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» Oblomov and Stolz: comparison of images. Oblomov and Stolz, comparative characteristics Contents of the activities of Oblomov and Stolz table

Oblomov and Stolz: comparison of images. Oblomov and Stolz, comparative characteristics Contents of the activities of Oblomov and Stolz table

Annex 1

Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Andrey Ivanovich Stolts



“a man of average height, pleasant appearance, softness reigned in his face, his soul shone openly and clearly in his eyes”, “flabby beyond his years”

“all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse”, thin, “even complexion”, expressive eyes


“Stolz is only half German, according to his father: his mother was Russian”


The upbringing was of a patriarchal nature, moving “from hugs to hugs of relatives and friends.”

My father raised me harshly, teaching me to work, “my mother didn’t quite like this laborious, practical upbringing.”

Attitude to study

He studied “out of necessity”, “serious reading tired him”, “but the poets touched... a nerve”

“he studied well, and his father made him an assistant at his boarding school”

Further education

Spent up to 20 years in Oblomovka

Stolz graduated from university


“Ilya Ilyich’s lying down was a normal state”

“he is involved in some company that ships goods abroad”, “he is constantly on the move”


Didn’t do business in the village, received little income and lived on credit

“lived on a budget”, constantly monitoring my expenses

Life aspirations

“prepared for the field”, thought about his role in society, about family happiness, then he excluded social activities from his dreams, his ideal became a carefree life in unity with nature, family, friends

Having chosen an active beginning in his youth, he did not change his desires, “work is the image, content, element and purpose of life”

Views on society

All “members of society are dead, sleeping people”; they are characterized by insincerity, envy, and the desire to “get a high-profile rank” by any means necessary.

Immersed in the life of society, a supporter of professional activities in which he is engaged himself, supports progressive changes in society

Relation to Olga

I wanted to see a loving woman capable of creating a serene family life

Fosters an active principle in her, the ability to fight, develops her mind


He considered Stolz his only friend, capable of understanding and helping, and listened to his advice

He highly valued Oblomov’s moral qualities, his “honest, faithful heart”, loved him “firmly and passionately”, saved him from the swindler Tarantiev, wanted to revive him to an active life


Constantly doubted himself, this showed his dual nature

Confident in his feelings, deeds and actions, which he subordinated to cold calculation

Character traits

Inactive, dreamy, sloppy, indecisive, lazy, apathetic, not devoid of subtle emotional experiences Oblomov And Stolz. Problem tasks Group Be able to compose comparative characteristics Oblomov And Stolz. ... Frontal, group Be able to compose comparative characteristics Oblomov and Olga, identify...

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    Image Oblomov, the formation of his character, lifestyle, ideals. Be able to compose characteristics... until the end 52 Oblomov and Stolz. Comparative characteristic To make a plan comparative characteristics Oblomov And Stolz. Be able to express your thoughts...

  • So, we will start working with the text.

    In one of the lessons, you were asked to compose a quotation comparative description according to plan, using only material from the novel. Text of the novel.

    Why is this necessary?

    Text analysis, deep text analysis! In this case, it will allow you to understand what makes up the image of the hero, how the choice of lexical means allows the Master (writer!) to create the character of the character. We will see that the choice of one or another will allow us to convey to the reader a deep thought, an idea (which idea exactly - we will try to determine together with you)

    You are on the wiki page, which means you can make changes. How to do this - see. Don't forget to indicate authorship - this way it will be clear to me who to evaluate.

    I filled out the first column as a sample - here is everything we talked about in class. If you would like to add to the first column, please do so, this is encouraged.

    Comparative characteristics of the image

    Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolts

    Ilya Oblomov Andrey Stolts

    "He was a man of years thirty-two or three years old, medium height,
    good-looking, with dark gray eyes , nose absence of any
    a certain idea
    any concentration in facial features. The thought was walking
    like a free bird across the face, fluttered in the eyes, sat on half-open lips,
    hid in the folds of the forehead, then disappeared completely, and then all over the face
    glowed evenly light carelessness..."

    "...Complexion Ilya Ilyich was neither ruddy, nor dark, nor positively
    pale and indifferent .."

