with its pain, death and inevitability, in order to be able to convey the significance of the war and the phenomenon of universal unification.


The central figure on Mamayev Kurgan is the colossal figure of a mother leading the sons and daughters of war into battle. Anything less grandiose would not be worthy of serving as a reminder of more than six months of battle and 34.5 thousand fallen. This monument to the Great Patriotic War reaches a height of 85 m, and its weight ranges between 8 thousand tons. But it’s not only the scale of the architecture that makes you stand with respect at height 102. Something in the faces and figures of the statues does not allow you to raise your voice, and your thoughts cannot routinely go through household problems - unusual thoughts about heroism and self-sacrifice creep into your head.

Tribute to the fallen on the Kursk Bulge

And although it is difficult to create a monument in the same way as an artist who has walked through the battlefields, this does not mean that we need to forget about new creations glorifying the exploits of our fathers. Especially when we are talking about such an event as the battle on the Kursk Bulge. For a month and a half in the bloody year of 1943, Russia and Ukraine fought together for survival in the Kursk region. With an incredible number of losses, the command managed to put the enemy to flight.

And do not listen to those who talk about the unpreparedness of the generals and that so many casualties could have been avoided. We were up against superior, well-trained units with the best equipment and weapons. We were attacked on the sly, stabbed in the back, and we alone dealt with the monster. No one has the right to judge us as long as we remember and build new monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Despite strange attempts to distort history and whitewash Nazism, we remember the heroes and build new monuments to them of the Great Patriotic War. Children and adults, everyone who follows us, will be left with a majestic arch crowned with the figure of St. George the Victorious. Together with the statue of Zhukov and the tomb of the unknown soldier of the Kursk land, it will preserve the sacrifices of the victors in the hearts of their children for hundreds of years.

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

No matter how much they scold our memory of the war years, there are countless monuments to those times in Russia. Although I would like more such outstanding ones as Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. This monument to the Great Patriotic War occupies 135 hectares, including a museum dedicated to the exploits of soldiers, a Victory Monument and three churches. The main attraction is the obelisk 141.8 m high. This figure has a sacred meaning - the most terrible and bloody war in history lasted 1481 days. The obelisk is accompanied by the figures of Nike - the goddess of victory and St. George the Victorious by the hand of Z. Tsereteli.

Marshal Pokryshkin

The rich history of monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War includes hundreds of figures and busts dedicated to specific individuals who contributed to the cause of victory. One of them is a bust of three times Hero of the Soviet Union, Air Marshal Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, installed in his homeland - Novosibirsk. Having started the war as a young lieutenant, on August 19, 1944, Pokryshkin became the country's first three-time hero.

Monument to Zhukov in Moscow

The most famous commander, who was repeatedly depicted in stone, was the indomitable Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. Marshal of the Soviet Union, four times war hero and holder of two orders of victory, he was not just a commander - the soldiers called him father. He could live in the trenches with ordinary soldiers, steadfastly, as in the regulations, enduring all the hardships. How no one, often to the detriment of their own comfort, cared for the rank and file, which often caused discontent among the officers.

A monument to the Great Patriotic War dedicated to Zhukov can be found in almost every city in Russia. Isn't this evidence of his merits and people's respect? But the most impressive and famous is located on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow. This is a majestic figure by the hand of master Klykov. It is not surprising that a person like Zhukov was honored that so often the names of monuments to the Great Patriotic War contain this legendary surname.

Is it worth remembering

The history of World War II monuments maps the loss and suffering of humanity. Wars have always been an everyday occurrence for humans, and the fact that today only those countries that can guarantee to erase the enemy from the map with atomic weapons is safe suggests that peace is a myth. People quickly get used to good things. But as history shows, war is necessary for development - the greatest leaps in the development of nations occur during times of greatest tension. And the countless monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War serve as the best reminder and warning of this.

Seven decades ago, the salvos of the Great Patriotic War, which claimed the lives of millions of people, died down. The war brought death and ruin to our country, and did not spare the Nenets District. 9,383 people went to the front during the war, 3,046 people did not return from the battlefield.

The feat of the people, who defeated a terrible enemy, lives in the people's memory all this time. It is immortalized by the monuments of the Great Patriotic War, establishing a connection with the “terrible forties”.

In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, monuments and memorial plaques dedicated to the heroism of the people in the Great Patriotic War have been erected. Three memorial signs use objects of military equipment.

The earliest of them was installed in Naryan-Mar in 1946 in the area of ​​the Naryan-Mar seaport. This is the Yak-7(b) aircraft, built during the war at the expense of shipyard workers. The monument has a complex and at the same time instructive history.

In 1944, workers and employees of the Naryan-Mar shipyard collected 81,740 rubles to build a fighter aircraft. In June of the same year, the plane was handed over to the pilot of the White Sea Military Flotilla Alexei Kondratyevich Tarasov. On the fuselage of the combat vehicle was the proud name “Naryan-Mar Shipbuilder”. Tarasov flew this “hawk” until the end of the war. On one of the combat missions, near the Vadso base (Norway), the pilot shot down two Foker Wulfs.

In 1946, the plane was returned to Naryan-Mar. The townspeople erected it as a monument. For ten years it stood without proper care and was seriously damaged: the rubber on the wheels became unusable, the fuselage lost its plywood, and someone removed the plexiglass from the cockpit. On June 15, 1956, by decision of the City Executive Committee, the plane... was written off. By order of Soviet officials, it was dismantled and taken to a landfill. This act received a great response in public circles of the city and district; war veterans were the first to defend the monument. Fortunately, the plane's engine was saved. In 1957, at the initiative of the public, it was installed near the building of the district museum.

On May 8, 2010, a prototype of the heroic Yak-7B aircraft was installed in the center of Naryan-Mar.

Today this is the only monument in the district that clearly shows the material contribution of the district residents to the common cause of Victory over the enemy.

