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» Comparison of the images of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov from the novel “War and Peace” by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Comparison of the images of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov from Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” How are Pierre and Andrei similar

Comparison of the images of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov from the novel “War and Peace” by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Comparison of the images of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov from Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” How are Pierre and Andrei similar

Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky, being completely different characters from the novel “War and Peace,” are Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s favorite heroes. The difference between the characters is visible from their first appearance on the pages of the novel in Anna Scherer’s salon. Andrei Bolkonsky, having already had quite a wealth of life experience at that time, shows with all his appearance how tired he was of all these social gatherings. Andrey even somehow reminds the reader of Eugene Onegin. Pierre Bezukhov appears to us as a man who reveres the people who gathered in Madame Scherer's salon. The heroes have different views, characters, and behavior patterns. But, despite many differences, the heroes of the work also have a lot in common. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are smart people who received an excellent education. They are close to each other in spirit, since both are independent in their judgments and thoughts. Thus, Bolkonsky and Bezukhov fully confirm the ancient axiom: “Opposites complement each other.”

No wonder Andrey and Pierre They are very frank in their conversations, and on some topics they can only talk with each other, because they find each other understanding even with completely different worldviews. Andrei Bolkonsky is a more reasonable person, he is much more rational than Pierre. Reason prevails over Andrey’s feelings, while Pierre Bezukhov is more spontaneous, prone to acute feelings and experiences. Pierre loves entertainment, leads a wild lifestyle and has an easy-going mental attitude to many things. He marries the secular beauty Helen Kuragina, but soon breaks up with her, saying about his wife: “Where you are, there is debauchery and evil.” His youth is full of mistakes and disappointments. As a result, Pierre, like Andrei Bolkonsky, begins to hate secular society, which is permeated through and through with lies. Both heroes are men of action. Both Andrei and Pierre are constantly in search of the meaning of life and their place in this world. Many things happen differently in the lives of the main characters, but some moments are very similar. Andrey is looking for glory in the war, Pierre is having fun in the company of Kuragin. But both are unhappy in their family life. Both have beautiful outwardly wives, but their chosen ones do not satisfy the heroes with their inner world. When Andrei Bolkonsky reconsiders his views on life, having become disillusioned with the war, he returns home, but another shock awaits him - Andrei’s wife dies and the hero of the novel faces depression and disappointment in life. Big changes are taking place in the life of Pierre Bezukhov - he receives a large inheritance and becomes a welcome guest in all houses without exception, even in those where Pierre was previously treated with disdain. But, quickly becoming disillusioned, like Andrei Bolkonsky in his time, with secular life, Pierre Bezukhov finds his application in Freemasonry. During this period of his life, Pierre Bezukhov seems to have found the meaning of life.

He's trying to make life easier serfs and help other people: “When I live, at least try to live for others, I begin to understand the happiness of life.” But Freemasonry disappointed Pierre, as many members of this society betrayed common interests and directed their efforts to gain their own glory and personal gain. The War of 1812, and especially captivity and the meeting with Platon Karataev, changed Bezukhov’s life, showing him the true meaning of life, and helped the hero reassess his values. Such Pierre Bezukhov helps Andrei Bolkonsky, reviving Andrei to life together with Natasha Rostova. Andrei takes an active part in public life, working on the Speransky commission, but this type of activity does not bring him satisfaction. Just like Pierre Bezukhov’s participation in the Freemason movement. Andrei is revived again by his love for Natasha Rostova, but a happy life with his beloved did not work out, and Andrei Bolkonsky again goes to war, where he comes to understand that the meaning of life is to help other people, that it is necessary to benefit others. Andrei Bolkonsky dies without being able to bring his idea to life. Understanding the need to love the people around you and appreciate life comes to Pierre Bezukhov. Andrei and Pierre are united by a principle that Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy himself outlined during his youth: “To live honestly, you have to struggle, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and give up again, and start again, and give up again, and always struggle and lose. And calmness is mental vulgarity.”

Each writer has his own view of his time and the choice of heroes. This is determined by the personality of the author, his worldview, his understanding of the purpose of man on earth. Therefore, there are books over which time has no power. There are heroes who will always be interesting, whose thoughts and actions will excite more than one generation of descendants.

This is what the heroes of L.N.’s novel are like for me. Tolstoy "War and Peace". What attracts me to the characters of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov? Why do they seem so alive and close after almost two centuries? Why is Natasha Rostova perceived not as some distant countess, from a completely different life, from a different upbringing, but as my peer? Why is it that every time I return to a novel, I discover something new for myself in it? This is probably why for me they are truly alive, not static, because they live not only for today, they strive not only for privileges, awards, material wealth, but also do not “sleep” in soul, reflect on their lives, intensely search for the meaning of life. The great and unique L. Tolstoy, who throughout his life never ceased to seek the good and learn, analyze himself, his era and human life in general, teaches us, readers, to observe life and analyze our actions. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov immediately attract attention and stand out for their sincerity, highest decency and intelligence. Despite the fact that they are so different - the stern, arrogant Prince Andrei, who respects himself very much and therefore leaves people, and the awkward, initially naive Pierre, who is never taken seriously by the world - they are true friends. They can talk about lofty matters, confide in each other the secrets of the soul, protect and support in difficult times.

