Makeup.  Hair care.  Skin care

Makeup. Hair care. Skin care

» Comma after introductory words. IX

Comma after introductory words. IX

Verbs, names and adverbs in a sentence can act as introductory words, which in one way or another - grammatically, lexically, intonation - express the speaker’s attitude to what he is reporting.

Compare two sentences:

This question, it seemed made it difficult for the guest.

Face his it seemed calm.

In both examples the word is used it seemed , but only in the second case is this word included in the members of the sentence: there it is part of a compound nominal predicate.

In the first example the word it seemed serves only to express the speaker’s attitude towards what he is reporting. Such words are called introductory words; they are not part of the sentence and can easily be omitted, for example: This question... made the guest difficult. Please note that in the second sentence, skip the word it seemed impossible.

Compare some more examples in the table:

Take it with you By the way, our books.
This phrase by the way, reminded me of an old joke.

These words are spoken By the way.

This phrase was said by the way.

Words separated by commas can be removed from a sentence without destroying its meaning.

By the way, from the first sentence you can ask the question HOW?
To the phrase BETWEEN OTHERS, you can ask the question WHEN?

Many words can be used as introductions. But there is a group of words that are never introductory. Read two sentences:

There will obviously be a good harvest this year;
There will certainly be a good harvest this year.

The first sentence uses the word obviously, in the second – certainly . Although these words are very close in meaning, only the word from the first sentence is separated by commas and is introductory. The words presented below need to be remembered: they are very similar to introductory ones, but they are not commas are not separated:


Introductory words can convey five different types of meaning:

    Most often, with the help of introductory words, the speaker conveys various degree of confidence in what he reports. For example: You will undoubtedly do well on the exam. or It seems like you need to study more. This group includes the words:


    Introductory words can also convey feelings and attitude speaker to what he is communicating. For example: Unfortunately, you did not pass the exam very well.


    Sometimes introductory words indicate on The source of information, which is reported by the speaker. Introductory phrases in this case begin with the words BY MESSAGE, BY WORDS, BY OPINION. For example: According to doctors, you need to stop training for a while.

    The source of the message may also be the speaker himself (IN MY OPINION, IN MY OPINION) or the source may be uncertain (THE SAY IS HEARD). For example: They say you will have to stop training.


    Introductory words are also used For organizing thoughts and indications of their connections with each other. For example: Firstly, this participle was formed from a perfective verb; secondly, it has dependent words. Therefore, it must contain two letters N.


    There are also sentences where introductory words indicate on way of organizing thoughts. For example: In a word, everything went well.


Introductory words also include words that serve to attract attention interlocutor:


These same meanings can be expressed not only by introductory words, but also by similar predicative constructions (introductory sentences). Compare: The snowfall will probably end soon And The snowfall, I think, will end soon. In addition to commas, parentheses or dashes can be used to highlight introductory sentences. This is done when the introductory construction is very common and contains additional comments or explanations. For example:

We're passing through our village once, years ago - how can I tell you without lying - about fifteen years old. (Turgenev)
Alexei (the reader already recognized him) Meanwhile, he looked intently at the young peasant woman. (Pushkin)

The rule for separating introductory words and sentences has several very important notes.

    If the introductory word is preceded by the conjunction A or BUT, then a comma is not always placed between the introductory word and the conjunction. Compare a couple of sentences:
    The doctor finished the appointment but of course, will look at a seriously ill patient.
    He gave his word and consequently, must restrain him.

    The introductory word can be rearranged or removed without a conjunction only in the first case, therefore a comma is required between the introductory word and the conjunction. It is impossible to do this in the second sentence, which means there is no comma.

    Very often difficulties arise in sentences with the words HOWEVER and FINALLY. The word HOWEVER is highlighted only when it cannot be replaced by the conjunction BUT. Compare two sentences:
    However we understand that this figure is still low(HOWEVER = BUT) . Bye, however, we don't yet have a clear picture of what's happening(HOWEVER – introductory word) .

    The word FINALLY is introductory only when it does not have a spatial or temporal meaning, but indicates the order of thoughts. For example:
    I hope that in the near future this project finally will be implemented. AND, finally, The last thing I would like to draw your attention to.

    Introductory words can begin a separate construction, for example, a clarifying phrase. In this case, a comma is not placed after the introductory word (in other words, the comma, which was supposed to “close” the introductory word, is moved to the end of the separate phrase).

    I saw, or rather felt, that she was not indifferent to me.