Memorial complex to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War in the village. Amderma opened in 1975. Its central element is an asymmetrical stele expanding upward, the right corner of which is extended upward. In the center of the monument is the Order of the Patriotic War, below is an image of a guards ribbon and the numbers: “1941 - 1945”. In the lower part there is a slab with a memorial plaque on which are carved the names of the village residents who died during the Great Patriotic War (9 people). To the right of the stele is a trapezoidal slab with the inscription: “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!”.

The memorial complex is complemented by a cannon from the war, which was used to protect the Yugorsky Shar Strait from German ships. She was brought from the shore of the strait, which is forty kilometers from the village.

Monument, Mig-15 aircraft, installed in Amderma on the street. Lenin was presented to the village by the military as the personification of the heroism of the pilots who defended the skies of the Arctic during the war. The plane emphasized the great importance of Amderma as an outpost of the Arctic borders of Russia. In 1993, after the withdrawal of the aviation regiment from the village, it... was sold to Norway.

This attitude towards history caused deep indignation in Amderma. Together with like-minded people, a resident of the village P.M. Kharsanov convinced the leadership of the need to restore the monument. It was decided to transport and install in Amderma a similar aircraft from the Arkhangelsk region. For the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory, May 5, 1995, the MIG aircraft was installed on a pedestal on which there was a sign with the inscription:“To the pilots of the Soviet armed forces who defeated fascism in 1941-1945, ensuring peace and inviolability of the air borders of the North.”

Monuments of monumental art - obelisks and steles - have become widespread in the Nenets Okrug. The first Obelisk of Victory was erected in Naryan-Mar in 1965. The author of the monument is construction engineer Oleg Ivanovich Tokmakov, the inscription on the obelisk and the Order of the Patriotic War were made by the artist of the city House of Culture Anatoly Ivanovich Yushko. By May 9, 2005, the order was replaced with a new one, made by the artist of the Naryanmar Palace of Culture, Philip Ignatievich Kychin.

In the 60s, the monument was built with the active assistance of an initiative group of war veterans, led by P.A. Berezin, and district military commissar A.M. Plyusnina.

The obelisk is an asymmetrical stele expanding upward, the right corner of which is extended upward. The numbers are carved at the top: “ 1941-1945 ", in the center of the monument is the Order of the Patriotic War. At the base there is a memorial plaque with the inscription: “ To the fellow countrymen who fell in battle for their homeland in the Great Patriotic War, from the eternally grateful citizens of the Nenets Okrug" Under the slab there is a metal box with lists of those killed during the war by a resident of the district.

The design of the monument is complemented by decorative fencing posts connected by a large chain.

In 1979, the monument was architecturally supplemented. Gas was supplied to the concrete pedestal located in front of the obelisk and an eternal flame was lit. In 1985, a cast-iron grate with a star, ordered and brought from the city of Zhdanov (Mariupol) by I.N., was placed on the pedestal. Prosvirnin.

Another object using a stele expanding upward is located in the village. Oksino. Monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War.
Mounted on a stepped wooden base that serves as a stand for wreaths and flowers. The entire complex is preceded by a wooden pedestal, equipped with walkways descending at an angle on three sides. Behind the monument is a fenced front garden. The monument is located near the building of the House of Culture.

Opened on May 9, 1969. The author of the monument is Yuri Nikolaevich Tufanov. The obelisk is a trapezoidal white slab, rounded at the wide top, on which is placed a smaller rectangular slab, covered with a sheet of iron painted with gray enamel. On it in two rows are inscribed the names of the residents of the village of Oksino, the villages of Bedovoye, and Golubkovka (69 people) who died during the war. Above the list is the Order of the Patriotic War, the dates " 1941- 1945 ", below the inscription: " Soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War" Above the gray board is an image of a bowl of eternal flame on two legs, in the center of which is a red star and a flame escaping from it.

The obelisk to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War in the village of Andeg is located in a small park in the old part of the village. Opened on May 9, 1980. The author and supervisor of the work is Leonid Pavlovich Dibikov, a teacher of drawing and drawing. At the time of the installation of the monument, the collective farm administration building was located next to it. It has now been demolished.

The monument consists of a wooden pedestal and an asymmetrical metal stele expanding upward, the left corner of which is extended upward. At the top of the stele is an image of the Order of the Patriotic War, below it is a list of those killed (30 people). To the left of the stele is a vertical concrete slab with the inscription: “ Eternal memory to our fellow countrymen who died in battles for their Motherland" Behind the monument, at a distance of one meter, there is a concrete shield with the inscription: “ ».

In the village The Red Obelisk to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War was opened on May 9, 1977. Its authors are Boris Nikolaevich Syatishchev and Vladimir Savenkov.

The monument is a multi-faceted stele mounted on a multi-stage pedestal. On the front side, in the upper part, there is an image of the Order of the Patriotic War, under which there is a metal sheet with the inscription: “ Eternal memory to the fallen"and a list of those killed during the war (182 people). In the central part of the pedestal there is an insert made of fiberboard with the inscription: “ No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" The obelisk is framed by pillars, distant from the monument, connected to each other by iron chains.

In 2005, the monument was surrounded by a wooden fence, and the inscriptions on the stele were updated.

In the village Velikovisochnoye two monuments dedicated to the contribution of the villagers to the Victory over the enemy. The monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War is located on the site of the former priest's house. It was opened on May 9, 1970. The author and director of the work is Vasily Petrovich Samoilov, a participant in the war.

The monument is a tall, tapering upward and slightly truncated stele, at the base of which is a concrete pedestal. A wooden torch is attached to the stele with metal brackets. At its base, slightly shifted to the right, is a concrete board located at a level of 1 m from the ground, on which the dates: “ 1941-1945 " On the obelisk, on a sheet of stainless steel, the names of those who did not come from the war were previously engraved.