It would seem that each of them has their own path, their own victories and defeats, but how many times their destinies intertwined, how many similarities exist in their different ambitions in life, how many similarities exist in their feelings! A talented officer, Prince Andrei goes to war to find a use for his strength and intelligence, to find “his Toulon,” and to become famous. He made it a rule not to interfere in other people’s affairs, not to pay attention to vanity and disputes, “not to give up.” But in the headquarters corridor, the prince will cut off the presumptuous adjutant, who dared to speak insultingly about the defeated ally: “We are either officers who serve our tsar and fatherland and rejoice at the common success and are sad about the common failure, or we are lackeys who do not care about the master’s business!”

Having given the order to evacuate, Prince Andrei cannot abandon Captain Tushin’s battery and remains to help them, without hiding from the dust and gunpowder smoke with his adjutant position. And during the discussion at the headquarters of the Battle of Shengraben, he will speak out in defense of Tushin.

Maybe it was precisely this meeting and participation in hostilities (under enemy bullets) side by side with ordinary soldiers and junior officers that helped to fulfill his father’s order so that “there would be no shame”, and to raise the banner, turning back the retreating, not only because his “finest hour” has come, but because he, like Kutuzov, feels pain for the retreat of the army. Maybe that’s why Andrei Bolkonsky deliberately did not notice the offensive words about Nikolai Rostov’s staff officers and authoritatively, with dignity, suggested that he calm down, because another duel would now take place - with a common enemy, where they should not feel like rivals. Likewise, Pierre, striving for self-improvement, trying to do so much for his peasants, must come to understand the difference between good deeds for one’s own sake and dissolution in the common affairs and aspirations of many people. That's why he comes to the Masons, hoping that this is a real center of good. What's wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live and what is “I”? What is life and what is death? What force controls everything? Of course, a person who poses these questions to himself is worthy of respect, even if his searches first lead to denial, to rejection...

Prince Andrei also experiences a spiritual crisis after revaluing his idol, Napoleon, and after the death of his wife. Changes on the estate (at the beginning of the 19th century he transferred his serfs to free cultivators), raising an infant son, reading books and periodicals could fill the life of an ordinary, dozens of people to the brim. Bolkonsky, however, is pressed by a ceiling of limitations - he needs the space of a high blue sky. Like a spark, Pierre’s words will flare up in a conversation on the ferry: “You have to live, you have to love, you have to believe,” and will ignite a new interest in life! Now he knows the criterion for the usefulness of this work and, having applied the project, highly appreciated by the Speransky committee, to specific people, “remembering the peasants, Dron - the headman, and, having attached to them the rights of individuals, which he distributed in paragraphs, it became strange to him how he could take so long to engage in such futile labor.” The hope for personal happiness lifts Prince Andrey as if on wings and proves that “life is not over at thirty-one.” How will his credo change, his yesterday’s Napoleonic “I am above everyone,” “my thoughts and efforts are a gift for everyone” - to something else: “Everyone must know me, so that my life does not go on for me alone, so that they do not live like this.” , like this girl, regardless of my life, so that it is reflected on everyone and so that they all live with me!” This “everything is through me,” this path from the arrogantly selfish to the egoistic will give Bolkonsky a different perception of the world, teach him to see and understand the feelings of other people: dreamy Natasha on a moonlit night, her bright personality, which he so lacked, and girls with green plums who needed to pass by him, and Timokhin, and all the officers and soldiers of their regiment unnoticed. Maybe that’s why he will not lose interest in life, plunging into the personal grief of breaking up with his beloved, when he is faced with the general grief of his Motherland, with an enemy invasion.

So Pierre, who was deceived by everyone - from estate managers to his own wife - needed to feel a threat not only to his own self, but at least to a loved one, so that he would find in himself strength, firmness, real tact, and, finally, the ability to manage the situation, as in the case of Anatoly Kuragin, so that he does not disgrace Natasha’s reputation and does not meet with Prince Andrei, and does not become a threat to his friend’s life.

When the enemy attacks the Motherland, Pierre, a civilian to the core, acts as a true patriot. He not only equips an entire regiment at his own expense - he himself wants to stay in Moscow to kill Napoleon. It is symbolic that, looking for the answer to the question in the Apocalypse: who will defeat Bonaparte, Pierre finds the answer - “Russian Bezukhov,” emphasizing not only his name and title, but precisely his belonging to the nation, that is, feeling himself to be part of the country. On the Borodino field, on the battery, Pierre, with his desire to help bring shells, is somewhat reminiscent of Prince Andrey near Shengraben.

