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» Why do you dream about the prosecutor and the prosecutor's wife? Husband in prosecutor's uniform

Why do you dream about the prosecutor and the prosecutor's wife? Husband in prosecutor's uniform

Seeing a prosecutor outside the courthouse - a dream means that quarrels and grief await you. If you saw the prosecutor at the trial, you will have a trial.

The prosecutor takes off his uniform. It turns out that this is not a prosecutor, but a person who simply tried on the prosecutor’s uniform. The uniform is thrown into the fire and burned.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Your dream implicitly hints to you that you are afraid of the return of old problems into your life, most likely associated with men (ex in a dream), when you may find yourself in the role of a victim (police in a dream), but you are already on your own mustache" and are not going to get into trouble in matters of your personal life (a female prosecutor tells you about her ex in a dream). This situation with the antipodes in a dream (the guys from the police and the woman prosecutor herself) suggests that you have radically changed your opinion regarding men, and at the moment “no one knows who” will no longer suit you for the role of your chosen man, only if a man “no problem” - financially secure (you want to demand money from your ex for the risk). And you are internally ready to meet such a man without delay (fish and turtle, you reject the turtle) while you have such an opportunity (the man steps on your heels and tries to frame you, but he does not have all his teeth, that is, he is not what what you need) and internal potential (a magazine with a luxury sports car on the page). This is what your dream is about. All the best to you, Sincerely, LIVIA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Seeing a prosecutor outside the courthouse - a dream means that quarrels and grief await you. If you saw the prosecutor at the trial, you will have a trial.

The prosecutor takes off his uniform. It turns out that this is not a prosecutor, but a person who simply tried on the prosecutor’s uniform. The uniform is thrown into the fire and burned.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

For a woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that separation and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you call him, but he has turned his back to you and does not respond, or that he has left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream as painfully pale, unlike himself, means that troubles await you, because of which you will lose peace and sleep.

Seeing your husband handsome (without frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since your husband is currently dissatisfied with his life with you.

Quarreling and swearing, fighting with him in a dream is the opposite dream, which foreshadows joyful events and peace in the house.

Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by divorce.

For a man to do women's work in a dream - a sign of troubles, losses, stagnation in business.

Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. Seeing a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you will be able to find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your worries and troubles will soon end.

Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune.

Seeing a lot of men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young, pleasant-looking man and speaks to her, then changes in her personal life will soon await her. Remember this person's words and what he looks like. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then such changes will occur. And vice versa.

Seeing a freak in a dream and getting scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that a loved one will betray or deceive you.

See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Interpretation of dreams from

Did you dream about the prosecutor? Be prepared that in reality a very serious accusation will be brought against you. The dream book will consider various options for the character to appear in a dream and tell you why he is dreaming.

Gossip, rumors, intrigue...

A prosecutor making an indictment against you is an omen of intrigue and gossip. Did you dream that you were talking to him? In reality, commit some kind of offense.

Why do you dream that the prosecutor is accusing you of something you didn’t do? The dream book predicts great success. If you really did something reprehensible in a dream, then you will get involved in some kind of scam or fraud.


Seeing a prosecutor at night can mean a situation in which enemies will try to turn friendly people against you.

Sometimes this same image hints: you are on the verge of a very important test, which in some way is the last. Your entire future fate depends on how successfully you cope with it.

Take action!

Why else do you dream about the prosecutor? In reality, you have made a big mistake, and now you will reap the fruits of your stupid actions.

The dream book advises to immediately analyze the situation and correct what is still possible. Otherwise, you will get bogged down in the abyss of difficulties and problems.

Did you dream that completely ridiculous accusations were being made against you? You have thought through a plan in detail and you can rest assured that it will be implemented with perfect precision.


The dream book reminds us: a prosecutor in a dream is a kind of judge sent by the subconscious or Higher powers.

However, he appeared in the night not to punish you, but only to point out a number of mistakes that should be corrected.

If you follow the dream prompts, you will be able to avoid major troubles.

Interpretation of features

The interpretation of a dream in this case is directly dependent on its details. The dream book recommends recalling the actions of the prosecutor and other nuances.

  • The accusation is read out - someone else is harming you.
  • False is a chance. - Fair is a disaster.
  • Signs an arrest warrant - a trial is coming.
  • Proves guilt - collapse of hopes, obstacles.

Do you remember?

Try to remember everything the prosecutor says. This is a direct indication of what needs to be corrected immediately.

Have you seen that you blame yourself in a dream? This is a sign that a meeting, engagement or important matter will not take place.

If a young woman dreams of such a plot, it means that those closest to her will turn away from her, believing slanderers and ill-wishers.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book assures that a prosecutor in a dream is a symbol of danger. Why dream that you yourself accused someone in court? Prepare for difficult negotiations, misunderstandings and other work troubles.

To a serious accusation.

Dream - Prosecutor

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