When the second monument to the dead was opened in Velikovisochny, the memorial plaques were removed, changed and used in the design of the new monument. The monument is framed by a row of nine concrete pillars connected to each other by iron chains.

In the village The Telvisk obelisk to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War was opened in November 1974. Located in the center of the village. It is a brick plastered stele (height 3.5 m), painted with silver paint. On the front side there is an image of the Order of the Patriotic War and the inscription: “ Heroes - fellow countrymen who died for the freedom and independence of their homeland».

On the opposite side there is an inscription: “ On the 30th anniversary of the Victory, the names of those to whom we owe our happiness and our freedom and peaceful dawns will forever remain in the hearts of people" On the side faces, in the upper part of the monument, it is inscribed: on the right - “ No one is forgotten", on the left - " Nothing is forgotten" Below them, on separate metal shields, are the names of those killed during the war (127 people). On the left side below there is an additional metal shield with a continuing list of the dead. The monument is preceded by a pedestal to which is attached (welding work) an image of the eternal flame. The monument is located in a small front garden. In 1995, the monument was repaired and the shields with the names of the victims were updated.

The monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War in the village of Labozhskoye was opened on May 9, 1992. It is located in the center of the village. Author - Vasily Nikolaevich Kabanov in agreement with Alexander Kutyrin. Made by collective farm construction workers.

The obelisk is a stepped brick base raised on a pedestal with a concrete approach. The monument is covered with marble tiles. In the center there is a rectangular memorial slab with a bas-relief inscription: “ Those who fought to the death in the name of life" Along the edges are two similar slabs, on which the names of the victims (58 people) are written in black paint. Above the central part rises a smaller rectangular shield with embossed dates " 1941-1945 ", painted with red paint. The upper step is a prism in cross-section, in the center of which is a bas-relief of a five-pointed star. The monument is completed with an iron pin on which a concrete red star is attached.

Monument in the village Khorei-Ver was installed in 1967 by residents of the village on the initiative of the secretary of the Komsomol organization Lyudmila Alekseevna Kokina. She brought the drawing of the monument from the regional Komsomol conference (Arkhangelsk, July 1967). The initial project was prepared by the First Secretary of the Onega Republic Committee of the Komsomol Markelov. In 1978, it was decided to modify the facility.

Today the monument consists of three parts. The base of the central cone-shaped stele is a rectangular stepped prism in the lower part of which there is a memorial plaque with the names of those killed during the war (34 people). Above is a picture of a burning torch. The side steles are made in the form of triangular prisms, on which at the top there is an image of a five-pointed star, at the bottom of the date on the left: “1941 ", on the right: " 1945 ».

A monument similar in style to fellow countrymen who died during the war in the village. Nelmin. Nose. It was opened in the center of the village in 1975. Authors of the monument: Ivan Vasilyevich-Semyashkin, Andrey Nikolaevich Taleev, Grigory Afanasyevich Apitsyn.

The obelisk consists of three parts. The base of the central stele is a rectangular prism, on the front side of which there is the inscription: “To fallen soldiers and fellow countrymen 1941 -1945." The upper part is in the form of a pyramid with the image of the Order of the Patriotic War in the center. The side steles are made in the form of triangular prisms, on which there is an image of a five-pointed star at the top, and the names of the victims (54 people in total) are inscribed at the bottom. A path leads to the monument. The monument is located in the front garden. Fenced with a green wooden fence. Flowerbeds are broken. Cosmetic repairs were carried out in 1997.

The memorial complex in the village is complex in composition. Kotkino was opened in 1985. Author Semyon Ivanovich Kotkin, builder and customer in one person - collective farm named after. XXII Congress of the CPSU.

The central part of the complex is a quadrangular stele, the right corner of which is extended upward and decorated with a bas-relief image of a red star. In the center at the top there is the inscription: “We will not forget the forty-first. We will forever praise the forty-fifth" In the lower part there is an image of the eternal flame and the vezha. To the right and left, at an angle to the central part, there are rectangular slabs on which are placed boards with the names of village residents who died during the war (28 people). On the left plate there is a date: “1941 ", on the right: " 1945 ».

In 1987, in the center of the village. Ust-Kara, a monument was erected next to the village council building.

It is a triangular stele tapering upward, mounted on a stepped pedestal. The monument is wooden, plastered on top and painted with silver paint. On the front side there was previously the Order of the Patriotic War. After repairs, it was not possible to restore it; instead of the order, a five-pointed star was depicted, with dates under it: “1941 - 1945 " and the inscription: " To Warriors - Countrymen».

Memorial complex to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War in the village. Nes, opened in 1987.

The monument represents two rectangular states intersecting perpendicularly. Made of wood, lined with metal. In the upper part of the structure, at the intersection of the slabs, there is an opening in which a bell is suspended (from the former Annunciation Church in the village of Nes). Below, on the front side, there is a crossbar connecting the plates, with the inscription on it: “ 1941 -1945 " On the pedestal, in front of the monument, is a metal star (eternal flame).
The complex is surrounded by an iron fence. At the entrance to the square, two Admiralty anchors are placed on the sides, the chain of which is stretched along the perimeter of the fence and attached to poles.

In 2005, the memorial was expanded. On the left and right in front of the obelisk there are four low quadrangular steles expanding upward with a wavy upper part, on which are inscribed the names of fellow countrymen who died during the war (120 people).

This is the second monument in the village dedicated to the events of the war. The first one was installed in May 1975. It was a tetrahedral obelisk tapering upward, mounted on a rectangular pedestal. In the lower right part, perpendicular to the plane of the monument, a rectangular slab was mounted with the inscription on the right side: “ Grateful living to those who died for their Motherland" On top is a relief image of a five-pointed star. In 1987, it was decided to replace the monument with a memorial complex, which still exists today.