Andrei Bolkonsky also feels like a part of his people. In a conversation with a new person, he amazes with his frankness, simplicity of words, and closeness to ordinary soldiers. Prince Andrei refuses Kutuzov's offer to serve as his adjutant, wanting to remain in the regiment. He will learn to fight on the front line, to appreciate the warm attitude of the soldiers towards him, their affectionate “our prince”. Having once attached great importance to military strategy and calculation, Andrei Bolkonsky indignantly discards this before the Battle of Borodino: Napoleonic comparison of regiments with chess pieces and the words of staff officers about “war in space.” According to Prince Andrei, only one feeling, which “is in me, in him, in every soldier,” can protect the small homeland (your house, estate, city) and the great Fatherland. This is a feeling of love for the Motherland and a feeling of unity with the fate of the people.

Bolkonsky stands under bullets, considering it “his duty to arouse the courage of the soldiers.” He will forgive Anatoly Kuragin a personal insult when he meets him wounded in a hospital ward on the front line. And love for Natasha, aggravated by common grief and common losses, flares up in Prince Andrei with renewed vigor. Pierre Bezukhov had to undergo a great purification through physical and moral suffering in captivity in order to meet Platon Karataev, immerse himself in the life of the common people and understand that “all his life he looked somewhere over the heads of those around him, but he had to not strain his eyes, but just look in front of you.” With new eyes he will see the real path to the goal, the sphere of application of his own strength. It is painful for him, like many heroes of the Patriotic War, to look at the unrest in the Fatherland: “Theft is in the courts, the army is one stick: shagistika, settlements - they torture the people, education is strangled. What’s young, honestly, is ruined!” Now Pierre becomes close to everything that happens in his country, and he stands up for the defense of this “young and honest”, bowing before the glorious past, fights for the purity of the present and future.

Bezukhov is one of the organizers and leaders of the Decembrist circle. He deliberately chooses a dangerous and turbulent path. It is symbolic that, in Nikolenka Bolkonsky’s view, both the teenager himself and Prince Andrei are going “to glory” next to him, through the swords of the reactionaries.

I think if Pierre had remained alive, he would not have hesitated to take part in the performance on Senate Square. This would be the logical result of ideological quests, spiritual self-improvement and the growth of one’s own “I” into a common “we”. At a new stage of development, as L.N. shows. Tolstoy, their sequel, Nikolenka, takes the same path. And his cherished words sound so close and understandable to each of us: “I only ask God for one thing, that what happened to Plutarch’s people would happen to me, and I will do the same. I'll do better. Everyone will know, everyone will love me, everyone will admire me.” The meaning of the spiritual quest of a real person cannot have an end.

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GBOU NPO "Vocational School" No. 62

Volgograd region

Volzhsky city

on the topic of: Comparison of images of AndreyBolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhovfrom the novelLev NikolaevichTolstoy"War and Peace"


Student of group 15

Demenko Irina

Teacher: Lola Azizovna

Bolkonsky Bezukhov Roman Tolstoy

Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky, being completely different characters from the novel “War and Peace,” are Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s favorite heroes. The difference between the characters is visible from their first appearance on the pages of the novel in Anna Scherer’s salon. Andrei Bolkonsky, having already had quite a wealth of life experience at that time, shows with all his appearance how tired he was of all these social gatherings. Andrey even somehow reminds the reader of Eugene Onegin. Pierre Bezukhov appears to us as a man who reveres the people who gathered in Madame Scherer's salon. The heroes have different views, characters, and behavior patterns. But, despite many differences, the heroes of the work also have a lot in common. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are smart people who received an excellent education. They are close to each other in spirit, since both are independent in their judgments and thoughts. Thus, Bolkonsky and Bezukhov fully confirm the ancient axiom: “Opposites complement each other.”

No wonder Andrey and Pierre They are very frank in their conversations, and on some topics they can only talk with each other, because they find each other understanding even with completely different worldviews. Andrei Bolkonsky is a more reasonable person, he is much more rational than Pierre. Reason prevails over Andrey’s feelings, while Pierre Bezukhov is more spontaneous, prone to acute feelings and experiences. Pierre loves entertainment, leads a wild lifestyle and has an easy-going mental attitude to many things. He marries the secular beauty Helen Kuragina, but soon breaks up with her, saying about his wife: “Where you are, there is debauchery and evil.” His youth is full of mistakes and disappointments. As a result, Pierre, like Andrei Bolkonsky, begins to hate secular society, which is permeated through and through with lies. Both heroes are men of action. Both Andrei and Pierre are constantly in search of the meaning of life and their place in this world. Many things happen differently in the lives of the main characters, but some moments are very similar. Andrey is looking for glory in the war, Pierre is having fun in the company of Kuragin. But both are unhappy in their family life. Both have beautiful outwardly wives, but their chosen ones do not satisfy the heroes with their inner world. When Andrei Bolkonsky reconsiders his views on life, having become disillusioned with the war, he returns home, but another shock awaits him - Andrei’s wife dies and the hero of the novel faces depression and disappointment in life. Big changes are taking place in the life of Pierre Bezukhov - he receives a large inheritance and becomes a welcome guest in all houses without exception, even in those where Pierre was previously treated with disdain. But, quickly becoming disillusioned, like Andrei Bolkonsky in his time, with secular life, Pierre Bezukhov finds his application in Freemasonry. During this period of his life, Pierre Bezukhov seems to have found the meaning of life.