    "...body him, judging by the matte, too white
    light neck, small plump arms, soft shoulders
    , it seemed too pampered
    for a man..."

    "Stolz peer Oblomov: and he is already over thirty years old..."

    "...He's all made up of bones, muscles and nerves like blood English
    horse. He thin; he has almost no cheeks at all , that is, there is a bone yes
    muscle, but no sign of fatty roundness; color faces smooth, dark and no blush; The eyes, although a little greenish, are expressive.
    "..He made no unnecessary movements ..."

    Lifestyle, household items

    “The room where Ilya Ilyich was lying seemed at first glance to be beautifully decorated. But the experienced eye of a man with pure taste<...>I would just read it the desire to somehow observe the decorum of inevitable decency, just to get rid of them."

    “There was a forgotten towel lying on the sofa; on the table, on rare mornings, there wasn’t a plate with a salt shaker and a gnawed bone that hadn’t been cleared away from last night’s dinner, and there weren’t bread crumbs lying around. If it weren’t for this plate, and a freshly smoked pipe leaning against the bed, or not for myself the owner lying on her, you would think that no one lives hereso everything became dusty, faded and generally devoid of living traces of human presence"(Kipriyanova)

    “Ilya Ilyich’s lying down was neither a necessity, like a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like a lazy person: it is was his normal state"(Klimova)

    "Andrey often taking a break from business or from a social crowd, from the evening, from a ball I was going to sit on Oblomov’s wide sofa.” (Kipriyanova)

    "He constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; you need to write some project or adapt a new idea to business - they choose it. Meanwhile he goes out into the world and reads: when he has time - God knows"(Klimova)


    “Oh, if only Andrei would come quickly... He would have sorted everything out...”

    “Or maybe Zakhar will try to settle everything so that there won’t be any need to move; maybe they’ll get by…”

    "Everything is eternal running around in starts, and game of trashy passions, especially greed, gossip<...>Boredom, boredom, boredom! Where is the man?? His integrity?<...>Light, society! You send me there for more discourage being there! What to look for there? Interests, mind, heart? All these are dead people, sleeping people!..." (A. Ustyantseva)

    "A simple, that is, direct, real outlook on life - that was his constant task<...>.

    “It’s tricky and difficult to live simply!”

    "Work is the image, content, element and purpose of life, at least mine."

    "He opened his umbrella while it was raining, that is, he suffered while the grief lasted, and he suffered without timid submission, but more with annoyance, with pride, and endured it patiently only because attributed the cause of all suffering to himself, and did not hang it, like a caftan, on someone else’s nail. AND enjoyed the joy, like a flower plucked along the way, until it withers in your hands..."

    “He was afraid of every dream, or if he entered its area, he entered as one enters a grotto with the inscription: ma solitude, mon hermitage, mon repos, knowing the hour and minute when you will leave there.” (Klimova)

    Childhood, family background

    " Parents did not rush to explain to the child the meaning of life And prepare him for her, as to something sophisticated and serious; did not torment him over books that give rise to a darkness of questions in his head, but questions gnaw at the mind and heart and shorten life."

    “Everyone gasped and began to reproach each other for how long ago this had not occurred to them: one to remind, another to tell to correct, a third to correct."

    "He was looking forward to this moment with which his independent life began"(Kipriyanova)

    "Zakhar, as it used to be, was a nanny, pulls up his stockings, puts on his shoes, and Ilyusha is already fourteen year old the boy only knows that he is lying down, first one leg, then the other...” (A. Ustyantseva)

    “They brought Andrei - but in what form: without boots, with a torn dress and a broken nose either from himself or from another boy."

    “The father put him on a spring cart, gave him the reins and ordered him to be taken to the factory, then to the fields, then to the city, to the merchants, to public places, then to look at some clay, which he would take on his finger, smell, sometimes lick, And He’ll let his son smell it and explain what it’s like and what it’s good for. Otherwise, they’ll go and see how they mine potash or tar, or melt lard.”