There are monuments in the Nenets Okrug, the design of which is simple and at the same time original. One of these is located in the village. Karatayka is an obelisk to those who fell during the Great Patriotic War. Its author is Nikolai Ilyich Khozyainov. The monument was opened on October 23, 1989.

The obelisk is a stylized image of an irregularly shaped block, in the niche of which are engraved the names of residents who died during the Great Patriotic War (31 people). Inscribed in the lower left corner is a star with the years stamped on it: “1941-1945.” The composition is completed by three flagpoles, which are located in the left corner behind the obelisk. The frame of the monument is wooden, lined with metal.

The tragedy that took place on August 17, 1942 near Fr. Matveev in the Barents Sea, a monument erected near the seaport administration building on Saprygina Street in Naryan-Mar is dedicated.
On that day, the steamships “Komsomolets” and “Nord”, which belonged to the port, with barges P-3 and P-4 in tow, were returning from the village. Khabarovo to the port of Naryan-Mar, and in the area of ​​​​Matveev Island were fired upon by a German submarine. 328 people died, including 11 crew members of the tugboat Komsomolets.
The monument to the crew of the tugboat "Komsomolets" was erected in November 1968. The designers are a group of port engineers led by P. Khmelnitsky.
The monument is a pedestal in the shape of a steamship cabin, on which an Admiralty anchor is installed. A stainless steel plate with an engraved inscription is vertically attached to the lower part of the pedestal: “MMF Naryan-Mar Sea Commercial Port to the crew of the b/p “Komsomolets” who died on August 17, 1942. Vereshchagin V.I., Emelyanov V.I., Vokuev V.A., Kiyko S.N., Kozhevina A.S., Kozlovsky A.S., Koryakin M.A., Kuznetsov V.M., Kulizhskaya T. .G., Mikheev P.K., Morozov I.M., Potashev I.M., Smirnov V.A., Sumarokov SL.”
The pedestal is fenced with a steel chain suspended from concrete pillars.

There are only four sculptural images dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War in the Nenets Okrug.

The first monument of this type appeared in the village. Haruta. Installed in the front garden near the House of Culture in October 1977.

Sculpture of a soldier with his head bowed. The warrior holds a helmet in his left hand. The monument is installed on a pedestal more than a meter high, into which memorial plaques are embedded with the names of residents of the village who died during the Great Patriotic War (91 people).

In Naryan-Mar, in the city park, between the streets named after. Khatanzeisky and them. Saprygin in 1980, the “Monument to the Naryan-Mar Port Workers” was erected. The author is a member of the Union of Artists Alexander Vasilievich Rybkin.

The monument is a rounded pedestal, spirally raised at the top, on which stands a metal composition: a sailor dressed as a civilian sailor raises a flag, next to a soldier with a machine gun in his hand. On the concrete pedestal there is a bas-relief inscription: “To the port workers of Naryan-Mar” on the left the date: “1941”, on the right: “1945”

In 1987, additional work was carried out to decorate the monument. To the left and right of it, 12 concrete pedestals with slabs attached to them are installed in a semicircle; on the first one on the left there is the inscription: “No one is forgotten - nothing is forgotten”; on the subsequent ones, the names of the port workers who died during the war are carved (118 people). Order and delivery from Nalchik by Nikolai Ivanovich Korovin.

A complex compositional monument with a sculptural image of a Red Army soldier was installed in the village. Velikovisochnoe near the House of Culture. It was opened on September 2, 1985. Made in the Arkhangelsk art and industrial workshops of the RSFSR Art Fund with the participation of the designer Faina Nikolaevna Zemzina.

The monument is a complex consisting of three parts. On the right, on a prismatic concrete pedestal of burgundy color, there is a sculptural image of a soldier with a machine gun (iron, welding), next to it is a stele with an image on the large end of the Order of the Patriotic War and the dates “1941-1945” made of metal. The composition is completed by a tilted prismatic concrete pedestal, with two attached boards on which the names of the dead (86 people) are engraved. The boards were made at a factory in Lipetsk, transferred from the first Victory Monument. Order and delivery by Ivan Semenovich Dityatev.

There are monuments in the district, in the design of which bas-relief images of warriors are used. One of them - the obelisk “To the Heroes of Kanino-Timanya” was installed in 1969 in the village. Lower Pesha.

The monument is a stele with a broken line on the top edge, the left corner of which is extended upward. It is installed on a stepped rectangular pedestal. On the front side there is an image of the head of a soldier in a helmet, below the inscription: “To the heroes of Kanino-Timanya who died in battles for their homeland.” In 2002, to the left and right of the central stele, the monument was supplemented by rectangular slabs on which memorial plaques with the names of those killed during the Great Patriotic War (129 people) were attached.

The bas-relief monument in Oma was opened in September 1981. The author is sculptor-artist Sergei Konstantinovich Oborin.

The main part of the monument is a rectangular stele, which is surrounded by sculptural bas-reliefs of soldiers of various branches of the military. On the front side at the top of the monument is the Order of the Patriotic War. At the base there is a memorial plaque with the names of village residents who died on the battlefields during the war (78 people). Above the list of dates: "1941 -1945".

In the village Shoina obelisk to fallen soldiers was opened in the center of the village in 1983. Its author is Klibyshev.
The monument is a triangular prism mounted on a concrete pedestal. On the front side in the upper part there is an image of a soldier’s head, just below the inscription: “To the fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945". The names of the residents of the village are carved on the side faces. Shoina and village Kiya, who did not return from the war. The perimeter of the monument is surrounded by a chain attached to metal poles.