    In addition, a comma is not placed before an introductory word located at the end of a separate phrase.

    For the holidays we decided to go somewhere, to Kolomna for example.

    If the introductory word is in the middle of a separate construction, then it is separated by commas on a common basis.

    I decided to declare my love, feeling, it seems, in my heart that she was not indifferent to me.

    If introductory words are located before a phrase beginning with the words “how” or “so that,” then they are separated by commas.

    The day she lived seemed meaningless to her, in fact, like all life.
    He thought for a moment, probably, to find the right words.


  1. The portraits hung opposite the mirror.
  2. On the contrary, he didn’t even change his face.
  3. On the one hand_ I completely agree with you.
  4. On one side, the coin depicted a double-headed eagle.
  5. The truth is always better than a lie.
  6. I_really_ was somewhat surprised by this news.
  7. In spring_possible_flooding.
  8. There may be a flood in the spring.
  9. Everyone in our city is already talking about this.
  10. In Greece_ they say_ everything is there.
  11. Maybe you deigned to express yourself this way for the beauty of the style? (Gogol).
  12. According to weather forecasters, it will be colder next week.
  13. As scientists say, global warming awaits us.
  14. The train leaves in an hour_ therefore_ we need to leave the house.
  15. Fortunately_ Pechorin was deep in thought (Lermontov).
  16. We have gathered here_first_to resolve the issue of the timing of the work.
  17. He didn’t want to shoot himself - thank God - he didn’t want to try... (Pushkin).
  18. Of course_ you have seen the district young lady’s album (Pushkin) more than once.
  19. In one word, you got off easy.
  20. So_ now we can draw a conclusion.
  21. “You don’t bother me at all,” he objected, “if you please, shoot yourself, but as you please; your shot remains behind you; I am always ready at your service (Pushkin).
  22. She suffered for a very long time after separation, but as you know, time heals any wounds.
  23. The wind, however, was strong.
  24. Fedya brought flowers_ however_ Masha didn’t like it.
  25. A strong, yet warm wind blew through the window.
  26. As is known, a good upbringing can be obtained in boarding schools (Gogol).
  27. However_ there are various improvements and changes in methods... (Gogol).
  28. You_ definitely_ should come to us.
  29. I took the ace of hearts from the table, as I remember now, and threw it up (Lermontov).
  30. However, General Khvalynsky himself did not like to talk about his career; He seems to have never been to war (Turgenev).
  31. You will become wild_ you know_ if you live locked up all the time (Gogol).
  32. He was probably a grateful person and wanted to pay for his good treatment.
  33. You supposedly had to come to his office and report on the trip.
  34. Yes_ I admit_ I thought so myself.
  35. I still decided to do it my own way.
  36. Ivan Petrovich, you know, was an extraordinary man.
  37. Nobody, of course, went to see him (Turgenev).
  38. Gleb_ as far as I knew_ studied well at the Bryansk gymnasium (Paustovsky).
  39. But perhaps the reader is already tired of sitting with me at Ovsyannikov’s house, and therefore I eloquently fall silent (Turgenev).
  40. My arrival—I could have noticed it—at first somewhat confused the guests.
  41. However_ the political process began to develop in a different way.
  42. In my last report, I hastened to inform you that we finally managed to solve this problem.
  43. The experiences of transformations that happened around us had, without a doubt, a strong influence on the thoughts of the majority of people involved in them (M. M. Speransky).
  44. A group of border guards led by an officer approached the violators with the intention, as had happened before, to protest and demand that they leave the territory.
  45. Finalization of the agreement will probably take several more months.
  46. Secondly, there are a lot of abuses in the field of international tourism.
  47. However, if we remain committed to the spirit and letter of this document, it could not have been otherwise.
  48. We all know well, and everyone here knows well, that on the western, or as they say, the second front, about 1.5 million Allied troops and about 560 thousand German troops were concentrated.
  49. This modest, symbolic gesture seems to me to be full of deep meaning.
  50. Fortunately, the examples mentioned above are the exception, not the rule.
  51. Increased baggage value may be claimed for certain types of items.
  52. The reason for this is obvious: when the mind begins to recognize the price of freedom, it dismisses with carelessness all the children's toys, so to speak, with which it amused itself in its infancy (M. M. Speransky).
  53. Pravda_ spoke to me politely, did not force me to do anything, and I remember having the impression that he did not look at all these accusations seriously.
  54. But in our case, the truth quickly came out, and we were soon released.