    "— Go back where you came from- he added, - and come again with a translation, instead of one, two chapters, and teach your mother the role from the French comedy that she asked: don't show up without it!" (Kipriyanova)

    "...Andryusha studied well, and his father made him a tutor in his small boarding house.<…>he paid him a salary as a craftsman, completely in German: ten rubles a month, and forced me to sign in the book." (A. Ustyantseva)

    Attitude to study

    "Father and mother imprisoned the spoiled one Ilyusha for a book. It was worth it tears, cries, whims."

    "And everyone in the house was imbued with the conviction that Studying and parenting Saturday should not coincide at all, or that a holiday on Thursday is an insurmountable obstacle to studying for the whole week. And for three weeks Ilyusha stays at home, and then, you see, it’s not far from Holy Week, and then there’s a holiday, and then someone in the family for some reason decides that they don’t study on Fomina’s week; There are two weeks left until summer - there’s no point in traveling, and in the summer the German himself rests, so it’s better to put it off until the fall." (Kipriyanova)

    “He generally considered all this to be a punishment sent down by heaven for our sins...” (Klimova)

    " From the age of eight he sat with his father for a geographical map, sorted through the warehouses of Herder, Wieland, biblical verses and summed up the illiterate accounts of peasants, townspeople and factory workers, and with his mother he read sacred history, learned the fables of Krylov and sorted through the warehouses of Telemacus." (Kipriyanova)

    Attitude to service

    Ilya Ilyich would like service to be something like an optional and easy activity. If this were the case, no doubt he would willingly go to work. But when confronted with reality, Ilya Ilyich realized that service required significant effort, which he was not at all ready to spend on it.

    It's interesting how Goncharov characterizes Oblomov’s views: “Life in his eyes was divided into two halves: one consisted of work and boredom - these were synonyms for him; the other is from peace and peaceful fun. From this, the main field - the service at first puzzled him in the most unpleasant way”.

    Oblomov is trying to free himself from service at any cost. He strives for relaxation and pleasure, not realizing that in fact, rest is good and pleasant only after completed tasks. Ilya Ilyich is not ready to take responsibility for his actions. (Kvashenko M.)

    For Andrei Stolz, work is not a way to achieve peace, any desire for which Stolz called “Oblomovism.” For him, work is “the image, content, element and purpose of life”.Stolz treated his service responsibly, was hardworking, and was never lazy, Always completed assigned tasks to completion when performing work.He worked not for a high goal, but for the sake of personal success.(Kuzmin Zh.)

    Attitude towards love

    "He never did not surrender to beauties, was never their slave, not even very much diligent fan, already because getting closer to women leads to a lot of trouble.<…>Rarely did fate confront him with a woman in society to such an extent that he could flare up for a few days and consider himself in love...” (A. Ustyantseva)

    "He not blinded by beauty and therefore I did not forget, did not humiliate a man's dignity, was not a slave, “did not lie at the feet” of beauties, although did not experience fiery passions"(A. Ustyantseva)


    Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” rightfully occupies an important place in the collection of Russian classical literature of the nineteenth century. A work that reveals the characters of people living at the same time and in the same society cannot but attract attention, and the life stories of two friends, Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolts, deserve special attention.

    Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is an ambiguous and very curious character. He spends his days on his favorite sofa, being in an eternal half-asleep and some semblance of a state of relaxed apathy. He is not interested in active work, nor in farming, nor in self-development - his whole life is like the sluggish flow of a river, measured and unhurried. It can be noted that Ilya Ilyich’s parents also encouraged this way of life - he was raised in love and tenderness, and sometimes overprotected, which led to the formation of a frankly infantile attitude towards life at a conscious age. Dreams, daydreams and memories of a happy childhood are what Oblomov’s world consists of.

    Oblomov's childhood friend, Andrei Ivanovich Stolts, is the complete opposite of the main character of the novel. Stolz is hardworking, and this trait was instilled in him from the earliest years of his life. Andrei Ivanovich’s parents showed the hero by their example how important it is to be an economic and active person, so as not to simply live your life in vain. But, in my opinion, there are a number of misconceptions in Stolz’s lifestyle - the character literally “lives” by work, his whole life is planned out by the hour and minute, there is no place in it for surprises and simple human joys, not overshadowed by the constant oppression of the need to work and banally keep Everything's under control.