In the settlements of the district there are two memorial plaques dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. One of them is located in the village. Khongurey, on display in the village museum. Made of glass, black and gold paint. Author Alexander Alexandrovich Yurkov.
The board is rectangular with gold stars in the corners, a gold frame in the form of two figured stripes and the inscription on a black background:
“Eternal glory to the heroes who died in the battles for the freedom and independence of our Soviet Motherland 1941-1945.”.
Listed below are the names of village residents who died during the Great Patriotic War (24 people). Below, in the center below the list, is an eternal flame.
In 2004, a monument appeared in the village.

Memorial plaque to Alexey Kalinin. Located on the building of the Pesh Secondary School. Alexey Kalinin is a native of the village. Nizhnyaya Pesha, fought as part of the legendary crew of N.F. Gastello, who carried out a ground ramming of a column of fascist military equipment on the Minsk-Molodechno highway in the area of ​​the village on June 26, 1941. Radoshkovichi (Republic of Belarus).

The inscription on the board reads: “In the village of Nizhnyaya Pesha, Alexey Aleksandrovich Kalinin, radio operator gunner, who died heroically in an air battle on June 26, 1941 as part of the crew of the Hero of the Soviet Union N.F. Gastello, was born and graduated from school.”.

In the modern world, when everything changes, one thing remains unchanged - this is history, which must be preserved. The greatest activity in installing monuments appeared in our district in the 1980s. Then 9 obelisks appeared at once, reflecting the feat of the people during the Great Patriotic War.

And in our time this tradition continues to live. Proof of this is the appearance in 2003 of a monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War in the village. Indiga. The project was prepared by V.E. Glukhov with the participation of officers of the military unit.

The central part of the complex is a stele with a pointed upper part. In the center, in the upper part, there is an image of a five-pointed star, below the inscription: “The Great Patriotic War 1941 -1945.” At the bottom there is an image of the eternal flame and the inscription: “Eternal memory to the heroes of the war.” To the right and left, at an angle to the central part, are adjacent rectangular slabs on which the names of the residents of the village. Indiga and village Vyucheysky, who died during the war (133 people).

Contribution of the village residents. Vyucheysky, participants in the war in victory over the enemy, is immortalized in the settlement itself. In 2004, a monument was erected there.
It is a tetrahedral stele with a pointed upper part, on a concrete base. At the top there is an image of a star, below the inscription: “No one is forgotten - nothing is forgotten.” In front of the obelisk there is a slab with the inscription: “Eternal memory of those who died for the Motherland”; below are the names of the village residents who died during the war (42 people).

The tradition of installing memorial signs with the names of those killed during the war on the site of uninhabited villages and hamlets of the district was founded in the 90s. A monument was erected in the village of Bedovoye in 1991. Authors A.I. Mamontov, M. Ya. Ruzhnikov.
The base of the monument is made in the form of a log frame, from which two pillars with plywood attached to them extend upward, on which are carved the names of village residents who died during the war (19 people). The inscription on top: “Bedovoye”, below: “1941 -1945”.
The year 2004 was marked by the appearance of memorial signs on the site of the former village of Nikitsy and the village. Shapkino. Both of them were installed by the local communities of these settlements.

Monument in the village Shapkino is a rectangular wooden board mounted on two pillars. On the board there is a plaque with the names of the residents of the village who took part in the war (46 people). At the top there is the inscription: “Shapkin residents - participants of the Second World War”, after the list of names: “Eternal memory”.

The monument on the territory of the now defunct village of Nikitsy is a trapezoid-shaped obelisk, tapering upward, crowned by a five-pointed star. In the central part of the obelisk there is a metal plate with the inscription: “1941 -1945” followed by a list of names of residents of the village of Nikitsy who died during the war (21 people).

On the eve of the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory, three more monuments appeared on the map of the district - in the villages of Makarov and Kamenka, monuments to the “Countrymen who died during the war” and in the city of Naryan-Mar - to the “Pilots of the Arctic”.

The memorial sign in the village of Makarovo was made in the military memorial office of the city of Arkhangelsk with funds from the North-Western Fund for the Development of the Peoples of the North. The main work on the delivery and installation of the historical object was undertaken by the ROO "Shield".

The monument is a tetrahedral stele on a concrete base. On the front side there is an inscription: “1941 - 1945” below: “Let us remember everyone by name, let us remember with our grief. It’s not the dead who need it, the living need it.”
On the side and back edges there are images of soldiers - a tank driver, a sailor, and an infantryman. Just above are images of the awards of the Great Patriotic War - respectively: medals for the capture of Berlin, the Order of the Patriotic War, the Order of Glory. This is already the second monument in the village of Makarovo. The first one was installed by Komsomol members in the 60s. The location of the object was poorly chosen; it was located in a flooded area, which led to its destruction.

The obelisk “To the Arctic Pilots” was made in Arkhangelsk. The sketch was prepared by the head of the RAS ECO “Istoki” search group, local historian and ecologist Sergei Vyacheslavovich Kozlov. Made of Mansurovsky granite, the inscriptions are painted with gold paint. The monument is crowned by a flying seagull, symbolizing polar (naval) aviation.
On the front side of the stele are carved the names of the dead pilots of four aircraft that crashed on the territory of the district during the war. And above them is the Order of the Patriotic War. Below the list of dead pilots is the date of the war: “1941 -1945” and a laurel branch. At the bottom of the front side of the cabinet there is an inscription: “Eternal memory to the pilots of the Arctic.” On the back side of the stele is carved information about the death of three crews. On the right and left are drawings of crashed planes. There is lighting around the obelisk.

February 23, 2012 in the center of Naryan-Mar, in memory of the residents of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, who during the Great Patriotic War formed five reindeer transport trains, with a total number of more than 600 people, and more than 7,000 heads of riding reindeer. Echelons of people and deer were formed in the Kanino-Timansky, Bolshezemelsky and Nizhne-Pechora regions of the Nenets National District; they walked several hundred kilometers to their destination - the Rikasikha station in the Arkhangelsk region. In February 1942, at the Rikasikha station, from these trains as well as trains that arrived from the Leshukonsky district of the Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic in the 295th reserve regiment, the 1st reindeer ski brigade and the 2nd reindeer ski brigade were formed, which were sent to Karelian Front. On September 25, 1942, on the basis of these two units, the 31st separate reindeer ski brigade of the Karelian Front was formed.