He's trying to make life easier serfs and help other people: “When I live, at least try to live for others, I begin to understand the happiness of life.” But Freemasonry disappointed Pierre, as many members of this society betrayed common interests and directed their efforts to gain their own glory and personal gain. The War of 1812, and especially captivity and the meeting with Platon Karataev, changed Bezukhov’s life, showing him the true meaning of life, and helped the hero reassess his values. Such Pierre Bezukhov helps Andrei Bolkonsky, reviving Andrei to life together with Natasha Rostova. Andrei takes an active part in public life, working on the Speransky commission, but this type of activity does not bring him satisfaction. Just like Pierre Bezukhov’s participation in the Freemason movement. Andrei is revived again by his love for Natasha Rostova, but a happy life with his beloved did not work out, and Andrei Bolkonsky again goes to war, where he comes to understand that the meaning of life is to help other people, that it is necessary to benefit others. Andrei Bolkonsky dies without being able to bring his idea to life. Understanding the need to love the people around you and appreciate life comes to Pierre Bezukhov. Andrei and Pierre are united by a principle that Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy himself outlined during his youth: “To live honestly, you have to struggle, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and give up again, and start again, and give up again, and always struggle and lose. And calmness is mental vulgarity.”

Each writer has his own view of his time and the choice of heroes. This is determined by the personality of the author, his worldview, his understanding of the purpose of man on earth. Therefore, there are books over which time has no power. There are heroes who will always be interesting, whose thoughts and actions will excite more than one generation of descendants.

This is what the heroes of L.N.’s novel are like for me. Tolstoy "War and Peace". What attracts me to the characters of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov? Why do they seem so alive and close after almost two centuries? Why is Natasha Rostova perceived not as some distant countess, from a completely different life, from a different upbringing, but as my peer? Why is it that every time I return to a novel, I discover something new for myself in it? This is probably why for me they are truly alive, not static, because they live not only for today, they strive not only for privileges, awards, material wealth, but also do not “sleep” in soul, reflect on their lives, intensely search for the meaning of life. The great and unique L. Tolstoy, who throughout his life never ceased to seek the good and learn, analyze himself, his era and human life in general, teaches us, readers, to observe life and analyze our actions. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov immediately attract attention and stand out for their sincerity, highest decency and intelligence. Despite the fact that they are so different - the stern, arrogant Prince Andrei, who respects himself very much and therefore leaves people, and the awkward, initially naive Pierre, who is never taken seriously by the world - they are true friends. They can talk about lofty matters, confide in each other the secrets of the soul, protect and support in difficult times.

It would seem that each of them has their own path, their own victories and defeats, but how many times their destinies intertwined, how many similarities exist in their different ambitions in life, how many similarities exist in their feelings! A talented officer, Prince Andrei goes to war to find a use for his strength and intelligence, to find “his Toulon,” and to become famous. He made it a rule not to interfere in other people’s affairs, not to pay attention to vanity and disputes, “not to give up.” But in the headquarters corridor, the prince will cut off the presumptuous adjutant, who dared to speak insultingly about the defeated ally: “We are either officers who serve our tsar and fatherland and rejoice at the common success and are sad about the common failure, or we are lackeys who do not care about the master’s business!”

Having given the order to evacuate, Prince Andrei cannot abandon Captain Tushin’s battery and remains to help them, without hiding from the dust and gunpowder smoke with his adjutant position. And during the discussion at the headquarters of the Battle of Shengraben, he will speak out in defense of Tushin.

Maybe it was precisely this meeting and participation in hostilities (under enemy bullets) side by side with ordinary soldiers and junior officers that helped to fulfill his father’s order so that “there would be no shame”, and to raise the banner, turning back the retreating, not only because his “finest hour” has come, but because he, like Kutuzov, feels pain for the retreat of the army. Maybe that’s why Andrei Bolkonsky deliberately did not notice the offensive words about Nikolai Rostov’s staff officers and authoritatively, with dignity, suggested that he calm down, because another duel would now take place - with a common enemy, where they should not feel like rivals. Likewise, Pierre, striving for self-improvement, trying to do so much for his peasants, must come to understand the difference between good deeds for one’s own sake and dissolution in the common affairs and aspirations of many people. That's why he comes to the Masons, hoping that this is a real center of good. What's wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live and what is “I”? What is life and what is death? What force controls everything? Of course, a person who poses these questions to himself is worthy of respect, even if his searches first lead to denial, to rejection...