    Despite the fact that Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolts are completely different, their friendship lasts for decades. Stolz respects Oblomov for his kindness and honesty, and Oblomov appreciates high moral qualities and decency in his friend. Watching the history of their friendship, you begin to think about how secondary character traits, life guidelines and goals can be, if the main thing lives in the souls of people - goodness, justice, openness and willingness to help and support.

    In my opinion, in the novel “Oblomov” Goncharov shows readers how important it is to respect and appreciate each other, even if we are talking about people who are completely different from each other. Neither Stolz nor Oblomov can be called ideal people, but they are able to demonstrate their best qualities and be true friends, and this is worth a lot.

    Option 2

    Goncharov, creating a novel called “Oblomov,” showed readers two specific types of people. Such different people. And both are inherently unhappy... Drawing the images of Oblomov and Stolz, the author captured qualities in them that were different from each other. It cannot be argued that the qualities of any of the characters presented are negative. No, these are some kind of shortcomings that sometimes you don’t pay attention to. And often habits are too hard to break...

    Ilya Oblomov... A true dreamer, a true romantic. Since childhood, he grew up carefree. The child did not know what commitment and curiosity were. All his life he was away from fame and luxury. The hero grew up at home, completely unprepared for life's circumstances.

    At an early age, her son’s mother overprotected him, which is why Oblomov left the family as a sloppy and inexperienced person. The character loves being in a fantasy world so much that he forgets about reality. That’s why he often spends his time in dreams, and rarely does the hero wander the streets. Oblomov is not able to work; he is too tender and weak for work. However, the character is notable for the fact that in any situation his feelings come first. The priority is not the material, but the spiritual component!

    What can I say about Stolz? This character is the complete opposite of Oblomov. He dresses brilliantly, is well educated, and is a hard worker. Since childhood, he showed curiosity about all the oddities in this world. From an early age, his mother managed to introduce art into Stolz’s life and introduce the boy to music and books. The father did not infringe on the freedom of his own child. He knew that if a person is interested, then in no case should this curiosity be excluded. Otherwise, the child will lose all attachment to the world. Therefore, the hero often left home at night in order to explore new areas and outskirts. He himself was responsible for his own life. He himself accepted the punishment for disobedience. Already in the early period of childhood, the child learned the important qualities of adults. Responsibility, integrity, striving for excellence. That is why Stolz was known as a successful man. He has an excellent job that brings in a huge income. His wardrobe is gorgeous. However, the hero does not care about family relationships. He is tied up in numbers and calculations. His calling is to work like a machine. But Stolz has nothing behind this... Feelings don’t come out...

    Comparing the two heroes of Goncharov’s novel, it should be noted that Stolz and Oblomov are completely different personalities. If the first is a hard worker, then the other is a real dreamer. For Stolz, it is important to set goals and achieve them. For Oblomov to picture a heavenly life in his head. But, what is noteworthy, Stolz’s beloved initially longed to be with Oblomov. Why? The answer is simple: Oblomov had real feelings. A sincere smile, beautiful eyes, childish sloppiness. All this was attractive. However, due to Ilya's fear, the beloved doves were unable to find each other. But the heroine was not happy with Stolz either. They didn't even have children. So figure out where the right choice is!

    Essay by Oblomov and Stolz

    One of the topics touched upon by Alexander Goncharov in the novel “Oblomov” is friendship between completely different people and how it can change a person in one direction or another.

    Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the son of hereditary nobles. He grew up as a cheerful, cheerful, active boy, but his parents, with their excessive care, made him lazy, passive, not purposeful, and unable to express himself. He was spoiled. I did not strive for knowledge either at the boarding school or at the university. I was always overweight and often complained about my health.

    After completing his studies, he enters the service, where he receives the rank of collegiate secretary. But his career does not work out due to simple stupidity; Ilya sends documents to the wrong address.

    At thirty-two years old, Oblomov just lies on the couch, not trying to find something to do. He is a dreamy homebody. Having parents' property only brings losses, since Ilya does not want to deal with it, and he is not strong in financial matters.