On November 20, a memorable date was established in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - the Day of Remembrance of participants in the reindeer transport battalions in the Great Patriotic War.

Monuments on the territory of our district dedicated to the feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War are diverse. However, we can highlight their main features that are characteristic of each object. Structural elements and attributes of monuments are often similar. For example, the technique of combining a stele and a memorial plaque with the names of the dead, an image of a star or an order, an eternal flame or an image of an eternal flame is repeated, and everywhere on monuments there is the inscription: “1941-1945.”
During the festive celebrations on the occasion of the Victory, it is at these monuments that residents of the district pay tribute to the fallen and those who survived the difficult war years at the fronts, those who forged Victory in the rear, those to whom we are grateful for the opportunity to live a peaceful life.

Memorial of Glory.
The Memorial of Glory is located in the Leninsky district on Victory Square near Mira Avenue.
Opened on May 9, 1965. In 1967, the Eternal Flame was lit. The memorial was built on the mass grave of soldiers of the Soviet army who died during the Great Patriotic War in Orsky hospitals (1941-1945). On April 27, 1965, the remains of 216 soldiers were reburied from a closed city cemetery at the site of the future memorial in 12 urns. Initially, a block of unpolished Orsk variegated jasper and a bronze plaque was installed, on which a monument to a Soviet soldier in Berlin's Treptower Park was depicted in relief. A bowl with the Eternal Flame was installed in front of the stone. The entire structure was placed on a concrete pedestal. The authors of the monument are Orsk architects E.Ya. Markov, B.G. Zavodovsky, A.N. Silin. In 1975, the monument was reconstructed: the mass grave was lined with polished red Orsk jasper.
In its center is the Eternal Flame, above which hangs a bronze wreath of Glory. Behind the grave there is a wall of black stone with an inscription "Motherland! The Russian land, watered with the blood of its soldiers, honors their memory forever". Behind the wall there were spruce trees. Authors: Orsk architects P.P. Priymak, G.I. Sokolov, V.N. Yakimov. During the reconstruction of the memorial in 1988, the lining of the military grave was replaced with a green-black coil; marble slabs with the names of soldiers who died in Orsky hospitals, Orchan soldiers who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, and those who died in Afghanistan were installed along the perimeter of the memorial.
The black stone inscription is transferred to white marble slabs in the center of the memorial.
In 1995, additional memorial pylons were installed with the names of Orchans who died in 1941-1945, in the Afghan war of 1979-1989, in hot spots of Russia (North Caucasus) in the 1990s.
In April - August 2000, the Glory Square was reconstructed, a second line of pylons was installed, where more than 8,000 additional names of Orchan residents who died in hostilities were added. The main part of the memorial complex is equipped with lawns, flower beds and plantings of deciduous and coniferous trees.
On May 8, 2008, on the eve of Victory Day, the opening of the Alley of Heroes took place on the territory of Glory Square. The memorial has changed its appearance for the fourth time and is becoming better and more significant.
The idea of ​​this project appeared back in the eighties of the last century. Then, taking into account the wishes of war veterans, the chief artist of Orsk P. Priymak worked on a project for the reconstruction of the square and envisaged opening the Alley of Heroes. But it was only now possible to install nine bronze busts of Heroes of the Soviet Union and two Heroes of Russia, thanks to the decision of the current head of the city.
Preparations for the implementation of the alley project began in 2008, when the necessary photographic materials were sent to Chelyabinsk. The busts of the Orchan heroes were sculpted by a creative group of Chelyabinsk sculptors under the leadership of the chairman of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Union of Artists of Russia E. Vargot. Professionals managed to convey not only the external similarity of the defenders of the Motherland, but also their character. As the sculptors themselves assure, the images were created based on the personal history of each hero. The bronze busts, weighing about 2 tons each, were installed on granite pedestals by specialists from the Requiem municipal unitary enterprise.
On the pylons erected on both sides of the alley are the names of the heroes of the Orsk land who won the Victory and defended the freedom of not only Russians, but also other peoples.


  1. Memorial of Glory // Orsk City Encyclopedia. - Orenburg, 2007. - P. 219.
  2. Post No. 1 // Orsk City Encyclopedia. - Orenburg, 2007. - P. 234 - 235.
  3. Memorial of Glory: photograph // Orsk: photo album. - M. 1995. - P. 87.
  4. Ivanov, A. Bust of the Hero joined the Walk of Fame / A. Ivanov // Orskaya Gazeta. - 2008. - September 5. - P. 2.
  5. Svetushkova, L. “Heritage” - to the city / L. Svetushkova // Orskaya Chronicle. - 2008. - September 5. - P. 2.
  6. Goncharenko, V. Ten busts of War Heroes are installed on columns / V. Goncharenko // Orskaya Chronicle. - 2008. - April 22. - P. 1, 2.
  7. Rezepkina, N. The living need this / N. Rezepkina // New Vedomosti. - 2007. - May 9. - P. 3.
  8. Efimova, T. without the past there is no future / T. Efimova // Orskaya Chronicle. - 2000. - August 31. - P. 2.
  9. Karandeev, A. Orchan residents laid flowers at the renovated memorial / A. Karandeev // Orskaya Chronicle. - 2000. - May 13. - P. 2.

75 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. Victory in it became the greatest test and the greatest pride for our people. The memory of fallen soldiers, home front workers and civilians is immortalized in numerous memorials throughout our country. Today, you can visit each of these memorials, lay flowers and remember your heroes, who are in every Russian family.