Prince Andrei also experiences a spiritual crisis after revaluing his idol, Napoleon, and after the death of his wife. Changes on the estate (at the beginning of the 19th century he transferred his serfs to free cultivators), raising an infant son, reading books and periodicals could fill the life of an ordinary, dozens of people to the brim. Bolkonsky, however, is pressed by a ceiling of limitations - he needs the space of a high blue sky. Like a spark, Pierre’s words will flare up in a conversation on the ferry: “You have to live, you have to love, you have to believe,” and will ignite a new interest in life! Now he knows the criterion for the usefulness of this work and, having applied the project, highly appreciated by the Speransky committee, to specific people, “remembering the peasants, Dron - the headman, and, having attached to them the rights of individuals, which he distributed in paragraphs, it became strange to him how he could take so long to engage in such futile labor.” The hope for personal happiness lifts Prince Andrey as if on wings and proves that “life is not over at thirty-one.” How will his credo change, his yesterday’s Napoleonic “I am above everyone,” “my thoughts and efforts are a gift for everyone” - to something else: “Everyone must know me, so that my life does not go on for me alone, so that they do not live like this.” , like this girl, regardless of my life, so that it is reflected on everyone and so that they all live with me!” This “everything is through me,” this path from the arrogantly selfish to the egoistic will give Bolkonsky a different perception of the world, teach him to see and understand the feelings of other people: dreamy Natasha on a moonlit night, her bright personality, which he so lacked, and girls with green plums who needed to pass by him, and Timokhin, and all the officers and soldiers of their regiment unnoticed. Maybe that’s why he will not lose interest in life, plunging into the personal grief of breaking up with his beloved, when he is faced with the general grief of his Motherland, with an enemy invasion.

So Pierre, who was deceived by everyone - from estate managers to his own wife - needed to feel a threat not only to his own self, but at least to a loved one, so that he would find in himself strength, firmness, real tact, and, finally, the ability to manage the situation, as in the case of Anatoly Kuragin, so that he does not disgrace Natasha’s reputation and does not meet with Prince Andrei, and does not become a threat to his friend’s life.

When the enemy attacks the Motherland, Pierre, a civilian to the core, acts as a true patriot. He not only equips an entire regiment at his own expense - he himself wants to stay in Moscow to kill Napoleon. It is symbolic that, looking for the answer to the question in the Apocalypse: who will defeat Bonaparte, Pierre finds the answer - “Russian Bezukhov,” emphasizing not only his name and title, but precisely his belonging to the nation, that is, feeling himself to be part of the country. On the Borodino field, on the battery, Pierre, with his desire to help bring shells, is somewhat reminiscent of Prince Andrey near Shengraben.

Andrei Bolkonsky also feels like a part of his people. In a conversation with a new person, he amazes with his frankness, simplicity of words, and closeness to ordinary soldiers. Prince Andrei refuses Kutuzov's offer to serve as his adjutant, wanting to remain in the regiment. He will learn to fight on the front line, to appreciate the warm attitude of the soldiers towards him, their affectionate “our prince”. Having once attached great importance to military strategy and calculation, Andrei Bolkonsky indignantly discards this before the Battle of Borodino: Napoleonic comparison of regiments with chess pieces and the words of staff officers about “war in space.” According to Prince Andrei, only one feeling, which “is in me, in him, in every soldier,” can protect the small homeland (your house, estate, city) and the great Fatherland. This is a feeling of love for the Motherland and a feeling of unity with the fate of the people.

Bolkonsky stands under bullets, considering it “his duty to arouse the courage of the soldiers.” He will forgive Anatoly Kuragin a personal insult when he meets him wounded in a hospital ward on the front line. And love for Natasha, aggravated by common grief and common losses, flares up in Prince Andrei with renewed vigor. Pierre Bezukhov had to undergo a great purification through physical and moral suffering in captivity in order to meet Platon Karataev, immerse himself in the life of the common people and understand that “all his life he looked somewhere over the heads of those around him, but he had to not strain his eyes, but just look in front of you.” With new eyes he will see the real path to the goal, the sphere of application of his own strength. It is painful for him, like many heroes of the Patriotic War, to look at the unrest in the Fatherland: “Theft is in the courts, the army is one stick: shagistika, settlements - they torture the people, education is strangled. What’s young, honestly, is ruined!” Now Pierre becomes close to everything that happens in his country, and he stands up for the defense of this “young and honest”, bowing before the glorious past, fights for the purity of the present and future.

Bezukhov is one of the organizers and leaders of the Decembrist circle. He deliberately chooses a dangerous and turbulent path. It is symbolic that, in Nikolenka Bolkonsky’s view, both the teenager himself and Prince Andrei are going “to glory” next to him, through the swords of the reactionaries.

I think if Pierre had remained alive, he would not have hesitated to take part in the performance on Senate Square. This would be the logical result of ideological quests, spiritual self-improvement and the growth of one’s own “I” into a common “we”. At a new stage of development, as L.N. shows. Tolstoy, their sequel, Nikolenka, takes the same path. And his cherished words sound so close and understandable to each of us: “I only ask God for one thing, that what happened to Plutarch’s people would happen to me, and I will do the same. I'll do better. Everyone will know, everyone will love me, everyone will admire me.” The meaning of the spiritual quest of a real person cannot have an end.