§ 155. Commas highlight introductory sentences and introductory words, for example:

Arkady, it seems to me in every way similar to a piece of very pure and very soft wax(Pisarev).

It was clean, calm and, as our people said, spore (Chekhov).

Cossacks, it was heard, made a great attack(L. Tolstoy).

You, they say, pet great master(Krylov).

He, I confess, then I was confused(Pushkin).

With my eyes it seems he would like to eat them all(Krylov).

This , according to Arkady Pavlovich,the statesman was short in stature(Turgenev).

Firstly, the circumstances, secondly, ability to fantasize and love for fantasy, rather cold blood, pride, laziness - in a word, many reasons separated me from the society of people(Turgenev).

Fortunately, the weather was calm(Turgenev).

The most commonly used introductory words are: without a doubt, it happened, probably, apparently, you see, you see, perhaps, firstly, secondly etc.; however, they say, it should be, let’s say, it seems, to know, that means, otherwise (speaking), so, it seems, unfortunately, of course, in short (speaking), unfortunately, by the way (to say), fortunately, by the way, maybe , probably, on the contrary, for example, on the contrary, (in one) word, obviously, in all likelihood, perhaps, please, put it, I remember, in my opinion, in my opinion, in the opinion..., it’s clear, you understand, read , really, really, I admit, I admit, (it goes without saying) of course, let’s say, therefore, in a word, hear, actually (speaking), therefore, strictly speaking, thus, so to speak, tea, what good, or something.

Note 1. It is necessary to distinguish adverbial words from introductory words that answer the questions how? how? When? etc., for example:

These words are spoken By the way. But: Take it with you, by the way, our books.

This phrase was said by the way. But: This phrase, by the way, reminded me of an old joke.

Note 2. It is necessary to distinguish between the use of the same words and phrases either as introductory words (and, therefore, separated by commas), or as intensifying ones (and not separated by commas), for example:

You understand all this, of course?(of course, an introductory word).

Of course you will arrive before me(pronounced in a tone of confidence, of course, is an empowering word).

What else have you really come up with?(indeed, this is an introductory expression).

But he really has nothing to do with it(in fact, pronounced in a tone of conviction is an intensifying phrase).

Note 3: If for example, let's say, let's say, let's say and so on. stand before a word or group of words that clarify the preceding words, then no punctuation mark is placed after them (see § 154). For the placement of a colon after, for example, see § 159 and 160.

Note 4. Conjunctions a, and, less often but, if they form one whole with the subsequent introductory word, are not separated by a comma, for example: and therefore, and therefore, but therefore, but of course, etc.

Punctuation marks in introductory words often cause difficulties. And how do you even understand which words in a sentence are introductory? How to recognize them and how to choose where it is necessary to put a comma, and where you can do without it? We will help you figure it out. Carefully study these instructions and copy them for yourself - they will help you out more than once when doing your homework and will be useful in preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam.

What are introductory words

Introductory words do not enter into a syntactic connection with the members of the sentence and are not themselves members of the sentence. They serve to express a certain attitude towards a message or its characteristics. They can also serve as a means of logical formulation of thoughts, a reference to a source, etc.

The following may serve as introductory words:

  • verbs (infinitives, personal forms);
  • participles;
  • nouns;
  • pronouns;
  • adverbs;
  • unions.

Signs of introductory words:

  • They cannot be asked questions from other members of the proposal.
  • Can be replaced with another introductory word or construction.
  • Can be easily removed from a sentence without losing meaning.

All introductory words can be divided into semantic groups according to their role and meaning in the sentence. For convenience, we have combined groups of introductory words into a table:

Introductory words that express confidence/uncertainty
  • Certainly;
  • of course;
  • indisputably;
  • Seems;
  • probably;
  • Maybe.
Introductory words that convey emotion and express personal appreciation
  • fortunately;
  • Unfortunately;
  • to the surprise;
  • to general joy;
  • surprisingly;
  • Unfortunately.
Introductory words that indicate the source of information
  • by message;
  • according to;
  • according to opinion;
  • according to information;
  • In my opinion;
  • as they say.
Introductory words that serve to indicate the order of thoughts and build a logical connection between parts of a sentence
  • Firstly;
  • Secondly;
  • finally;
  • For example;
  • Means;
  • against;
  • vice versa;
  • So.
Introductory words that serve as a means of formalizing thoughts
  • in a word;
  • in other words;
  • better to say.
Introductory words that are intended to attract attention and are also unique forms of politeness
  • Please;
  • Sorry;
  • Sorry;
  • allow;
  • agree.