1. Monument-ensemble "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad", Mamayev Kurgan, Volgograd. This is perhaps the most famous memorial dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, majestic and symbolic. It took 8.5 years to build: from 1959 to 1967. The chief architect was Evgeniy Vuchetich.

There are 200 steps leading from the base to the top of the mound. This number was not chosen by chance: that is how many days the Battle of Stalingrad lasted, which put an end to the offensive of the fascist troops. The center of the memorial is the sculpture “The Motherland Calls!” - for many years was the tallest statue in the world: the height is 52 meters. This is 1.5 times the size of the Statue of Liberty in New York. “Motherland” is a unique engineering structure made of iron and concrete, with thin walls (25-30 cm), which maintains balance thanks to amazingly accurate calculations. In addition to it, the memorial complex includes the Square of Those Who Fought to Death, the Hall of Military Glory, the Square of Sorrow, and the Ruin Walls. When visiting the ruin walls and the Hall of Military Glory, you can hear the voice of the legendary Soviet announcer Yuri Levitan and sound fragments specially recorded for the memorial. In 1965, a capsule of war participants was laid on Mamayev Kurgan for their descendants, which should be opened on May 9, 2045, on the centenary of the Victory. Since 2014, Mamayev Kurgan has been a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

2. Museum-reserve "Prokhorovskoye Field", Belgorod region, Prokhorovka village. The vicinity of the Prokhorovka railway station on July 12, 1943 became the site of the largest tank battle in history.

Belogorye Aeronautics Federation /

More than 1,500 tanks of the Red Army and fascist invaders fought in it. This battle turned the tide of the Battle of Kursk and the war as a whole. In memory of the Prokhorovsky battle, the Prokhorovsky Field museum-reserve was created. The observation post from which General Pavel Rotmistrov, commander of the 5th Guards Tank Army, gave orders has been reconstructed here. A memorial sign in the bend of the Psel River was erected in honor of the feat of senior lieutenant Pavel Shpetny. All nine men in his platoon, while knocking out seven enemy tanks. In 2010, the Museum of Military Glory “The Third Military Field of Russia” was opened in Prokhorovka. The main monument of the memorial is the 59-meter Belfry with a bell that rings three times an hour, recalling the historical role of three battlefields: Kulikovo, Borodino and Prokhorovsky. And the architectural dominant of the complex is the temple in the name of the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul, on the walls of which are inscribed the names of 7382 soldiers who died in these bloody battles

3. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Moscow. The memorial was opened in May 1967 after the burial of the ashes of an unknown soldier who died in the battle for Moscow near the Kremlin wall.

Brian Jeffery Beggerly /

The remains were transferred from the mass grave to 41 km of Leningradskoye Highway. The monument consists of a tombstone covered with a bronze battle flag, on which lie a soldier's helmet and a laurel branch. And in the center burns the Eternal Flame of Glory. It was brought from the Campus Martius in 1967. At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the fire was lit by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev, having received the torch from the hands of the legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev. Nearby is the inscription “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.” In 1997, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, an honor guard post was established at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And in 2014, the All-Russian Day of the Unknown Soldier appeared, which is celebrated on December 3.

4. Krivtsovsky memorial, Oryol region . At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a stronghold of a group of fascist troops was located in the region. In 1942, the Bolkhov operation was carried out, with the bloodiest battle in the Krivtsovo-Chagodaevo-Gorodishche area.

After the offensive, Soviet troops were able to advance 20 km, but then stopped. This did not allow the enemy to transfer forces to the Battle of Stalingrad. During the Bolkhov operation, more than 21 thousand soldiers and officers were killed, and more than 47 thousand were injured. The Krivtsovsky memorial is located in the “Valley of Death” - this is almost the official name of the valleys of the Oka and Zusha rivers. The memorial ensemble consists of two parts: a monument to fallen soldiers, in the form of a 15-meter pyramid, and a square for mourning ceremonies with two mass graves, on which the monument “Eternal Flame of Glory” and a 9-meter obelisk are installed.

5. Murmansk "Alyosha" - a monument to the "Defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." It was founded in 1969 on the Cape Verde hill, where anti-aircraft batteries were located that defended the city from air raids.

The Murmansk region is the only region where the enemy did not pass more than 30 km from the state border. And the fiercest battles took place on the right bank of the Zapadnaya Litsa River, later renamed the Valley of Glory. “Alyosha’s” gaze is directed exactly there. There is still no exact data on the number of deaths while defending the region. Murmansk "Alyosha" is the tallest monument in Russia after Mamayev Kurgan. Its height together with the pedestal is 42.5 meters. The memorial ensemble includes the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame, and a granite stele to the Defenders of the Arctic. At the foot of the monument, two capsules are walled up - one with sea water from the site of the death of the ship "Tuman", the second - with earth from the Valley of Glory and the battle area at the Verman line.

6. Rear to front, Magnitogorsk. This is the first part of a triptych of monuments, including “The Motherland Calls” in Volgograd and “The Liberator Warrior” in Berlin.

According to the authors' idea, the sword, forged by home front workers in the Urals, is raised by the Motherland on Mamayev Kurgan, and is already lowered after the victory of the soldiers in Berlin. The monument is located on a hill, its height is 15 meters. In the center of the monument there are two figures - a warrior and a worker. The worker looks towards the metallurgical plant, and the warrior looks to the west, where military operations took place. The Eternal Flame is installed nearby. The monument was made in Leningrad, and then erected on a fortified hill in Magnitogorsk. Later, the names of city residents who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in World War II and who died - more than 14 thousand in total - were carved on granite trapezoids.

7. Monument to Sailor and Soldier, Sevastopol . A 40-meter monument with a difficult fate. The decision to build a memorial complex at Cape Khrustalny was made back in the 70s of the last century, but construction began only decades later.