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Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky are two embodiments of the same author's ideal

Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" introduced us to many heroes possessing the best human qualities, noble, purposeful, kind-hearted zealots of high moral ideals. And above all, these include Pierre Bezukhoe and Andrei Bolkonsky. Each of them is a bright personality and has attractive individual character traits. But at the same time, they have a lot in common and both of them are the embodiment of one author’s ideal - a person capable of thinking deeply and, as a result, developing morally and spiritually improving, and performing truly heroic deeds.
When portraying his heroes, the author did not embellish or idealize them at all: he endowed Pierre and Andrei with contradictory traits, advantages and disadvantages. In their image, he presented ordinary people capable of being both strong and weak at certain moments of their lives, but able to overcome the internal struggle and independently rise above lies and routine, be spiritually reborn and find their calling in life. Their paths are different, but at the same time they have a lot in common. And, in particular, the similarity lies in their mental ordeals, in the struggle. Pierre has his own weakness of character, cowardice, excessive gullibility and ideological impossibility. Andrei Bolkonsky has pride, arrogance, ambition and illusory aspirations for glory.
Pierre Bezukhov is one of the central, most attractive characters of the novel. His image, like the image of Andrei Bolkonsky, is depicted in constant dynamics. The writer focuses on the almost childlike gullibility, kindness and sincerity of his hero’s thoughts, and at first Pierre is presented as a confused, passive, absolutely inactive young man. Pierre obviously does not fit into the false society of flatterers and careerists present in Scherer's salon. In addition, Earless is indifferent to money and luxury, he is selfless and, in spite of everything, keenly senses the line between innocent jokes and dangerous games that can cripple someone’s life.
At turning points in life, Pierre's strong will and the best sides of his character appear, and then he is capable of much. Who would have thought that Pierre Bezukhov, this soft and weak-willed man, would subsequently appear as the organizer of a secret society of “independent and free people” and in the future would accuse the tsar of inaction, sharply criticize the social system, reaction and Arakcheevism and lead huge masses of people?
Like Pierre, Andrei Bolkonsky from the first lines stands out from the general crowd of characters in the novel because he feels uncomfortable in a secular environment. He feels his own important purpose. He appears as a cultured, educated, integral person - one of the best representatives of the noble society of that era. His love for work and desire for useful, active activity are especially striking. Andrei is burdened by a quiet family life and busy with empty public affairs, his soul yearns for something significant, he dreams of great exploits, “about his Toulon,” about glory. It is for this purpose that Bolkonsky decides to go to war with Napoleon and explains to Pierre the reason for his decision in these words: “The life I lead here is not for me.”
But he is destined to be disappointed in his idol Napoleon, survive the death of his wife and miraculously remain alive after the battle, and in addition, experience true love for Natasha and come to terms with her loss. After all this, Andrei loses faith in himself, so that later he can again find meaning in life and perk up his spirit. Finding himself again at the center of military events, but no longer in search of glory and achievement, Andrei changes externally and internally. Defending his family, Bolkonsky wants to destroy the enemy of the entire Russian people and feels useful and needed.
So, freed from the devouring lies of secular society and finding themselves in difficult military conditions, finding themselves among ordinary Russian soldiers, Pierre and Andrei begin to feel the taste of life and gain peace of mind. Having gone through a difficult path of mistakes and their own delusions, these two heroes find themselves, while maintaining their natural essence and not succumbing to the influence of society.

A lot of space is given to the description of the spiritual quest of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov in the novel “War and Peace” by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. The multifaceted content of the work made it possible to define its genre as an epic novel. It reflected important historical events and the fates of people of different classes throughout an entire era. Along with global problems, the writer pays great attention to the experiences, victories and defeats of his favorite characters. By observing their fate, the reader learns to analyze their actions, achieve their goals, and choose the right path.

The life path of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov is difficult and thorny. Their fates help convey to the reader one of the main ideas of the story. L.N. Tolstoy believes that in order to be truly honest, one must “struggle, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit and start again, and forever fight and lose.” That's what friends do. The painful quest of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov is aimed at finding the meaning of their existence.

The path to yourself Andrei Bolkonsky

Andrei Bolkonsky is rich, handsome, married to a charming woman. What makes him give up a successful career and a quiet, prosperous life? Bolkonsky is trying to find his purpose.

At the beginning of the book, this is a man who dreams of fame, popular love and exploits. “I love nothing but fame, human love. Death, wounds, loss of family, I’m not afraid of anything,” he says. His ideal is the great Napoleon. To be like his idol, the proud and ambitious prince becomes a military man and performs great feats. Insight comes suddenly. The wounded Andrei Bolkonsky, seeing the high sky of Austerlitz, realizes that his goals were empty and worthless.

Having left the service and returned, Prince Andrei strives to correct his mistakes. Evil fate decides otherwise. After the death of his wife, a period of depression and despondency begins in Bolkonsky’s life. A conversation with Pierre makes him look at life differently.

Bolkonsky again strives to be useful not only to his family, but also to the Fatherland. Engagements in government affairs briefly captivate the hero. A meeting with Natasha Rostova opens one's eyes to Speransky's false nature. The meaning of life becomes love for Natasha. Again dreams, again plans and again disappointment. Family pride did not allow Prince Andrei to forgive the fatal mistake of his future wife. The wedding was upset, hopes for happiness were dispelled.