A lot depends on the choice of one or another introductory word in a sentence. For example, his intonation and the nature of the message. Compare the same sentence if you substitute introductory words into it really And Maybe.

  • Really, the children were successful.
  • The children must have succeeded.

Most words, depending on the context, can act both as introductory words and as regular members of a sentence. Examples will help you better understand exactly how to deal with introductory words.

Remember the words that are never introductory: as if, as if, meanwhile, as if, supposedly, just, moreover, after all, almost, approximately, suddenly, even, as if, in addition, little by little, as if, after all, whether it is harmful, precisely, necessarily, only.

Commas for introductory words (simple cases)

If two introductory words are adjacent, a comma is placed between them.

  • However, oddly enough, It was he who turned out to be right.

If the introductory word however stands at the beginning of a simple sentence, it is not introductory and for this reason is not separated by commas.

  • However they were very wrong.

A similar rule applies when however begins part of a complex sentence or serves as a means of communication for homogeneous members in a sentence. In this case, it takes on the meaning of an adversative conjunction But, is not introductory and should not be separated by commas.

  • Everyone is looking forward to spring and crossing out the last days of winter on the calendar. However It’s already March, and the snow on the streets still hasn’t melted.

If however located in the middle or end of a sentence, it acts as an introductory word and must be separated by commas.

  • And life however, getting better!

By the way, the introductory word plays a very similar meaning and role in the sentence however.

If the introductory word finally has the meaning in the end, as a result etc., it does not need to be separated by commas.

  • Katya studied a lot and finally I was able to pass this difficult exam successfully.

Introductory word finally separated by commas if it comes after the enumeration, sums it up, and also if its meaning is equal to words and further.

  • Zhenya played the violin, went to the taekwondo section, drew well and, finally, wrote great stories.

By the way, introductory word at all although not self-evident, it also has an indirect relation to enumeration. The truth is most often at the level of several sentences: it sums up and summarizes several previously expressed thoughts and brings them to a common denominator.

  • At all, you can talk about this for a long time and in detail, but it’s better to see everything with your own eyes once.

Introductory word Means separated by commas in the value therefore, it became.

  • Well, since even my mother already supported this idea, Means, that’s how it should be done.

Introductory word mainly separated by commas when relevant the most important.

  • Mark spoke quickly, heatedly, interrupting himself, in a hurry not only to convey his thought to the audience, but, mainly, trying to make it clear and obvious to everyone.

If So is written together, then this is an introductory word that must be separated by commas. If this is a conjunction + particle So, this construction is not introductory and should not be separated by commas.

  • So, let's start the lesson.
  • So will be with everyone who goes against us.

Remember that the particle it happened always separated by commas.

  • She, it happened, sat by the window for hours and watched the bizarre and varied life on the other side of the window frame.

Introductory word in combination with a separate phrase

If the introductory word in a sentence comes before a separate phrase, commas are placed before the introductory word and after the phrase. There is no need to put commas between the introductory word and the separate phrase.

  • This tradition spread quickly and is still alive in many places even today. particularly in remote villages and small towns.

If the introductory word is inside a separate phrase, it is separated by commas on both sides. All signs that should be used to mark a separate turnover are also preserved.

  • Everything that happens according to my deep conviction or, better said, faith, can be explained solely by rational reasons.

If the introductory word is located after a separate phrase, commas are placed before the phrase and after the introductory word. The introductory word itself is not separated by commas.

  • It makes me want to travel to distant and warm countries, to a tropical island for example.

Remember that if an isolated phrase from the rest of the sentence is separated not by commas, but by parentheses, inside them the introductory word is separated by commas according to the general rule.

  • I once had a stupid idea ( or brilliant, maybe) travel around the globe in 80 days.

If the introductory word comes before a separate phrase that begins with the words how to, it is separated by commas as a general rule.

  • The teacher was silent for a moment, probably to catch my breath.

Remember that for introductory words or rather, more precisely Two options for placing punctuation marks are acceptable:

The introductory words themselves are separated by commas, and those after them or rather, more precisely members of the sentence are not separated by commas.

  • You, or rather, I owe my position to your family.

In fiction, a different approach to the placement of punctuation marks is often observed - clarifying parts of the sentence are separated by commas. Words or rather, more precisely stand at the beginning of a separate phrase and are not separated from it by commas.