    He is always tactful when dealing with women. He was in love with Olga Ilyinskaya, to whom he caused a lot of suffering. As a result, he tied the knot with the widow Pshenitsyna, she did not demand anything from him and this completely suited him.

    Andrei Ivanovich Stolts, on the contrary, was brought up in strictness and was always an inquisitive, smart boy. I strived for knowledge. He is quite hardworking and not the least bit spoiled. He grew up to be a strong, brave, self-confident person. Andrey is thin, has no cheeks at all, and has dark skin. Travels a lot, reads books, loves life as it is. It exudes masculinity and health.

    Thanks to his determination and hard work, Stolz becomes a wealthy person. He is respected in society.

    In his relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya, he behaves like a real man and achieves his goal - to marry the woman he loves.

    Andrey has always been a realist, so dreams are meaningless for him. He always has clearly defined goals in his head, and he knows exactly how to achieve them.

    Oblomov and Stolz have been best friends since childhood. Whenever possible, they always came to each other's aid. Andrey helped Ilya with life and everyday problems, and Ilya helped Andrey simply with sincere conversations that helped restore peace of mind.

    The life of a teenager is very difficult. This is a difficult age in which many problems can be expected. They are very difficult to deal with alone. Most adults say that life is easy for a teenager because they live at their parents' house

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  • Nature fascinates with its fantastic landscapes, delights the human eye, and brings a lot of positive emotions. The beauty of nature is unique at any time of the year.

    Autumn is known to everyone as a very rainy time. Not everyone likes to come home after a short walk with their clothes soaking wet.

    I.A. Goncharov in his novel touches on a very relevant topic: the confrontation between work and laziness, which for centuries has remained the most discussed and debatable. Nowadays, this topic is very problematic, since in our modern society technology is progressing and people stop working, laziness develops into the meaning of life.

    The heroes of the novel, Oblomov and Stolz, have been friends since early childhood. Their acquaintance occurs while studying in the house of Stolz’s father, who taught the basics of the most important sciences.

    Ilya Oblomov comes from a noble family; from early childhood, little Ilya is pampered and cherished. Parents and nannies forbid him to show any independent activity. Ilyusha, seeing this attitude toward himself, immediately realized that he could do nothing, since other people would do it all for him. His education took place in Stolz's house; he did not particularly want to study and his parents indulged him in this. This is how Oblomov’s entire youth passed. Adult life was no different from childhood and adolescence; Oblomov continues to lead a calm and lazy lifestyle. His passivity and idleness affect his daily life. He woke up at lunchtime, slowly climbed out of bed, lazily ate his food and was not interested in any business. Laziness, ingrained from childhood, did not give Oblomov the slightest chance to strive for science, to understand the world around him. Despite all this, his imagination was very well developed, since due to idleness Oblomov’s imaginary world was very rich. Oblomov was also a very trusting person, and the main person Ilya trusted was Andrei Stolts. Stolz is the complete antipode of Oblomov. From early childhood, Andrei was accustomed to order and to work. His parents raised him strictly but fairly. His father, a German by nationality, instilled in Andrei precision, hard work and punctuality. From a young age, Andrei carried out various assignments from his father, strengthening his character. He studied with Ilya, from his father, unlike Oblomov, Andrei was good at science, and he studied them with curiosity. Stolz made the transition from childhood to adulthood very early, so Andrei was a very active person. He strived for constant replenishment of knowledge, because “learning is light, and ignorance is darkness. He had a sober and practical view of events, he never did anything hastily without thinking about the issue that he needed to solve. The prudence and punctuality inherent in childhood found a place in Stolz’s adult life. Mobility and energy contributed to him in any endeavors. Considering the life positions of Oblomov and Stolz in relation to Olga Ilyinskaya, the following conclusions can be drawn: Oblomov, living in his own world - “Oblomovshchina,” was a romantic who took a long time to decide on concrete steps in real life. Their acquaintance with Olga Ilyinskaya occurs thanks to Stolz. Their relationship was not strong from the very beginning. Olga, knowing a lot about Oblomov from Stolz’s stories, tries to bring Oblomov back to life through the means of her love, but she fails to do this and “Oblomovism” wins. The relationship between Olga and Andrey develops naturally throughout life, “she laughs at his jokes, and he listens to her singing with pleasure.” They had a lot in common, but the most important thing was that they strived for life, this contributed to their rapprochement and the formation of a family.