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Construction proceeded slowly, then it was mothballed, as the project was considered unsuccessful, and in the late 80s the possibility of dismantling the monument was seriously discussed. Subsequently, supporters of the monument won, and money was allocated for restoration, but the initially approved project was never completed. Now the Soldier and Sailor Monument is a must-see for tourist groups, although there are many of its critics among local residents.

8. Poklonnaya Gora, Moscow. For the first time, on the site of a hill between the Setun and Filka rivers, back in 1942, it was proposed to erect a monument to the national feat of 1812. However, in the difficult conditions of the Great Patriotic War, the project could not be implemented.

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

Subsequently, a sign was installed on Poklonnaya Hill with the promise that a Victory monument would appear in this place. A park was laid out around it, which also received a similar name. Construction of the memorial began in 1984, and was completed only 11 years later: the complex was inaugurated on May 9, 1995, on the 50th anniversary of the war. The ceremony was attended by heads of 55 states. On the territory of Victory Park there are churches of three faiths (Orthodox, mosque and synagogue), which symbolize the multinationality of the army of liberators. The Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War has a unique collection, including 1.5 thousand volumes of the “Book of Memory” and its electronic analogue, which record the fate of Soviet soldiers who defended their country from the Nazis. There is also an exhibition of military equipment on the territory of the park. Well, the center of the monument is the Victory Monument.

9. Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery, St. Petersburg . This is the largest burial site for victims of the Second World War; about 420 thousand residents of besieged Leningrad who died of hunger, cold and disease, and 70 thousand soldiers who heroically fought for the northern capital are buried in 186 mass graves.

Taryn /

The grand opening of the memorial took place on May 9, 1960. The dominant feature of the ensemble is the “Mother Motherland” monument with a granite stele on which is engraved the epitaph of Olga Berggolts with the famous line “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.” The poetess wrote this poem specifically for the opening of the Piskarevsky memorial. From the “Mother Motherland” there is a 300-meter alley on which red roses are planted. It ends at the Eternal Flame. Here, at the Piskarevskoye cemetery in the military museum, there is Tanya Savicheva’s diary.

10. Cranes, Saratov. Yuri Menyakin, the creator of the memorial complex in memory of Saratov residents who died in the war, was inspired by the song “Cranes” based on the poems of Rasul Gamzatov.

Therefore, the main theme of the monument was bright memory and bright sadness. A wedge of 12 silver cranes flying west symbolizes the souls of fallen soldiers. In the center of the monument are three five-pointed stars, covered with gold leaf, made by analogy with the highest award of the USSR - Hero of the Soviet Union. Five flights of stairs lead to the monument, on which are engraved the cities in which Saratov residents took part in the defense and liberation. The area around the complex is paved with paving stones. It symbolizes the beginning of the war, when soldiers from the parade on Red Square went straight to the front.

Of course, the Great Patriotic War left a huge mark on the history of our Motherland. For 68 years now, we have annually honored the memory of those killed on May 9th. We all know that throughout the vastness of Russia monuments to the Great Patriotic War were built in huge quantities. Below in the article we will look at the most famous of them, which are located in the hero cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Tula, Volgograd, Novorossiysk and Smolensk. It was these cities that became most famous for their brave defense during the hostilities of 1941-43.

Let's start with Moscow. All Muscovites will certainly say that the most significant for this city is Poklonnaya Hill, on which Victory Park is located. The park was inaugurated on May 9, 1995 during the celebration of Victory Day. Monuments to the Great Patriotic War located here include exhibitions of military equipment, WWII and Holocaust museums, a memorial mosque and synagogue, and a temple. In addition to these monuments, there are other minor structures that can be seen throughout Moscow.

Next, let's move on to St. Petersburg. Like in the capital, the “Venice of the North” also has a Victory Park, but here it is presented in a duplicate: Primorsky, which is dedicated to naval victories, and Moscow, which is built as a holistic memory of the victory. The former does not stand out in any way, but the latter has on its territory a large number of buildings that are monuments to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Among them, monuments-busts of twice Heroes of Socialist Labor, natives of the city, are especially notable. Also worth noting is the Rotunda monument, memorial crosses and plaques, various sculptures and the Temporary Chapel. In addition to these parks, it is worth mentioning the “Breakthrough the Siege of Leningrad” museum-reserve, as well as the memorial museum “Defense and Siege of Leningrad”, which highlight the severity of the battles and the “snatching” of victory from the fascist invaders.

Tula is not particularly replete with monuments, however, it is worth noting the monument to the defenders of Tula in the Second World War, which is located on the Mound of Immortality in the city of Efremov, built at the residents’ own expense.

Of course, one of the greatest cities that showed heroic defense and no less heroic counter-offensive is Volgograd. On the most famous hill, where bloody battles took place from September 1942 to January the following - Mamayev Kurgan, there is an architectural ensemble of monuments dedicated to the Second World War. It includes, perhaps, the most famous monument to the Second World War of Russia “The Motherland is Calling!”, which, by the way, is one of 3 squares (Square of Sorrow, Square of Heroes, Square of Those Who Stood to Death), Monumental relief, high relief “Memory of Generations” , Military cemetery, Ruin walls. Construction, during which many architects were involved, lasted almost 10 years, from 1959 to 1967.

Next, we will briefly examine the monuments to the Great Patriotic War in Smolensk. In Readovka Park there is the Mound of Immortality, which was built by Smolensk residents in memory of the soldiers and ordinary people who died during the Second World War. It was inaugurated on September 25, 1970. Not far from the Kurgan you can see the Eternal Flame, and in the park itself it was also built where thousands of warriors are buried. Among other monuments in Smolensk, the Great Patriotic War monument “Bayonet” is worthy of mention, which was erected in memory of the soldiers of the legendary 16th Army that defended the city in July 1941.