  • Analyze the past or rather, bad things in the past, makes sense only if, based on this analysis, it is possible to correct the present or prepare the future. (V. Nekrasov)

Introductory word combined with a conjunction

Whether or not introductory words and constructions are separated from the conjunction that comes before it in the sentence is determined by the context.

A comma is used if the introductory word can be omitted or moved without losing meaning.

  • I'm used to making all the important decisions myself, but, as you know, sometimes friendly advice is simply necessary.

Otherwise, there is no need to put a comma. Often this rule applies to such combinations of an introductory word and a conjunction A, How: and therefore, and therefore. Or introductory word and conjunction but: but therefore.

  • The day has passed the halfway point, which means, the street lights will be lit soon.

If a sentence begins with a connecting conjunction followed by an introductory word, no comma is used.

  • And indeed, why am I so upset?

However, if the intonation of the sentence in this place suggests a pause between the conjunction and the introductory word, a comma must be inserted.

  • And, to my great shame, she leaned over and snatched the book that had just been ruined from my hands.

An introductory word in combination with homogeneous members and/or parts of a complex sentence

Introductory words are not separated by commas from the following words and sentences to which they relate if they are located next to homogeneous members or on the border between parts of a complex sentence.

  • Something crashed loudly on the floor in the hallway, It must have been the cat that jumped off the closet.

Introductory sentences have approximately the same meaning as introductory words. Sentences are separated by commas, and in some cases by dashes.

  • Behind me, as my grandfather liked to say, will not rust.


website, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the source is required.

Always installed. However, you should pay attention to the fact that often students and those who have long graduated from secondary school have great difficulties with such punctuation. We will look at what exactly this is connected with in this article.

General information

Almost everyone knows that an introductory word is separated by commas. However, only a few can define this part of the sentence.

So, introductory words are those that are not formally connected in any way with the members of the sentence. Moreover, they are not them, but only express their characteristics and attitude to the reported information.

What parts of speech are they represented by?

It is not enough to know where a comma is placed to highlight introductory words and where it is not. After all, in order to apply the rules of punctuation, you need to find the same expression. And this is not always an easy task. From a grammatical point of view, such words can be represented by pronouns and nouns (without prepositions and with prepositions), various verbal forms (infinitives, finite forms, gerunds), as well as nominal phraseological units (sometimes verbal) and adverbs.

What are the difficulties?

As you know, commas are always used in introductory words. However, it should be noted that great difficulties often arise in their determination. What exactly are they?

  • Among introductory words and similar combinations, there are quite a few that are used in sentences only as introductory ones, and therefore are always isolated. Here's an example: if I may say so, in my opinion, first of all and so on. In most cases, exactly the same words can be used both as introductory words, and as members of a sentence (adverbials or predicates), and as function words, that is, particles or conjunctions. To distinguish between them, you need to read the entire sentence or paragraph. After all, introductory words appear only in context.
  • The second difficulty that most students face is that the punctuation of introductory words depends on their environment.

Why are introductory words necessary?

Commas should be placed in introductory words only when they appear as such in the sentence. But how can you tell them apart?

As a rule, introductory words are used in certain sentences to:

  • Indications of the degree of reliability of a fact or message (in fact, perhaps, certainly, true, indisputably, known, probably, or rather, in essence, apparently, naturally, really, etc.).
  • Indications of the degree of commonality of any information (as always, it happens, as usual, it happened, as usual, as usual, it happened, it happens).
  • Expressions of emotional assessment of what is being talked about or reported (to amazement, a sinful matter, unfortunately, a well-known matter, to shame, as a misfortune, oddly enough, as luck would have it, unfortunately, to chagrin, to regret, fortunately, unfortunately, to joy, to surprise, in some way, a strange thing, etc.).

  • Indications of one or another source of the message (I think, I see, as I believe, as is known, as they said, they say, as I remember, it is known, I remember, as I remember, according to words, as heard, according to messages, in my opinion, etc.).
  • The way of expressing thoughts (generally speaking, or rather, as they say, is to blame, by the way, to put it roughly, in other words, to put it mildly, in other words, it is better to say, in other words, in a word to say, as they say, frankly speaking, no matter how you say it, in a word, whatever you like, in short, actually, etc.).
  • Indications of the expressive nature of this or that statement (there is nothing to say, without flattery, to tell the truth, to tell the truth, it will not be said at night, except for jokes, to tell the truth, between us, frankly speaking, between us, I assure you, speaking the truth, according to conscience, etc.).
  • Indications of the relationships between certain parts of the statement (in any case, to top it all off, the main thing, in the end, firstly, comes out, mainly, at the same time, so, in general, means, for example, etc.).
  • Calls for attention (please believe as you want, see, understand, listen, don’t believe, imagine, have mercy), if you want, you can imagine , you understand, you won’t believe it, etc.).
  • Expressions of limitation or clarification of any statement (at least without exaggeration, at least to one degree or another).