Bolkonsky again settles in Bogucharovo, deciding to start raising his son and arranging his estate. The Patriotic War of 1812 awakened his best qualities in the hero. Love for the Motherland and hatred of the invaders force them to return to service and devote their lives to the Fatherland.

Having found the true meaning of his existence, the main character becomes a different person. There is no longer room in his soul for vanity thoughts and selfishness.

Simple happiness by Pierre Bezukhov

The path of quest of Bolkonsky and Bezukhov is described throughout the novel. The author does not immediately lead the heroes to their cherished goal. Finding happiness was not easy for Pierre either.

The young Count Bezukhov, unlike his friend, is guided in his actions by the dictates of his heart.

In the first chapters of the work we see a naive, kind, frivolous young man. Weakness and gullibility make Pierre vulnerable and force him to commit rash acts.

Pierre Bezukhov, like Andrei Bolkonsky, dreams of the future, admires Napoleon, and tries to find his path in life. Through trial and error, the hero achieves his desired goal.

One of the main delusions of the inexperienced Pierre was marrying the seductive Helen Kuragina. The deceived Pierre feels pain, resentment, and annoyance as a result of this marriage. Having lost his family, having lost hope of personal happiness, Pierre tries to find himself in Freemasonry. He sincerely believes that his active work will be useful to society. The ideas of brotherhood, equality, and justice inspire the young man. He is trying to bring them to life: he alleviates the lot of peasants, gives orders for the construction of free schools and hospitals. “And only now, when I... try to live for others, only now I understand all the happiness of life,” he says to a friend. But his orders remain unfulfilled, the Mason brothers turn out to be deceitful and selfish.

In the novel War and Peace, Bolkonsky and Pierre constantly have to start all over again.

The turning point for Pierre Bezukhov came with the beginning of the Patriotic War. He, like Prince Bolkonsky, is inspired by patriotic ideas. He forms a regiment with his own money and is on the front line during the Battle of Borodino.

Having decided to kill Napoleon, Pierre Bezukhov commits a series of frivolous acts and is captured by the French. The months spent in captivity completely change the count's worldview. Under the influence of the simple man Platon Karataev, he understands that the meaning of human life is to satisfy simple needs. “A person should be happy,” says Pierre, who returned from captivity.

Having understood himself, Pierre Bezukhov began to better understand those around him. He unerringly chooses the right path, finds true love and family.

common goal

I would like to finish the essay on the topic “The Spiritual Quest of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov” with the words of the author: “Calmness is spiritual meanness.” The heroes dear to the writer do not know peace, they are in search of the right path in life. The desire to honestly and honorably fulfill a duty and benefit society unites Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, making them so different in character similar.

Work test

Nesterova I.A. Comparative characteristics of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

Artistic images of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel "War and Peace".

The novel "War and Peace" was written by L.N. Tolstoy in 1869. The book was a stunning success. It was soon translated into European languages.

The work immediately aroused admiration among the writer’s contemporaries.

N.N. Strakhov wrote:

In such great works as War and Peace, the true essence and sublimity of art is revealed most clearly...

At the same time, the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy is a unique historical source. Here the fates of historical figures are subtly intertwined: Napoleon, Kutuzov, Alexander the First and fictional heroes.

Among the characters created by the writer's imagination, the most significant are Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. They both belong to high society. Andrei Bolkonsky was born into a wealthy noble family. My father, a former general-in-chief, lived constantly on his estate. Prince Andrei was brought up in a strict environment and received a good education. He was "...a short, very handsome young man with certain dry features." Pierre looked different from his friend. Bezukhov was “a massive, fat young man with a cropped head, wearing glasses...”. Pierre is the illegitimate son of the famous Catherine nobleman. Unlike Prince Andrei, he was raised abroad. It is obvious to the reader that L.N. Tolstoy contrasts the image of Bolkonsky and Bezukhov. The massive Pierre and the short, handsome prince.

Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, unlike Pierre Bezukhov, feels confident in high society. He knew how to behave in high society. In all of Bolkonsky’s behavior one could feel arrogance and contempt for those around him. “He, apparently, not only knew everyone in the living room, but was so tired of him that looking at them and listening to them was very boring for him. Of all the faces that bored him, the face it seemed that he was most tired of his pretty wife. With a grimace that marred his beautiful face, he turned away from her...” At the same time, Pierre Bezukhov was enjoying high society. All people seemed kind and bright to him. He tries to see only the good in them. So Pierre believes in the sincerity of Helen’s love, despite the outright falsehood. He perceives the ingratiation of the princesses and Prince Vasily as sincere kindness. The flattery of others after he received an inheritance is not obvious to him. Previously, he did not notice ill will, but now he does not see lies. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, on the contrary, has long studied lies and perceives them as an integral part of social life.