    Be that as it may, the fates of both heroes turn out relatively well. Stolz finds his happiness with Olga, and Oblomov finds his Oblomovka in a house on the Vyborg side and lives out his life there with the woman he always dreamed of. This denouement shows that the author’s position towards both of his heroes is positive.

    After reading the novel by I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”, I am inclined to think that the events described in this work can be applied to our time, since in modern society there are many people like Stolz and Oblomov. And their confrontation will be eternal.

    Comparative characteristics of I. I. Oblomov and Stolz

    Oblomov Ilya Ilyich is the main character of the novel “Oblomov”. Landowner, nobleman living in St. Petersburg. Leads a lazy lifestyle. He doesn’t do anything, he just dreams and “decays” lying on the sofa. A bright representative of Oblomovism.
    Stolts Andrei Ivanovich is Oblomov’s childhood friend. Half German, practical and active. Antipode of I. I. Oblomov.
    Let's compare the heroes according to the following criteria:
    Memories of childhood (including memories of parents).
    I. I. Oblomov. From early childhood, everything was done for him: “The nanny is waiting for him to wake up. She puts on his stockings; he doesn’t give in, plays pranks, dangles his legs; the nanny catches him.” “... She washes him, combs his head and takes him to his mother. Since childhood, he also bathed in parental affection and care: “The mother showered him with passionate kisses...” The nanny was everywhere, for days on end, like a shadow, following him, constant care did not end for a second: “... all the days and nights of the nanny were filled with turmoil, running around: sometimes trying, sometimes living joy for the child, sometimes fearing that he will fall and hurt his nose...”
    Stolz. His childhood is spent in useful, but tedious study: “From the age of eight, he sat with his father at the geographical map... and with his mother he read sacred history, taught Krylov’s fables...” The mother was constantly worried about her son: “... she would keep him near her.” But his father was completely indifferent and cold-blooded towards his son, often “putting his hand”: “... and pushed him from behind with his foot so that he knocked him off his feet.”
    Attitude to study and work.
    Oblomov. He went to school without much interest or desire, had difficulty sitting through his lessons, and mastering any book was a great success and joy for Oblomov. “Why all these notebooks... paper, time and ink? Why educational books?... When to live?” Instantly I became cold towards this or that type of activity, be it study, books, hobbies. The same attitude was towards work: “... you study, you read that a time of disaster has come, a person is unhappy; Now you gather your strength, you work, you fight, you endure and work terribly, everything is preparing for clear days.”
    Stolz. He studied and worked since childhood - the main concern and task of his father. Stolz was fascinated by teaching and books throughout his life. Labor is the essence of human existence. “He served, retired, went about his business and actually made a house and money.”
    Attitude to mental activity.
    Oblomov. Despite the lack of love for study and work, Oblomov was far from a stupid person. Some thoughts and pictures were constantly spinning in his mind, he was constantly making plans, but for completely incomprehensible reasons, all this was put aside. “As soon as he gets out of bed in the morning, after tea, he will immediately lie down on the sofa, rest his head on his hand and think, sparing no effort, until his head is finally tired...”
    Stolz. Realist to the core. Skeptic in life and in thought. “He was afraid of every dream, or if he entered its area, he entered as one enters a grotto with an inscription..., knowing the hour or minute when you will leave there.”
    Choosing life goals and ways to achieve them. (Including lifestyle.)
    Oblomov. Life is monotonous, devoid of colors, every day is similar to the previous one. His problems and concerns are breathtakingly funny and absurd, and he solves them even funnier by turning from side to side. The author does his best to justify Oblomov, saying that he has many ideas and goals in his head, but none of them materialize.
    Stolz. Skepticism and realism are evident in everything. “He walked firmly, cheerfully; I lived on a budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble.” “But he himself still walked stubbornly along his chosen path.”