In what cases are commas not used?

Commas should always be used in introductory words. However, it is quite difficult to determine them immediately. For example, there is a deep misconception that the following words are introductory: hardly, perhaps, in addition, as if, I suppose, literally, precisely, suddenly, hardly, after all, after all, ultimately, meanwhile, seemingly, exclusively, even, as if, as if (as if), to to the same, by decision (whose), just, supposedly, by decree (whose), approximately, almost, simply, approximately, decisively. But that's not true. These expressions are not introductory, and therefore do not need to be separated by commas.

Introductory sentences

In addition to introductory words, entire introductory sentences are often used in the text. As a rule, they have a meaning that is very close to the meanings of the introductory words or similar combinations. In any case, such sentences (depending on their location in the text) should be separated by commas (less often, dashes).

Examples of tasks

To reinforce the material about introductory words and their isolation, teachers very often give their students a practical task. As a rule, it is aimed at identifying whether the child has mastered the topic or needs to be repeated again.

So, here is an example of one of these tasks:

You must carefully read the sentences below, which contain numbering. Next, you need to write down all the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

  • The girl returned the textbook to the library (1) probably (2) even (3) without reading it.
  • The sky was overcast. It will (1) probably (2) rain soon.
  • He should be given an important and (1) sad letter in the morning.
  • What (1) could be (2) more important than a cure for cancer?
  • Of course (1) she wanted to reward her years of work (3) first of all (3) herself.

IX. Commas for introductory sentences and introductory words

§ 155. Commas highlight introductory sentences and introductory words, for example:

      Arkady, it seems to me, is in all respects like a piece of very pure and very soft wax.


      It was clean, calm and, as our people said, arguing work.


      The Cossacks, it was heard, made an excellent attack.

L. Tolstoy

      You, they say, are a great master of singing.


      I admit, he confused me then.


      With his eyes, it seems like he would like to eat everyone.


      This, according to Arkady Pavlovich, statesman was of small stature.


      Firstly, circumstances, secondly, the ability to fantasize and love for fantasy, rather cold blood, pride, laziness - in a word, many reasons separated me from the society of people.


      Fortunately, the weather was calm.


The most commonly used introductory words are: without a doubt, it happened probably, apparently you see), see, Maybe, Firstly Secondly etc., however, They say, must be let's say I think know, Means, in other words), So, Seems, Unfortunately, Certainly, in short), Unfortunately, by the way (say) fortunately, by the way, May be, maybe, vice versa, For example, against, (in a word, obviously, in all probability, perhaps, Please, let's say I remember In my opinion, in my opinion, in my opinion..., It's clear, do you understand? read it Truth, right, I confess, I confess, (of course) of course let's say hence, in a word, listen, as a matter of fact), that is, strictly speaking, Thus, so to speak, tea, what good, whether .

Note 1. It is necessary to distinguish adverbial words from introductory words that answer the questions how? how? When? etc., for example:

    These words are said by the way.
      By the way, take our books with you.
    This phrase was said incidentally.
    This phrase, by the way, reminded me of an old joke.

Note 2. It is necessary to distinguish between the use of the same words and phrases either as introductory words (and, therefore, separated by commas), or as intensifying ones (and not separated by commas), for example:

You understand all this, of course? ( Certainly– introductory word).

Of course you will arrive before me ( Certainly, pronounced in a tone of confidence, is an intensifying word).

What else are you thinking, really? ( Indeed– introductory expression).

But he really has nothing to do with it ( Indeed, pronounced in a tone of conviction, is an intensifying turn).

Note 3: If for example, let's say, let's say, let's say etc. stand before a word or group of words that clarify the preceding words, then no punctuation mark is placed after them (see §). About placing a colon after For example see §§ 159 and 160.

Note 4: Unions A and, less often, But , if they form one whole with the subsequent introductory word, they are not separated from the last by a comma, for example: which means but by the way, and consequently, but it became but of course and so on.