The speech of the heroes is very remarkable. So Andrei Bolkonsky speaks slowly with obvious arrogance. Only with close people does he take off his mask: “...seeing Pierre’s smiling face, he smiled unexpectedly - a kind and pleasant smile.” Bolkonsky's speech changes depending on who he is talking to. There is a sense of arrogance in his remarks to representatives of high society, and his speech does not change when communicating with soldiers. However, he talks to Kutuzov with great respect. In exchanges with his wife, his voice sounds irritated. Unlike Prince Andrei, Pierre always speaks passionately, his speech is emotional. He says what he’s thinking: “I keep arguing with your husband; I don’t understand why he wants to go to war,” said Pierre, without any embarrassment (so common in the relationship of a young man to a young woman) addressing the princess.”

The social circle of the heroes and their social circle are also different. Pierre initially leads a riotous life, participating in revelries at Dolokhov's. However, after the duel, excited by the possibility of murder, Pierre becomes a Freemason. He builds schools and hospitals for peasants and immerses himself in literature. In general, he leads a very, very measured lifestyle. However, he is surrounded by liars and flatterers all the time. After the departure of Prince Bolkonsky, Bezukhov remains alone among those who are alien to him, whom he does not accept. His wife doesn't love him. Helen and Prince Vasily only want his money. It seems that he found salvation in Freemasonry, but, alas, the order consists of the same people who disgust him.

Prince Andrei is also lonely in his own way, surrounded by those who do not understand him. The wife is only interested in embroidery and spreading gossip. All his friends are worthless and empty people. But unlike Pierre, Bolkonsky has a source of support - his sister and father. Pierre is completely alone.

In the army, Bolkonsky finds himself surrounded by people who do not command his respect. The prince directed his extraordinary mind towards achieving fame. The first step towards this is developing a battle plan, which, according to Bolkonsky, will lead to victory. And then, with the banner in his hands, the prince accomplishes the feat he was striving for: “But before he finished these words, Prince Andrei, feeling tears of shame and anger rising in his throat, was already jumping off his horse and running to the banner.

Guys, go ahead! – he shouted childishly.

"Here it is!" thought Prince Andrei, grabbing the flagpole and hearing with pleasure the whistle of bullets, obviously aimed specifically at him. Several soldiers fell.

Hooray! - Prince Andrei shouted, barely holding the heavy banner in his hands, and ran forward with undoubted confidence that the entire battalion would run after him.

Indeed, he only ran a few steps alone. One soldier set off, then another, and the whole battalion shouted “Hurray!” ran forward and overtook him."

The sky of Austerlitz reveals to the hero all the pettiness and illusory nature of his aspirations for glory. For Prince Andrei, the time comes for painful thoughts about the meaning of life. He tries to overcome the mental crisis by turning to his family and household.

In a crisis of worldview, unlike Prince Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov delves into philosophy and makes attempts to understand life better. He believes that he can correct this imperfect world: “... this is what I know and I know for sure, that the pleasure of doing this good is the only true happiness in life.” However, his search for the meaning of life is tragic and painful. The isolation of Masonic ideas from real life, the understanding that lies and hypocrisy reign in this environment, plunges Pierre's soul into despair. It is noteworthy that the heroes in one way or another owe their spiritual rebirth to Natasha Rostova.

The year 1812 can easily be called the most significant event in the spiritual development of both Pierre and Andrei Bolkonsky. Seized by a patriotic impulse, the heroes of L.N. Tolstoy strive to personally participate in the defense of the fatherland. So, Prince Andrei did not remain at the headquarters: with all his being he strove to be where the Russian soldiers decided the fate of the fatherland: “... if anything depended on the orders of the headquarters, then I would be there and make orders, but instead I I have the honor of serving here, in the regiment, with these gentlemen, and I believe that tomorrow will really depend on us, and not on them... Success has never depended and will not depend either on position, or on weapons, or even from the number; and least of all from the position." The hero courageously realizes his duty. Just like Prince Andrei, he understands his connection with the fatherland. A deeply civilian man, far from everything military, he found himself at the hottest point of the Borodino battle. The hidden warmth of patriotism allowed him to enter the “family circle of soldiers of the Raevsky battery.” “Our master” is how they began to call him here. L.N. Tolstoy emphasizes: in difficult times for Russia, his heroes feel the highest spiritual elation.

Being wounded in the Battle of Borodino brings Bolkonsky mental and physical suffering. Andrey changes his outlook on life and the world in general. After being wounded, he becomes kinder, more tolerant and simpler. While waiting for death, he finds peace and harmony with the whole world.

Pierre Bezukhov also goes through pain and suffering. Hunger, cold and fear help him gain a simple and wise outlook on life. Just like Prince Andrei, he gains a sense of harmony with the human world. However, unlike Bolkonsky, Pierre’s internal state is closer to life, more natural. Without any effort, he “matches” his existence and the existence of other people in post-war life. This is exactly how natural the union of Pierre and Natasha Rostova is, this is a harmonious unity of feeling and reason.

The images of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky have so much in common, but despite this, the characters are completely different. Heroes of L.N. Tolstoy express his own views on life. Lev Nikolaevich showed that every person should look for the meaning of life. Even if his judgment is wrong, he has a goal. We see that L.N. Tolstoy sympathizes with his heroes. The author does not directly condemn their mistakes, but clearly shows their consequences. He proves it. That every person should follow a higher goal, but at the same time remember that there is family and society.